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Foundations of Geography:
Topic1: What is Geography?
it study of the earth, it feature and where humans live in earth.
What Effect of human activity
Geography studies all thing of the earth like population climate source.
How human and earth entraps with earth
Geographer study how human adapts with climate and earth feature.
Geographer with study how job is inviament
Habitat: where location where human or animal lives.
Human and earth have very close relationship
Topic 2: Geography Tools and Map Skills
Most valuable tool for a geographer is a map.
Physical maps show land a water feature.
Relief maps that show elevation, the height above sea level
Political maps that show country and state boundaries, population density maps that show
how many people live in there
Vegetation maps
Maps show weather
Same place can look different by maps.
The seconds most tool for geographer is satellite because it takes picture of geography
Every maps Compass rose that show east, west, south and north
Scale it show actual distance of the maps.
Earth divided by hemisphere
Equorter divide earth in north and south
Prime meridian in divide earth eastern and western
Latitude longitude
it measuring north and south
Topic3: Ever Changing Earth.
200million years ago lands was one continent call Pangaea.
Crust is the top layer
When Atlantic Ocean was born when Africa and American separated
Volcano can make island
Earth is moving 20cm in year.
Migration: people on the move
 Human migration from place to other for good place for food
 For hunters and gatherers and migration was necessary.
 Now days people migrated to city because city job maybe more plentiful or sometimes they
move to other country.
 The largest migration in history took plays in 1840 till
of European moved to North America and also million of Jewish moved to American during 2
 People also migrate to warm region.
 Business moved too.
 Migration is one way people trying to improve their life.
What is a Culture?
 Culture is way how people living and also they have same believe.
 Most of culture is different for example dance, food, cloth, ideal, language, ways which people
 Some country has 2different culture in one country. And they have different language and
religion for example Srilanka has 2 different religions that is Buddhism and Hindu.
 Family pas down their own culture to children.
 Some times they fight each other because of the culture.
The natural Resources of an Island nation
 In island country some times isolate from other country and It makes really hard to buy
something and buy everything from outsiders.
 Mauritius is a island were lots of sugar but they have to buy everything from other country.
 But they started to using this condition like made lot of tourist came to this island and show
beautiful view and they started to develop their crops.
Physiographic Features of the Earth
20/20 points -David Stein 9/17/09 3:12 PM
1. Archipelago-An archipelago is a group of small islands.
2. Basin- Is place where human made for keep water
3. Bay- a body of water forming an indentation of the shoreline, larger than a cove but smaller
than a gulf
4. Canal- an artificial waterway for navigation
5. Delta- place where one river divide to more river. Often it shape triangle.
6. Desert- A large area with only sand and dry.
7. Glacier- It big piece of ice moving land.
8. Gulf- A piece of sea enclose by a land
9. Harbor- it area for ships or boat and it deep.
Island- It piece of land on sea.
Oasis- A small green area in desert.
Peninsula- it's land or country with 3sea side and 1land side.
Plain- A flat area of land.
Plateau- A mountain or hill with a flat top.
River- A piece of water flowing to one direction.
Sea- Huge area of water.
Savanna- A big flat area with lots of grass but no trees and vegetation.
Strait- a narrow passage of water connecting two large bodies of water
Tributary- a stream that flows to a larger stream or other body of water.
Valley- A area between mountain or hill.
The Fall of the Roman Empire
Vocabulary Words
Empire- Group of people which have government or King and huge area.
Urban- area which is close to the city or town.
rural- Area which is not city and often it small and it in country side.
provinces- Small village which is in country side.
Society- Group of people.
scribe- Someone who write something about what some one's saying.
Christianity- People who is believe God .
taxes- Money you pay to government when you buy something.
unemployment- people who can't get their job
10. Morals- Believe of wrong or write behavior which is everyone has.
11. philosophy- Study of how humans think is changed or nature knowledge etc.
12. stoicism- Stoic philosophy
13. law- a system or rule of society or government, Make sure we have fairness and justice.
14. justice- Fairness how to treat the people, What is right
15. citizenship- Gives people who born in country right.
16. rights- It some situation or action that people can use.
17. Ingenuity- Skill of making or invention, Thinking for new idea.
18. Engineering- Leaning of machines or design machinery
19. architecture- Skill of build building or design it.
20. aqueduct- It an way that water can pass.
21. vault - It types of architecture that has rounded.
22. corruption - dishonesty and illegal behavior by people in positions of authority or
23. military- An army used by empire.
24. frontier- Border of the country.
25. barbarian- Group of people who didn't get civilization.
Ancient Roman Video
Fact 
Roman is control much of territory sounding in Mediterranean.
 In 79 A.D mount Vesuvius erupted and covered Pompeii in rave
 Roman loved to decorate their house with mosaic.
 Often seen wall is painted by artist and they also painted or made mosaic with myth.
 Home had court yard and beautiful garden
 Roman engineer building roads.
 They had centre square with statue.
 Rome is believe to founded on a myth and two bother brother Romulus, Remus
and they throw them in river Tiber (Which is pass middle of Rome) and they found by wolf
and wolf gave them milk. Romulus is first King of Rome. Roman development republic.
 Roman form and they had in centre of town
 They were great warrior and lot of territory
 Rome became so big so it was hard to rule.
 And Juilis Sicure. Rome of republic so they vote for their leader and Cicure
take out other’s power so he murdered by other.
 31 B.C.E- 476B.C roman was imperial.
 “Agustus: is the title given to Roman emperors.
 They had many emperors after Cicure.
 August was came from Augustes and July came from Julies.
 Roman engineers had sues
 They had Ingenuity
 Romans made oval thousand miles of roads.
Rome signature symbol is arches
Greek gods very important to Rome
Concrete invention from Roman
Pantheom 800000000000 years old
Roman’s land was almost west Europe and north of Africa and Syria, Egypt and Turkey etc.
Everywhere they went they didn’t made them slave they except their religion and they
became Roman’s citizen.
Emperor Hadrian decided made wall for border because they thought Roman become so big.
Archeology are like trash;;
Most of language is basic of Roman!!!!!!!!!!! Like Some of English, French, Spanish,
Social class determined by birth
Patrician which is wealthy people
Plebeian this is a poor person
Patrician had big houses in hill side but plebeian lived in apartment sometimes it was 5
Toilet was public seat
In Rome they had over 900 public baths.
Reading Questions/Vocab 40/40 -David Stein 11/3/09 10:48 AM
Hadrian wall
Where is Hadrian's wall located? Why the Romans build it in spot?
Hadrian wall located in northern England. It straighted from the smallest point from cost to
cost. This location was easiest to fortify and because there weren't any mountain for hostile
northern side to hide.
What materials were used to make Hadrian's wall?
To built the wall Roman constructors used lime stone, Morten, gravel, mixture of palaver
what defensive features did soldiers build along the wall wall? what purposes did these
features serve?
They built Mile castle, watchtowers, Forts. they used for spying attacking invators.
How many soldeirs were stationed at the wall? where did they come from?
there is 15000 soldiers are used to guild the wall. They came from Rome and southern
How did Hadrian's Wall finally collapse?
Hadrian's wall collapse when the northern tripes made the lions with the Saxons.
Parapet: Low wall or bank used to protect soldiers from an enemy's fire.
Moors: Areas of open land covered with heather or peat vegetation
Quarries:Sites from which building stone is removed
Barracks: Housing for soldiers
Cavalrymen:Troops mounted on horses
Fortifications:Defensive structure.
Garrison:A position by stationing troops there.
Saxons: Germanic people who conducted raids along the north sea.
Goth: Goths were members of a Germanic tribe of people that originally
came from southern Scandinavia. Persians were people belonging to the
Kingdom of Iran in southernwestern Asia
A Persecuted Faith Becomes a World Religion
1. What reason did Emperor Nero use to begin persecuting Christians?
He blamed the Christians for burning down Rome. Than after that he started to Prostitution
the Christian.
2. Where did persecuted Christians hide and hold religious services?
The Christian hid in catacomb in the catacomb they prepare religions services richels .
3. What sign did Constantine believe he saw in the sky before an important battle? How did
he react to this vision?
He believe he saw the sign of Christian sign. He made his Christian sign his own.
4. Why did Constantine call the first General council of Nicaea?
He wanted to unite the face of the Rome empire.
5. Why Constantine moved the capital of the empire from Rome to Byzantium?
He saw a God and God told him to move capital to Byzantium.
Sect:Religious body or faction, Especially one separated from a large
Martyrs:People who suffer for their beliefs
Coveted: Envied or greatly desired
Paganism:word used to decrive some types of religion that existed before
Christianty, such
Monastic:Relating to conditions in a monastery; secluded life of monks or
Heresies: Beliefs that contradict official views or doctrines, especially
established religious doctrines.
Dogma: Established belief or opinion
Ornate: Richly decorated.
Ottoman Turks: People belonging to Turkish tribes that created the
Ottoman Empire.
10Theaories on the Fall of Rome Chart and Wrap-up Questions missing due to extended absence. Please finish and notify
Mr. Stein to receive points. -David Stein 11/12/09 1:21 PM
Rivals- Competitors
Byzantium- Acient city founded 600 B.C. On the present site of Istanbul
Seized- Took by force
Deposed- removed from
Gaul- early name for present day France and Belgium
Convert- To change, Transform
1. Why did Emperor Dicletian divide the Roman Empire into two parts?
They decided to divide Empire into two parts because that perioud empire was tooo big so it
was out of controls. So that why they decided devided their contry into two and that the way
to govern their contry.
2.Afer Constantine became emperor of the western empire, what happend to Diocletian's
system of co-rulers?
He tryed to Dioceltian system work but rulers proved unworthy
3. What changes and developmens toook place in the Roman Empire during the reign
of Consantine?
What happended after his death?
After his death Roman was no longer centre of world. And Taxes become havier and haveir
because they needed more army for defend their empire.
4. What important even occurred in A.D. 476?
In A.D 476 Ostrogoths swept into Italy and deposed the last western emperor. Romulus
Agustulus. He was given a pension and sent to live with his family in Campania. The western
empire was finally at end.
5. After the fall of the Roman Empire, what aspects of Roman power and Influence lived on?
After that Barbarian King took Romans law and Government and even issued coins head of
long dead emperor.
Considering the 10 Theories on the Fall of Rome
Review the handout on 10 Theories on the Fall of Rome and then go to the links
shown in each row below. Determine which theory each editorial cartoon most
relates to. Record your answer and a one or two sentence explanation in the
appropriate column.
Political Cartoon(s)
Which Wh
theory y?
do the
The Fall of the Roman Empire
Questions (25 pts.)
Answer each of the following questions with two to three
complete sentences. (5 pts. each)
1. Describe some of the problems large nations in our world face today that are most similar to
those faced by the ancient Romans.
Nowadays lots of Large nations or country has lots of problem for control criminals or other lots
of situation what peoples do.
2. Which of these problems do you think contributed most to the downfall of the Romans? Why?
When downfall of the Rome emperor couldn't control citizen or other aristocratic class so
inside of country they fought each other and outside of country other country trying to
attack Rome. And now days also lots of nations get too big so sometimes they have
same problem as Rome.
3. Which of these problems do you think is the most serious for the great nations of the world
today? Explain your answer.
I think most serious problem is that nowadays most of organizations they can't control their
people or they fight each other because their opinion is diffrent.
4. Why do you think there are so many theories on the fall of Rome?
Because Rome was really big and it has really good organization and it was one of the most big
and huge country in the history.
5. What lessons can other nations and people learn from the fall of the great Roman Empire?
People can learn tat it not good if nation is too big or too small. If it small it doesn't
have effect or if it too big they can't control it.
30/30 -David Stein
NOTE From Dark Ages Movie
Barbarian invaded Europe because they needed food!!
Visigoth are Spanish
One of the way Barbarian attack Rome is block their way so they couldn't have
They ate human,,,, because their hungry
The Roman were so hungry and they watch battle and they started to eat dead
Degges brought in continenet from the merchant.
They exchange dog meat for return Visigoth's kid's.
Fall of Roman was beginning of the Dark Ages.
In that time they didn't have school or writing
next 600years in Europe had no education and dezes Dark age begun
Barbarian people started breaking Romans structure because they need rocks for build their building
In Dark ages Their new Emperor was Zeus Christ
They really believe in God because in church they had little bit of educate and feels better.
People were suffering
Christianity common through
Normal citizen's life was really difficult
One of the first King Clovis Great (King of the France)
They spoked Latin
He conquer people to his force
Rome carries the east under Justinian.
[Sacking of Rome
Storming Visigoths
Invading Tribes
Beginning of the Dark Ages for 600 years
Roman structures collapse
The Christian Church unifies the continent
Rise of Clovis, King of the Franks (Christian and brutal)
Conquered men and put them in his army
Roman carried on in the east under Justinian who wanted to reunite the
whole empire once again (An Empire Strikes Back)]
Justinian had decided to back to west and take back Rome's land from
Justinian ruled Turkey, Greece, Egypt, part of north Africa and Italy in
524 A.D
Justinian made a huge church (Sophia) in Istanbul
Black death started in this period and over half of population are dead by
this. (they said think half of the people you know will dead tomorrow)
Black death came to Europe in 542 A.D from merchant.
By this Justinian had black death so he failed... EPIC FAIL
They don't know exact but possibly 100million people dead in this period
6th~7th century you could hardly found town
548 A.D he died and his military and other thing dead with him this mean
he failed to back to WEST EUROPE
7th century
their life had back to time when Rome rise because of diseases and war
people became more and more paranoid of thing that they didn't
Half of children dead before he or she had been 12 years old this period.
Most of children experience their parent dead...
Monastery became more important
730 A.D
Some people change monastery life.
Early Middle Ages 400-900 A.D
Charles The Great
Middle Age is the period of time after Rome Empire fall to Renaissance. And this period there is no
special events.
Renaissance was rediscover of Philosophy and other lots of thing.
Columbus discovered AMERICA in 1492!!!
Charles the great which is Charlemgne
He was being religious Christian generous clever and great warrior
Charles start to making his kingdom which is KINGDOM OF FRANK which is France in present
Around 800C.E Charles becoming Emperor of Europe because his Kingdom was really strong
Western Europe Charles Eastern Europe Bazantium
High Middle Ages 900-1250 A.D
The Crusades
Time went town start develop but still violence
By this reason in High middle ages biggest event was crusades
Holly wars by Christian Soldiers in 1000A.D
Jerusalem controlled by Muslim,
They traveled to Southeast
1095~1291 8 times crusades left the Europe and tried to take Jerusalem
Most of the soldiers are became merchant and sold all goods and luxury to Europe and they also
became rich~
Code of Medieval Knight called Chivalry
One of the main gift was ARABIC NUMERALS
1100 weather got better and they invite way to get more produce food in same mount of area. This
reason it easy to live than after fall of Rome 600 B.C
1200 they started to build castle for comfortable and as well as protect
Late Middle Ages 1250-1500 A.D
The Black Death
Colder weather started and some historian said it little ice age
100 years between England and France was
The soldier from far country brought back this sickness which is black death
25 to 50% died in Europe after the Black Death
Killing cat~
Social Structure in the Middle Ages – Comprehension
38/40 -David Stein
Copy and paste this sheet to your SS Doc. Write one to three complete sentences that
completely answer each question.
Pre-viewing Questions
What do you think the term “social structure” means?
I think social structure is one of the social system that each person have their certain position or
certain level. Like peasant, Lord, Knight, king etc.
How people living together, how working together and everybody has level of society.
Why do you think it is important that we study the social structure of a given time period?
Because in social structure we can see in that time, how people live and what thy do. For example in
middle age there were peasant bottom level, Knight second bottom level, Lord middle class and King
was top class. We can see that peasant had to work for knight or lord, Knight had to work for lord and
lord had to work for king. This system make us to estimate how people live in that time.
How is society organized in our modern day social structure?
We have over half of middle class, small top class and bottom class they're bigger than top class.
Video Comprehension Questions
Describe why William the Conqueror is a significant historical figure.
1066 the battle of Haisting From Normandy France to England and he won so he became king of
England. However, he brought Feudalism in England. And his Knight became his Vassals.
Describe the relationship between lords and vassals.
Relationship was Lord gave vassals land and Vassal had to serve him and help him. So Vassal had to
be LOYAL to their Lord. If they didn't follows the oath than they had to give their land back to their
What was a celebration of homage?
Homage was celebration of to have contract that he became vassal and he will serve him and help
In your own words, define fief and give several examples of the types described in the video.
Fief is the land which their Lord give for their Vassal and they had to be loyal to their lord because of
this land or positioning office, taxes and position in the Church.
Provide several examples of the services required of vassals.
They had to fight for his Lord,
10. What happened if a feudal relationship was broken off?
they had to give their land back to the original owner(which is their Lord).
11. Describe the primary responsibilities of noblewomen during the middle ages.
Woman couldn't had land or only time they could have land is when her husband died and they had
only daughter. By this reason in this time they didn't married for love. They only married for land or
became nuns.
12. Explain the importance of William Marshal’s “vassalage”.
He was English and he had two lord France king and English lord so he didn't protect his country.
13. What is an effigy, and what might it tell us about the people of medieval Europe?
In this time powerful person made effigy like memorial of them. And this gives us clue of that days
people's cloths.
14. Describe a manor. Who lived on manors and what was their role?
Manor is whole package. Land, Building and serve.
15. Describe the role of the serf on the medieval manor.
they had to produce food for their Lord and their one of the manor. They're not slave and they could
have some food, cloths.
16. What significance did The Church play in medieval life?
Church was big connection of this time. There was Church everywhere and in there everyone was
In your own words, summarize the types of relationships that
provided organization and structure in medieval Europe. (3 or
more sentences)
Medieval Knight, Getting Dressed
35/35 -David Stein
Squire- Attendant For Medieval Knight
Vulnerable- Easily injured or hurt
Armor- The stuff that protects a knight
(Armor) Mail- Little rings which was protect knight's body.
Brayette- A steel petticoat, similar to a baguette; a lappet of mail.
Siege- Attak
Gauntlets- Protective gloves worn with armor
Agile- Able to move quickly and easily
Hoisted- Lifted into place, especially with the help of a pulley or other apparatus.
Impairing- Hindering or undermining
1. What was an arming doublet? why was it made of two diffrent types of material?
Doublet was usually separate legging. But sometimes two legs sewn in to single
2. Where were additional pieces of mail attached to a knight's armor?
They putted additional piece where Vulnerable place.Such as elbow,armpits, and knee.
3. Why was it important that a squire attach a knights armor well?
So that he doesn't get hurt. If he makes a little mistake, It could prove fatal.
4. In what order did a knight put on his armor?
From foot to head. Other wise, he could get boiling hot really fast not to mention extra weight.
5. How well could knight move about once they were fully dressed in armor?
Not very well! The best chance the knight had, was if he was on horseback. Still, poor horse!
Experiencing Feudalism in Europe
1. What was your role in the activity? What were the
advantages or disadvantages of being this person?
My role in this activity was serf and it has advantage that I can
live in safe place with enough food. But there was huge disadvantages was
that I was bottom class so I had lots of difficulties.
2. Why do you think “Oaths of Fealty” were necessary under
the feudal system?
Yes, I think every time when Lord of knight got something
from Monarch they had to have oaths of Fealty.
3. What were some of the “basic human needs” that were met
under the feudal system?
Human need water,food, cloths, and house. These were basic
need in that time.
4. Describe some of the disadvantages of this system for
both the everyday citizens and leaders of this time.
I think there was lots of disadvantages to both citizen and
leaders.first leader had to choose what he going to do with his knight and
serf. To citizen they couldn't go up to pyramid and they had to leave this
manor and they had to work whole day.
Prior to watching the video, copy and paste the questions and vocabulary
below to your Social Studies Doc.
The Knight (please title on doc) 30/30 -David Stein
Answer all questions with two or more complete sentences. (30)
In 800~900 BCE knights started to riding horses.
1. Describe chain mail, and explain its importance for medieval knights.
Chain mail is kind of cloths that knights wear for protection. It has
thousand of chain ring so it protect knight and this time that the only
protecting cloth knight have.
2. What does the Bayeux Tapestry tell us about the Middle Ages?
He told about battle of hasting and it shows how knights fought.
3. How did medieval knights obtain the money they needed to pay for
their horses,armor, and weaponry?
They obtained money in their land, by their lord or when they won the
battle they got some money which opposite side army had.
4. Why did knights start wearing plate armor, and how did this change
affect knights?
They started to wear this when they started to ride horses in the battle.
They had to protect their selves by the sword or lance and bow.
5. What was a dubbing ceremony , and what were some of the key
elements of this event?
In this ceremony one person become knight and key elements of this
event it lord put one sword to person's shoulder.
6. What role did medieval knights play in the Crusades?
The role what knight did in medieval is crusader.
7. What was heraldry and how did it play an important role in medieval
Heraldry was a profession of making jerseys. If without jerseys it hard
to knight apart
8. Whay did the popularity of using knights in battle decline by the
They used lance,mace, bow, sword and battleaxe.
Define the following terms in relation to knights in the Middle Ages.
9. Lance
A long stick with sharp thing end of the stick. It used for tournament.
10. Chain Mail
It used for protection of the beginning of knight.
11. Crossbow
It powerful bow which is fire without people's power. You press one
button it shoot to other.
12. Longbow
It bow that human had to shoot.
13. Tournaments
It kind of game which is competition of the knight.
14. Jousting
when two knights get on horses and ride at each other.
15. Surcoat
a loose outer coat usually of rich material
King Arthur wasn't a king or knight he was a cheif or tribulate
leader who
The Cathedral
In medieval people was religious so if someone died or fire on their structure than they though that it
punishment of God. So what ever happen it God.
Biggest Cathedral is Chartres Cathedral.
Lots of Cathedral was take dew hundred years to build. and most of them built at around 1200.
this Cathedrals built around 1200. People still been here to pray.
Cathedral was important because it was center of village and there was market. Basiclely it was
center of life.
For this people at this time Heaven and Hell was real.
Crypt this is the place where for Bishops or other important people and it under the church.
Nave it place where people sit and pray.
Vaulted ceilings it supported structure.
Built from stone because protect from fire
Stone Foundation going down to ground because to support building
Stone often flow down from liver
Stain glass was light of God.
glass making was hard and long process
Notradam is one of the famous Cathedral
The city grew they traded with other towns
international trader
Medieval Europe and England
Mr. Stein
Final Exam Study Guide
Exam Date: Thursday, February 18th
Study and review History Alive! Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, and the accompanying ISN pages/worksheets
completed for homework. The questions and vocabulary below are from the activities, readings, and
study questions you answered during this unit.
Early, Late, High Middle Ages
Approximately which years did each part of the middle ages last?
Early- 600~900
High-900 to 1200
Late- 1200 to 1400
Illuminated Manuscripts:
What is an illuminated letter or manuscript?
Illuminated is letter that monks wrote in manuscript and manuscript is big book which is
describe religious event or story.
Who made them, and why?
Monks or priest made manuscript.
HA! Chapter 2 The Development of Feudalism in Western Europe
What happened to Europe after the fall of Rome?
Barbarian invasion took over Rome and black death begin,
Which region was considered the Byzantine Empire?
It region in eastern Europe.
How did the collapse of the Romans lead to the development of feudal society?
They need protection from Barbarian and they started to working for person who has castle,
land and this makes feadual system.
Collapse of Rome makes people live harder and by this reason most people need basic needs
and people started to go powerful person and starts to working for them for their basic needs.
Who was Emperor Justinian; where and when did he rule?
He ruled north Africa and he lived AD 483 – 13 or 14 November 565 in the byzantine empire.
Why is Justinian significant in this period of history?
This person ruled eastern Rome empire. And he start to making Empire of Frank.
Who was Charlemagne; where and when did he rule?
He lived at age of 768 – 814 and he ruled Frank which is France in now days.
How did Charlemagne build his empire?
He made Feaudalism. and by this he had power.
What is feudalism?
Feudalism is one of economy system that King has Lord, Lord has land and slave
and slave and knight working for Lord and Lord working for King.
What concepts or ideals is it based on?
Why did it become important during the middle ages?
loyality, You had to rely on others to take care of your land, which was your power.
What are the roles in a feudal society?
KING: he had to keep order in the kingdom, if there was any misjudgement, the land went to him.
NOBLES: The kings most respected men. Their job was to take care of the kings land. In exchange, they took a
fief, and were considered vassals.
KNIGHTS: Who fight in the name of king
PEASENTS: Who work on the land.
What shape is the feudal hierarchy?
Who has or lacks power in a feudal society?
Serf has the lacks of power
Who was William the Conqueror and what was his role in developing feudalism?
He brought Feudalism to British people.
What was the Battle of Hasting?
Normandy (William the Conqueror) VS British, British lose
Social Structure in the Middle Ages
What does the term “social structure” mean?
This is the system which is powerful person goes top(King,rich etc.) weak person
goes botoom (serf,Person who sleep on street and doing nothing etc.)
What is the relationship between lords and vassals?
Vassal had to work for lord and lord had to protect them.
What were some of the responsibilities of women?
What role did the church play?
They gave huge effect to person's
Feudalism Vocabulary
Divine Rights of Kings
Oath of Fealty
Knights and Armor in the Medieval Europe
What were a knight’s most important equipment pieces?
Who were pages and squires? What were their roles?
Describe chain mail, and explain its importance for medieval knights.
How did medieval knights obtain the money they needed to pay for their horses,armor, and
Why did knights start wearing plate armor, and how did this change affect knights?
What role did medieval knights play in the Crusades?
What was heraldry and how did it play an important role in medieval tournaments?
Knights and Armor Vocabulary
Page (Middle Age Knights)
Chain Mail
Dubbing Ceremony
HA! Chapter 3
The Role of the Church in Medieval England
What did the Roman Catholic Church provide to people during the Middle Ages in Europe?
What role did monasteries and monks have during this time?
How was the church organized?
How did the church increase its power during the Middle Ages?
What was the struggle between Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV?
What was the importance of Thomas Aquinas?
What were the sacraments and how did one achieve salvation?
What were pilgrimages and crusades?
What was the church role in education and holidays?
What is meant by “religious orders”?
What was the monastic way of life?
How did monks, nuns, and mendicants live their lives?
Medieval Cathedrals
Describe some of the unique architectural elements of medieval cathedrals.
Church Vocabulary
Flying Buttress
Natural Law
HA! Chapter 4
Life in Medieval Towns
Where and why did medieval towns grow?
How was trade and commerce conducted?
What is a guild? What did it mean to be a member of one?
What were differences between rich and poor households?
What was medieval life like for young girls?
What were common diseases and how were they treated?
What were some common crimes and punishments?
What happened in the 12th century that improved a person’s rights?
How did people spend their leisure time?
Medieval Life Vocabulary
HA! Chapter 5
What was Henry II’s influence over English law?
What is significant about the Magna Carta?
How did political changes affect the decline of feudalism in Europe?
When did the bubonic plague or “Black Death” reach Europe and England?
How did it get there?
What was the impact did the plague have on feudal life?
Why did the Hundred Year’s war begin?
What was significant about Joan of Arc?
How did the war contribute to the decline of feudalism?
Decline of Feudalism Vocabulary
Magna Carta
Bubonic Plague
Note from video
castle was strange
It hard and takes long time to build castle
and expensive
it really hard to build castle and they couldn't build in in winter. Over thousand of people worked to
build castle
They don't use glass for castle
arch made archer can shoot well
used puleeys to hoist stuff
It made enermy attack in hard condition and defense in easy condition.
Castle of machine for war
spikes on top of walls
outer entrance opposite towards inner entrance, exposing towards defendants fire
They set few wooden door so enemy can't coming in to castle.
Also they had river front of castle and they close bridge when enemy come to make them hard to
come in.
hall was most important place of castle
peasant houses much worse than castle
Castle often decorate with pictures and fire walls. Also it living place so they could have education
Servant in castle had to do lots of thing
There is tons of defending weapons in the castle.
It was really hard to attack castle
when population started overpopulated they started live outside of castle.
Please make all necessary corrections! -David Stein 3/22/10 12:59 PM
Islam is people who lives in south western asia
Islam could be religion Muhamad created
they believe in Ala
they have lots of control in women's life
Mecca is their most important place
Lots of stereo type
they pray 5times a day
Mosque is the place of worship
Cleasing, Face east,
Allah is God
No pork no meet
Special clothing
Muslim are all over the world
Islam Definition
32/35 Please make all spelling corrections -David Stein 3/22/10 12:58 PM
Arabian Peninsula
A peninsula in South West Asia.
the pilgrimage to Mecca, which every adult
Muslim is supposed to make at least once in
his or her lifetime
People who moves place to place and never shelter for
long time
the Islamic profession of faith, there is no
god but Allah, and Muhammad is his
It people who is moving around to Oasis to
another Oasis
a tax, comprising percentages of personal
income of every kind, levied as almsgiving
for the relief of the poor: the third of the
Pillars of Islam.
It area with water and food sources
prayers, said five times a day: the second
of the Pillars of Islam.
Date Palm
It tree which easily find in Oasis area
Siyam (Sawm)
fasting, esp. during the month of Ramadan;
the fourth of the Pillars of Islam.
characterized by or requiring a sitting
It place where Islams are pray
He was prepercy of Allah in Islam
It their holy place
It person who prefit Islam
It big black box which located in Mecca
Angel Gabriel
It angel that gaves to Muhammad idea of Islam
Islamic calendar
Dome of the Rock
It the oldest archetecture and it kind of mosque
to abstain from all food.
of or pertaining to the religion, law, or
civilization of Islam.
"People of the Book"
It word for other people who don't believe Allah.
a spiritual leader of Islam, claiming
succession from Muhammad.
It Islams sport
It Islam God
Study of animals
Believe only one God
Study of stars
Believe in more than one Gods.
It food which is sort of onion.
It their bible Sentence of God
Holy war
Muhammad's word
The Hajj
Critical Thinking
____20 pts.
A practicing Muslim is instructed to follow
Five Pillars of Faith which include a Hajj, or
pilgrimage to Mecca once in their life.
Hajj: Muslims are to travel to Mecca to prove their faith to Allah.
The experience is intended to remind them that rich or poor, all
Muslims are equal of in the eyes of their God.
After the video, write a complete paragraph answering the following questions.
What did you think about Michael’s story? What do
you think about his devotion to Islam even though he is an
How have your views, opinions, or thoughts of
Muslims and the Islamic faith developed from watching the
video and studying this unit?
I think Michael's devotion of to Islam showed that how much
Muslim believe and respect their God. Also it was really surprising
when I saw 2 million people is surrounding and pray to Allah. I
think Muslims are really respect God and his messenger
Muhammad because they had this steps and they really followed
these steps. In this movie and this chapter I learnt that Muslims
are really religious. I could easily figured out. They pray 5 times a
day, no pork, no alcohol and there is 5 pillar which is
Shahadah,Salat, Zakat,Siyam, and Hajj.This chapter changed my
whole image about Muslims.
Hajj Questions 20/20 -David Stein
Renaissance age
Meaning – the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature,
and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the
17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern
Connection –
Meaning – a technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a
flat surface.
Connection –
Meaning – Having only two dimensions, especially length and width.
Connection –
Meaning – a person who offers views or theories on profound questions in
ethics, metaphysics, logic, and other related fields.
Connection –
Meaning – a learned or erudite person, esp. one who has profound
knowledge of a particular subject.
Connection –
Meaning – a person who is a customer, client, or paying guest, esp. a
regular one, of a store, hotel, or the like.
Connection –
Meaning – a sovereign state consisting of an autonomous city with its
Connection –
Meaning – a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of
citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen
directly or indirectly by them.
Connection –
Meaning – any system or mode of thought or action in which human
interests, values, and dignity predominate.
Connection –
Meaning – appealing to or engaging the intellect.
Connection –
Meaning – the science dealing with the structure of animals and plants.
Connection –
Meaning – A cathedral, especially one in Italy.
Connection –
Meaning – interest in or concern for the actual or real, as distinguished
from the abstract, speculative, etc.
Connection –
Meaning – a social theory advocating the liberty, rights, or independent action of the
Connection –
Meaning – An adjective used to describe a long-term time frame, usually at least 10
Connection –
Meaning – an act or instance of circulating, moving in a circle or circuit, or flowing.
Connection –
Meaning – expulsion from one's native land by authoritative decree.
Connection –
Meaning – a private or subordinate place of prayer or worship; oratory.
Connection –
Meaning – Also called buon fresco, true fresco. the art or technique of painting on a
moist, plaster surface with colors ground up in water or a limewater
mixture.Compare fresco secco.
Connection –
Meaning – comparative relation between things or magnitudes as to size, quantity,
number, etc.
Connection –
Meaning – the branch of mathematics that deals with the deduction of the properties,
measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles, and figures in space from their
defining conditions by means of certain assumed properties of space.
Connection –
Meaning – pertaining to the sky or visible heaven.
Connection –
Meaning – to cut apart (an animal body, plant, etc.) to examine the structure, relation
of parts, or the like.
Connection –
New World
Meaning – Western Hemisphere
Connection –
Meaning – Also called Invincible Armada, Spanish Armada. the fleet sent against
England by Philip II of Spain in 1588. It was defeated by the English navy and later
dispersed and wrecked by storms.
Connection –
Meaning – a dramatic composition, often in verse, dealing with a serious or somber
theme, typically that of a great person destined through a flaw of character or conflict
with some overpowering force, as fate or society, to downfall or destruction
Connection –
Meaning – the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or
deriding vice, folly, etc.
Connection –
Meaning – is a temperature scale that is named after the Swedish
astronomer Anders Celsius (1701–1744), who developed a similar temperature scale
two years before his death.
Connection –
Meaning – to separate or resolve into constituent parts or elements; disintegrate
Connection –
Meaning – a proposition, or set of propositions, set forth as an explanation for the
occurrence of some specified group of phenomena, either asserted merely as a
provisional conjecture to guide investigation (working hypothesis) or accepted as
highly probable in the light of established facts.
Connection –
Forces of change
Forces of Change Reading Questions 30/30 -David Stein 5/14/10 1:09 PM
Why did Leonardo da Vinci prefer to be alone?
By he prefer to be alone he could create, plan and dream
Why did he use "mirror writing" in his notebooks?
In fact, Leonardo was left-handed and found it much easier to write that
How did he learn so much about anatomy?
He leaned anatomy by studied human's body.
What steps did he follow in his scientific studies?
Observed -> ask question like "why did this happened?" -> make
What was Leonardo's theory to explain why fossils of fish and shells were
found on mountains? How did it differ from the usual thinking of his time?
In his time lots of sea creature moved to mountain area by biblical Flood
but da Vinci thought there were be different land shape than today so
there could be sea side millions years ago.
1. List four aspects of Michelangelo's personality that fit the stereotype of
Brilliant yet difficult, outspoken, and unstable.
2. How did Michelangelo learn his skills as an artist?
He learned his skills while apprenticed to the painter Ghirlandaio in
3. How did Michelangelo feel about following standard rules of drawing?
He understood the rules but he ignore it when he wanted to paint
particular effect.
4. What were two of Michelangelo's talents besides sculpting and
He was architect so he used those engineering to sculpting and painting
5. Why did Michelangelo not want to paint the ceiling of the Sistine
shape? Why did it take him four years to finish it?
Because he was the sculptor not painter. Also it took 4 years because he
worked alone to draw that huge fresco.
Who was Copernicus, and what was this theory about nature of the
Copernicus was the Polish astronomy and this theory said there is sun in
the center of the universe.
According to the author, what were the two most powerful forces that
affected learning in seven-teenth-century Europe?
Roman Chtholic Church and pope was the two forces and Aristotle
Philosophy .
What was the Inquisition, and what was its purpose during Galieo's time?
In the heart of civilized Europe in 1633, Galileo Galilei was hauled up in
front of the Inquisition.Because he supported the views suggested in
Copernicus's book.
What was at the center of the universe, according to authorities of
Galieo's time? what did Galileo's experiments and observation lead him to
That time people believed Earth is the center of the universe but Galile
figured out Sun is the center of the universe.
What does the author say could have happened if Galileo had not
disagreed with the accepted views of his time?
Author said this scientific advancement could have perhaps been
postponed for hundreds of years.
1. In 1506, what did investigators find in the runis of the palace of Titus?
Who had written that the object would be there?
They found Statue of Laocoon and he was the priests of Apollo in legend.
However, Pliny wrote this statue locate in Rome.
2. What style of art developed from this discovery? What are some of the
qualities of this style of art?
They developed baroque style of art based on the sculpture, which is vivid
and full of action.
3. What kind of people were the first archaeologists? Where did they do
most of their searching?
They were amateurs who were guided to old ruins by ancient texts.
4. Where did wealthy English people of the eighteenth century help move
archaeology from an amateur sport to a science?
However, wealthy ENglish people in Britain formed societies to study early
remain sand hired artists to draw and paint ancient ruins. Represent one
of the earliest permanent contributions to the new science of
5. Instead of dismantling ruins and taking items to museums, what do
archaeologists now try to do at sites like Herculaneum and Pompeii?
As a result archaeologists began to conserve and restore the finds at the
site itself. Excavators left ancient shops, houses, baths, and temples
exactly as they had been in the past.
1. What theory did Newton develop to explain why apples fall to the earth
and why the moon and planets stay in their orbits?
He developed gravity by enplaning why apple is dropped to the ground.
also he explained it the same reason why planets can around same orbit.
2. Why had the year 1666 been called "The Miraculous Year" in Newton's
Only weeks earlier, the Great Fire of London had swept away the last
remnants of the plague, which had taken thousand of lives.
3. What does the author say was the greatest development in the history
of mathematics? How is it used today?
Greatest development in the history of mathematics was calculus. Today,
scientists use both of these theorems in computer programs.
4. Before Newton and other came up with their explanations of natural
phenomena, how did people explain the universe?
Before Newton and other came up most people thought the universe was
controlled by an all powerful deity, and many events and phenomena
were caused by spirits.
5. Wat are some modern inventions that were made possible by
Newtons's theories of light?
By Newtons new theories many other scientists could invent better
telescope or microscopes and himself he led to invent TV and laser.
Leading Figures of the Renaissance in Europe
Be prepared to answer questions about the background and most
significant achievements of the following people:
Flipp Brunelleschi
Bron 1377 died April 15 1446
Father lawyer
He did most of work in Florence
Best know for creating Florence Catherdral like Duomo santa Maria
Lorenzo Medici
Born on January 1,1449 died April 9, 1492 Florence
Family owned bank
He had little success as banker because he concentrated to develop
married February,7,1469
Albretcht Durer
born 1471
German painter print maker
His first self portrait made him famous
Died 1528
Dante Alighieri
Bron in Florence
Father of the Italian Language
Dante wrote book called Divine Comedy
Inferno, Purgatotio, and Paradiso etc.
Nicolaus Copernicus
Born 1472
Died 1543
He said Sun is in the middle and Earth is moving around the sun
De Hypthesibus Motuum a Se Censtits his book
Galieo Galie
Galileo Galilei born 1564 popular in Florence
died 1642
3 kids 2dog 1son
telescope F
Said Sun is in the middle
Andres Vesalius
scientist and a doctor
talented observer and independent thinker
studied a lot about human body
said Church is wrong
Queen Esabella 1
She allowed to Columbus to hist America trip
Banned all Jews and Muslim
Sir Issac Newton
Studied mathematics, physics, astronomy, theology, alchemy,natural
Found gravity
great development in Math and Physics
Calculus great found from Newton
Leonardo Da Vinci
Painter, sculpting, engineering, mathematics, and many others
painted Mona Lisa
William Shakespare
Most famous writer in this time
his plays are translated to other languages
1585-1592 became successful career in London
Renaissance Study Guide
This test will cover information from our lessons and video in class, as
well as the Forces of Change reading packet and readings from History
Alive! Chapters 28, 29, 30 and accompanying ISN pages.
Key Terms
Know the meanings of these vocabulary words and how they connect to
the Renaissance.
Renaissance- period of age after mideval time
Perspective- One of the skill which use in painting shows 3-D dimension
Two-dimensional- like square centimeter shapes
Philosopher- 철학자
Realism -현실주의
Circulation-물의 순환
Chapel -부속 예배당
New World-신세계
Armada-함대 (스페인의 무적함대)
Key Concepts - The Development of the Renaissance
1. Approximately which years encompass the Renaissance period? 14th16th century
2. What does the word Renaissance mean? re-birth
3. Which ancient civilizations did medieval people study at the beginning
of the Renaissance? Greek and Roman
4. Why did people turn to the wisdom and achievements of these ancient
civilizations?classic art was
5. Discuss the power of the Popes and the Church in the early years of
the Renaissance.
As people began focusing on humanistic ideas, the church lost a lot of its
6. What made Italy the center of trade during this period? People wanted
to prove if the theories of the Romans and the Greeks were right or wrong.
The Romans and the Greeks had great art, great architeture and other
things that lead them to one of the best civilizations.
7. How did the pursuit of education change from the medieval to
Renaissance periods?
As people began focusing on humanistic ideas, the church lost a lot of its
8. How did the rise of commerce and banking affect life in towns and
The more people invested in banking and bought from merchants, the
stronger and more powerful became the cities.
9. What were city-states? How were they governed? How did they
become so powerful?
City-states were as if regions of land which were governed by a specific
leader. City-states often warred with each other and gained power this
10. What did humanists believe about people’s abilities?
Humanists believed in human potential, and rather than God deciding fate,
humans chose their own paths.
11. Name five or more subjects from ancient times the humanists studied
and explored.
Anatomy, geometry, engineering, architecture, math
12. Explain the similarities and differences between Classical, Medieval,
and Renaissance artistic styles.
Classic and Renaissance art used perspective to their advantage and
medieval art was very flat. Medieval art had little or no emotion, while
renaissance art was full of emotion.
13. Name three influences of ancient architecture found in Renaissance
Realism, Anatomy, none religious
14. Describe several reasons why wealthy families became “patrons of the
arts” during the Renaissance.
They were patrons of arts because they paid people to make art.
15. Describe some Renaissance advances in painting styles and
Perspective, math, anatomy, realism, emotion, movement
16. Compare and contrast Medieval and Renaissance sculpture.
Medieval art was based mainly on bible stories.
17. What is the importance of the Duomo di Santa Maria del Fiore?
The Duomo di Santa Maria del Fiore was the main cathedral in Florence.
18. Describe two Renaissance advances in painting techniques.
Perspective, math, anatomy,
19. There are two famous statues of the biblical character of David in
Who created these two statues and how did they differ?
Donatello's David is life-size and was the first life-size statue in the
renaissance. Michelangelo's David was 17ft tall and is possibly the
greatest statue of all time.
20. Compare and contrast Medieval and Renaissance literature.
Medieval literature were often bible stories. Artists had very little freedom
of what to write and never wrote fictional stories. Renaissance writers
however wrote with great freedom in mind. The Divine Comedy is a good
example and is also the first.
21. How is the “Divine Comedy” an example of humanist art?
The Divine Comedy shows humanism by being the first work of literature
in the Renaissance to write in Italian and to write freely.
22. How did the study of science change during the Renaissance?
Many people such as Da Vinci and Galileo began re-answering questions
that have been thought to be answered by the church regarding anatomy,
the universe and other topics.
23. What is the scientific method?
1. Find the problem
2. Hypothesize
3. Experiment
24. Who explored science and mathematics in his famous notebooks?
Describe some of the topics he explored.
Da Vinci
He explored anatomy, engineering, architecture, geometry, geology,
25. What was the Mercato Nuovo, where was it located?
It was a market originally used to sell luxury goods. It is in the Piazza
della Republica.
26. What two industries helped Florence become the center of the
The Mercato Nuovo (New Market) and the Mercato Vecchaio (Old Market)
27. What are some items one could acquire there throughout the
In the New Market, you could buy luxury goods such as carpets, silk and
straw, but in the old market you bought only basic goods as food and