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Huntsville City Schools
Pacing Guide – First Nine Weeks
Course: Human Anatomy and Physiology
Grades 10-12
First Nine Weeks Vocabulary: (Word Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes and Combining Forms – inside Marieb back cover)
Standard 1: Anatomy, anatomical position, axial and appendicular, control center, effector, frontal plane, homeostasis, horizontal plane,
left upper quadrant, left lower quadrant, medial and midsagittal plane, mediastinum, negative feedback mechanism, physiology, positive
feedback mechanism, parasagittal plane, receptor, right upper quadrant, right lower quadrant, sagittal plane, transverse plane, viscera
Cavities: abdominopelvic and abdominal, cranial, digestive, dorsal body, middle ear, nasal, orbital, oral, pelvic, pleural, pericardial,
synovial, thoracic, vertebral and ventral body
Directional Terms: medial vs lateral, ventral vs dorsal, superior vs posterior, proximal vs posterior, superficial vs deep
Regions: epigastric, hypochondriac, hypogastric, iliac, lumbar, umbilical
Membranes: visceral and parietal membranes (peritoneal, pericardial, and pleural)
Standard 2: Apical surface, areolar connective, adipose, basal surface, bone (osseous tissue), blood, chondrocytes, chondroblast,
cartilage, collagen, cilia, cuboidal cells, cardiac muscle, columnar cells, connective tissue, cutaneous membrane, dense connective tissue,
endoderm, ectoderm, extracellular matrix, exocrine glands, epithelial tissue, epithelium, elastic cartilage, elastin, endothelium, endocrine
glands, edema, elastic connective tissue, fibroblast, fibrocartilage, gland, ground substance, goblet cells, germ layers, hyaline cartilage,
intercalated discs, involuntary muscle, loose connective tissue, mucus membrane, microvilli, myofilaments, mesothelium, mast cells,
muscle fibers, macrophages, muscle tissue, mesoderm, neurons, osteoblast, osteocytes, pseudostratified, reticular fibers, reticular
connective tissue, stem cells, skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, serous membrane, simple and stratified epithelium, squamous cells,
secretion, tissue, transitional epithelium, voluntary muscle, white blood cells
First Nine Weeks Vocabulary: (Word Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes and Combining Forms – inside Marieb back cover)
Standard 3 & 3a: Arrector pili muscle, alopecia apocrine sweat gland, ABCDE rule, basal cell carcinoma, burn, carotene, cuticle,
ceruminous glands, cutaneous sensory receptors, dermis, dermal papillae, dermatitis, epidermis, eccrine sweat glands, first degree burns,
hair root, hypodermis, hemoglobin, hair follicles, hair matrix, hyponychium, hair shaft, integumentary system, keratinocyctes,
keratinization, Meissner’s corpuscles, melanocytes, merkel cells, melanin, mammary gland, melanoma, nail, nail matrix, nail folds, papillary
layer, pili, Pacinian corpuscles, reticular layer, root hair plexus, rule of nines, squamous cell carcinoma, sebum, sebaceous gland,
sudoriferous glands, stratum basale, stratum germinativum, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidium, stratum corneum,
second degree burns, third degree burns
Standard 4:
(Bones) Acetabulum, axial & appendicular skeleton, atlas, axis, articular processes (facets), body (centrum), calcaneus, cervical
vertebrae, carpals, clavicle, coronal suture, cartilage: (skeletal, hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilages), coccyx, cranium epicondyles, ethmoid
bone, external acoustic meatus, fontanels, fibula, femur, flat bones, frontal bone, foramen magnum, glenoid cavity, hyoid bone, humerus,
hip bones: (ilium, pubis, ischium), irregular bones, inferior nasal conchae, invertebral discs, iliac crest, laminal, long bones, lamboid
suture, lacrimal bone, lumbar vertebrae, metacarpals, metatarsals, mastoid process, mandible, maxillary bone, manubrium, nasal conchae,
nasal bone, occipital bone, occipital condyles, pelvic girdle, pectoral girdle, patellar surface, patella, phalanges, pubic arch, pubic
symphysis, parietal bones, paranasal sinuses, palatine bone, pedicle, radius, ribs – true, false, floating, sacrum, septum, styloid process,
sagittal suture, scapula including spine of scapula, sternum, skull, sacral vertebrae, skeleton system, sphenoid bone, short bones,
sesamoid bones, scoliosis, spinous process, sutures, squamous suture, thoracic cage, temporal bone, tibia, thoracic vertebrae, transverse
process, tarsus, talus, transverse foramen, ulna, vomer, vertebral column, vertebral foramen, xyphoid process, zygomatic process,
zygomatic arch
(Joints) Abduction, adduction, angular movements, articulations, amphiarthroses, articular cartilage, articular capsule, bursae, ball and
socket joint, biaxial movement, cartilaginous joints, circumduction, condylar joint, diarthroses, dorsiflexion, depression, dislocation,
decubitus ulcer, extension, eversion, elevation, fibrous joints, fibrous layer, fatty pads, flexion, gomphosis, gliding joint, hinge joint,
insertion, inversion, joint cavity, menisci, multi-axial movement, nonaxial movement, origin, opposition, psoriasis, plane joint, protraction,
pronation, plantar flexion, pivot joint, reinforcing ligaments (ACL, MCL, etc.), rotation, retraction, synovial fluid, synovial membrane,
syndesmoses, synotoses, sutures, saddle joint, synovial joints, synarthroses, synchondrosis, supination, symphyses, tendon sheath,
uniaxial movement
Huntsville City Schools
Pacing Guide – First Nine Weeks
Course: Human Anatomy and Physiology
Grades: 10-12
Resources † ‡
Number of
1.) Develop and use models and appropriate terminology to identify
regions, directions, planes, and cavities in the human body to locate
organs and systems
Marieb, Chapter 1 (Table 1.1, Figure 1.3, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9,
Lab: Autopsy of a Dill Pickle:
2.) Analyze characteristics of tissue types (e.g., epithelial tissue) and
construct an explanation of how the chemical and structural
organizations of the cells that form these tissues are specialized to
conduct the function of that tissue (e.g., lining, protecting).
Marieb Chapter 4 (Table 4.1, Figure 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.8,
4.9, 4.10)
Microscopy slides
Tissue Drawing Lab
Marieb Chapter 5 (Figure 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.6)
Skin Disorder Project
Case Studies – Melanoma and Burn
Sun Safety Quiz –
Guest Speaker - Dermatologist
Cutaneous Receptor Lab:
3.) 3.) Obtain and communicate information to explain the integumentary
system's structure and function, including layers and accessories of
skin and types of membranes.
3a. Analyze the effects of pathological conditions (e.g., burns, skin
cancer, bacterial and viral infections, chemical dermatitis) to
determine the body's attempt to maintain homeostasis
4.) 4.) Use models to identify the structure and function of the skeletal
system (e.g., classification of bones by shape, classification of joints
and the appendicular and axial skeletons).
Marieb Chapter 6, 7, 8 (Figure 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.4, 7.5,
7.16, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, Table 8.1)
Skeleton model
Gross Bone Anatomy Lab
Huntsville City Schools
Pacing Guide – Second Nine Weeks
Course: Anatomy and Physiology
Grades: 10-12
Second Nine Weeks Vocabulary: (Word Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes and Combining Forms – inside Marieb back cover)
Standard 4a and 4b: arthritis, bursitis, bone markings, bone collar, bone remodeling, closed fracture, compact bone, compound
fracture, complete fracture, compact bone, canaliculi, dislocation, diaphysis, displaced fracture, epiphyses, epiphyseal line epiphyseal
plate, endosteum, endochondral ossification, fracture, fibrocartilaginous callus, gout, hard callus, Haversian system, Haversian canal
(central canal), hematoma, incomplete fracture, lamella, lacunae, medullary cavity, nondisplaced fracture, osteomalacia,
osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, osteoblasts, osteogenic cells, osteocyte, osteoclast, periosteum, perforating canals (Volkmans canals)
primary ossification center, periosteal bud, red marrow, Rheumatoid arthritis, Rickets, sprain, secondary ossification center,
tendonitis, yellow marrow
Standard 5: adductor longus, adductor magnus, brevis, biceps femoris, brachialis, brachioradialis, biceps brachii, buccinators,
circular, convergent, calcaneal, deltoid, diaphragm, effort, extensor digitorum, epicranius, flexor digitorum profundus, frontalis,
fulcrum, flexor digitorum superficialis, first-class lever, flexor carpi radialis, fibularis longus, flexor carpi ulnaris, gastrocnemius,
gracialis, gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, iliopsoas, intercostals, infraspinatus, longus, lever, latissiumus dorsi, levator
scapulae, lever, maximus, minimus, masseter, mentalis, obliques (internal and external), occipitalis, orbicularis oris, orbicularis oculi,
parallel, pennate, pronator teres, palmaris longus, pectineus, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, platysma, quadriceps femoris, rectus
femoris, rectus abdominus, rhomboid major, rhomboid minor/major, semimembranous, semitendinosus, serratus anterior,
supraspinatus, semimembranosus, second class lever, soleus, semitendinosus, Sartorius, sternocleidomastoid, serratus anterior, third
class lever, trapezius, triceps brachii, tibialis anterior, tensor fasciae latae, transversus abdominus, teres major/minor, vastus
lateralis, vastus medialis, zygomaticus
Standard 5a: aerobic and anaerobic respiration, aponeurosis, a-bands, action potential, acetylcholine, ATP, atrophy, cardiac
muscle, contraction, creatine phosphate, direct attachment, epimysium, endomysium, fascicles, glycosomes, h-zone, involuntary
muscle, insertion, indirect attachment, i-bands, isotonic vs isometric contractions, muscle fatigue, muscle tone, motor unit, muscle
fibers, myoglobin, myofibrils, muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, m-line, myosin, myofilaments,
neuromuscular junction, origin, perimysium, polarization, peristalsis, refractory period, rigor mortis, synaptic cleft, synaptic vesicles,
smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, sarcoplasm, sarcolemma, sarcomere, sarcoplasmic reticulum, sliding filament model, strain, tendon,
tropomyosin, troponin, t-tubules, threshold stimulus, voluntary muscle, visceral smooth muscle, z-disc
Second Nine Weeks Vocabulary: (Word Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes and Combining Forms – inside Marieb back cover)
Standard 6 & 6a: Nervous System Introduction:
afferent neurons, autonomic nervous system, astrocytes, axon, axon
hillock, axon collaterals, axon terminals, action potential, ATP, adenosine, axolemma, acetylcholine, all-or-none phenomenon, bipolar,
central nervous system, cell body, chromatophilic substance, conducting region, channel-linked receptors, dendrites, depolarization,
EPSPs, efferent neurons, ependymal cells, electrochemical gradient, ganglia, gray matter, G protein-linked receptors,
hyperpolarization, integration, interneurons, IPSPs, membrane potential, motor output, microglial cells, myelin sheath, myelinated
fibers, nonmyelinated fibers, multipolar, meningitis, multiple sclerosis, norepinephrine, neurotransmitters, neuroglia, neurons,
neurofibrils, nuclei, nerves, nerve fiber, nodes of Ranvier, nerve impulse, oligodendrocytes, peripheral nervous system,
parasympathetic, polarized, pre & postsynaptic neurons, resting membrane potentials, refractory periods, synaptic cleft, synaptic
vesicles, sodium-potassium pump, sensory input, somatic nervous system, sympathetic, satellite cells, Schwann cells, secretory
region, synapse, tracts, terminal branches, threshold, unipolar, white matter Central Nervous System - Brain: amygdaloid
body, arachnoid villi, arachnoid mater, amnesia, association areas, auditory association area, association fibers, anterior association
area, Alzheimer’s Disease, brain, brainstem, Broca’s area, basal nuclei, cerebral dominance, commissual fibers, cerebrum,
cerebellum, cerebral hemisphere, central sulcus, cerebral cortex, contralateral, corona radiate, corpus callosum, CSF, cerebral white
matter, choroid plexus, coma, concussion, cingulate gyrus, dementia, diencephalon, dura mater, epithalamus, epileptic seizures, EEG,
fourth ventricle, fissures, frontal lobe, frontal eye field, fornix, gustatory cortex, Globus pallidus, hypothalamus, hydrocephalus,
Huntington’s disease, hemorrhage, insomnia, interventricular foramen, long term memory, lateralization, lateral ventricles, lateral
apertures, longitudinal fissure, lateral sulcus, limbic association area, midbrain, medulla oblongata, median aperture, motor areas,
meninges, NREM, narcolepsy, occipital lobe, psycho-somatic illnesses, pia mater, pineal gland, pituitary gland, putamen, Parkinson’s
disease, posterior association area, projection fibers, pons, parietal lobe, parieto-occipital sulcus, primary motor cortex, premotor
cortex, primary somato-sensory cortex, primary visual cortex, primary auditory cortex, primary olfactory cortex, REM, short term
memory, syncope, septum pellucidum, subarachnoid space, sulci, sensory areas, somatosensory association cortex, sleep apnea,
subdural space, third ventricle, transverse cerebral fissure, temporal lobe, thalamus, visceral sensory area, ventricles, visual
association area, Wernicke’s Area Central Nervous System – Spinal Cord ascending tracts, anencephaly, cerebral palsy,
cauda equine, central canal, descending tracts, dorsal median sulcus, dorsal horns, dorsal roots, dorsal root ganglion, gray
commissure, lateral horns, Lou Gehrig’s disease, nerve tracts, paralysis, paresthesias, somatic motor zone, spinal cord, spinal dura
mater, spinal nerve, spinal ganglion, spina bifida, ventral median fissure, ventral horns, ventral roots, white columns Peripheral
Nervous System – afferent nerves, abducens nerve, accessory nerves, autonomic reflexes, brachial plexus, chemoreceptors,
cranial nerves, cervical spinal nerves, coccygeal nerves, cervical plexus, dorsal roots, exteroceptors, endoneurium, epineurium,
efferent nerves, fascicles, facial nerve, ganglia, glossopharyngeal nerve, hair follicle receptors, hypoglossal nerve, interoceptors,
lumbar nerves, lumbosacral plexus, mechanoreceptors, Merkel discs, Meissner’s corpuscles, motor ending, monosynaptic reflex,
nocireceptors, nerve, nerve plexuses, neuromuscular junction, olfactory nerve, optic nerve, oculomotor nerve, polysynaptic reflex,
perineurium, photoreceptors, proprioceptors, Pacinian corpuscles, perception, pain tolerance and threshold, reflex arc, Ruffini
endings, referred pain, rootlets, sacral plexus, sacral nerves, spinal nerves, spinal reflexes, stimuli, sensory senses, sense organs,
sensation, somatosensory system, somatic reflexes, thermoreceptors, trochlear nerve, trigeminal nerve, thoracic spinal nerves,
varicosities, vagus nerve, vestibulochochlear nerve, ventral roots
Huntsville City Schools
Pacing Guide – Second Nine Weeks
Course: Human Anatomy and Physiology
4a. Obtain and communicate information to demonstrate
understanding of the growth and development of the
skeletal system (e.g., bone growth and remodeling).
4b. Obtain and communicate information to demonstrate
understanding of the pathology of the skeletal system
(e.g., types of bone fractures and their treatment,
osteoporosis, rickets, other bone diseases).
5.) 5. Develop and use models to illustrate the anatomy of the
muscular system, including muscle locations and groups,
actions, origins and insertions.
5a. Plan and conduct investigations to explain the
physiology of the muscular system (e.g., muscle
contraction/relaxation, muscle fatigue, muscle tone),
including pathological conditions (e.g., muscular
6.) 6. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information
regarding how the central nervous system and peripheral
nervous system interrelate, including how these systems
affect all other body systems to maintain homeostasis.
6a. Use scientific evidence to evaluate the effects of
pathology on the nervous system (e.g., Parkinson's
disease, Alzheimer's disease, cerebral palsy, head
trauma) and argue possible prevention and treatment
6b. Design a medication to treat a disorder associated
with neurotransmission, including mode of entry into the
body, form of medication, and desired effects.
Grades: 10-12
Resources † ‡
Pacing Number
of Days*
Marieb Chapter 6 (Figure 6.4, 6.7, 6.8, 6.11, 6.15, Table 6.2)
Cutting edge business
Bone Mass Graphing Activity (Fractures)
Bone Fracture Lab:
Marieb Chapter 8, 9 and 10 (Figure 8.5, 8.6, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3,
9.5, 9.6, 9.8, 9.11, 9.12, Table 9.1 and 9.3, Figures 10.1,
10.2, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7)
Muscle ID Project
LTF lab: Chicken Wing Dissection
Case Study – Botulism
Muscle Slides – Cardiac, Smooth, and Skeletal
Muscle Review Game:
Marieb Chapters 11-15 (Figure 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.6, 11.8,
11.11, 11.17, Table 11.1 and 11.3,
Cow Eye Dissection
LTF lab: Making Sense of it All
LTF lab: Popcorn and Dice and Everything Nice
Virtual Brain Dissection:
Huntsville City Schools
Pacing Guide – Third Nine Weeks
Course: Human Anatomy and Physiology
Grades: 10-12
Third Nine Weeks Vocabulary: (Word Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes and Combining Forms – inside Marieb back cover)
Standard 7, 7a, & 7b: BLOOD: agglutinogens, anticoagulants, albumin, aspirin, anemia, agranulocytes, antibodies, ABO blood
groups, buffy-coat, bilirubin, blood doping, basophils, blood typing, b-cells, coagulation, CBC, diapedesis, erythrocytes,
erythropoiesis, eosinophils, embolus, erythroblastosis fetalis, formed elements, fibrin, granulocytes, heparin, hemostasis,
hematocrit, hemoglobin, hematopoiesis, hemolysis, hemophilia, intrinsic factor, leukemia, leukocytes, lymphocytes, leucopoiesis,
megakaryocytes, monocytes, macrophages, mononucleosis, neutrophils, plasma, polycythemia, platelets, red bone marrow, RH
factor, sickle-cell anemia, transfusion reaction, thrombopoietin, thrombin, thrombus, t-cells, universal donor, universal recipient,
vascular spasm, warfarin HEART: angina pectoris, aortic valve, atherosclerosis, atrioventricular valves, atrioventricular bundle,
apex, AV node, arrhythmias, apical impulse, atria, anterior interventricular sulcus, auricles, aorta, baroreceptors, bradycardia, base,
bundle branches (right and left), cardiac pacemaker cells, CHF, cardiac muscle, coronary sulcus, coronary sinus, chordae tendineae,
coronary circulation, coronary arteries, coronary veins, cardiac cycle, cardioacceleratory center, cardioinhibitory center, cardiac
output, depolarization, diastole, embolism (pulmonary), epicardium, endocardium, ECG, fibrous pericardium, fossa ovalis,
fibrillation, heart, heart block, heart sounds, heart murmurs, interatrial septum, interventricular septum, intercalated discs, intrinsic
conduction system, mediastinum, myocardium, myocardial infarction, P-Q interval, P-R interval, P wave, Purkinje fibers, pectinate
muscles, papillary muscles, pulmonary circuit, pericardium, parietal layer, pericardial cavity, posterior interventricular sulcus,
pulmonary trunk, pulmonary veins, pacemaker potentials, QRS complex, Q-T interval, repolarization, S-T segment, stroke volume,
systemic circuit, serous pericardium, semilunar valve, SA node, systole, tricuspid valve, trabeculae carneae, T wave, tachycardia,
visceral layer, ventricles, vena cava BLOOD VESSELS: aneurysm, angiogram, arteries, arterioles, atherosclerosis, blood flow,
blood pressure, capillaries, capillary beds, circulatory shock, diastolic, diffusion, diuretic, endothelium, hypertension, hypotension,
lumen, mitral valve prolapse, phlebotomy, pulse, pulse pressure, precapillary sphincters, pulmonary circulation (and all major
arteries and veins), systolic pressure, sclerotherapy, systemic circulation (and all major arteries and veins), tunica media, tunica
intima, tunica externa, vital signs, vasomotion, veins, vasoconstriction, vasodilation, venules, varicose veins
Third Nine Weeks Vocabulary: (Word Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes and Combining Forms – inside Marieb back cover)
Standard 8 & 8a: Mouth & Introduction: alimentary canal, absorption, accessory digestive organs, apical foramen, buccal
phase, cardiac sphincter, cavities, cheeks, canines, crown, cement, deglutition, digestive system, digest, defecation, dentin, dental
plaque, epithelium, extrinsic muscles, enamel, esophagus, GI tract, gingivae, gingivitis, heartburn, ingestion, intrinsic nerve
plexuses, intrinsic muscles, incisors, laryngopharynx, labial frenulum, lingual frenulum, lamina propria, lips, molars, mouth,
muscularis externa, mucous cells, mechanical breakdown, mesentery, mucous, mucosa, muscularis mucosae, mastication,
oropharynx, oral vestibule, oral cavity, palate (hard/soft), peritonitis, propulsion, papillae, peristalsis, peritoneum, parietal
peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, parotid gland, primary teeth, permanent dentitions, periodontal ligament, periodontitis, pharyngealesophageal phase, pulp cavity, pulp, root, root canal, secondary teeth, serous, serous cells, saliva, salivary glands, segmentation,
splanchnic circulation, submucosa, sublingual gland, serosa, submandibular gland, tongue, teeth, uvula, visceral peritoneum
Major Digestive Organs: amylase, appendix, appendicitis, ascending colon, anal canal, anus, anal sphincter
(external/internal), brush border, bile duct, bile canaliculi, bile, bile salts, bacterial flora, bilirubin, cirrhosis, central vein,
constipation, cardia, cecum, chief cell, cleft palate, circular folds, common hepatic duct, duodenum, duodenal glands, diarrhea,
descending colon, diverticulosis, defecation reflex, emetic center, emesis, epiploic appendages, feces, fundus, falciform ligament,
gastric ulcers (peptic ulcers), gastric pits, gastric glands, gastric juice, goblet cells, gastrin, gallbladder, gallstones, gastroenteritis,
hepatocytes, hepatopancreatic ampulla & sphincter, hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein, hepatitis, hydrolysis, haustra, hepatocytes,
ileocecal valve, ileum, intestinal crypts, jejunum, jaundice, lipase, large intestine, lacteal, liver, liver lobules, liver sinusoids,
mucosal barrier, microvilli, mesocolons, mass movements, nucleases, proteases, pancreas, portal triad, pancreatic juice, pyloric
sphincter, parietal cell, pepsin, porta hepatis, rugae, rectum, stomach, small intestine, stellate macrophages, segmentation, sigmoid
colon, trypsin, teniae coli, transverse colon, villi
Standard 9 & 9a: alveolar macrophages, alveolar ventilation and rate (AVR), apnea, asthma, atelectasis, atmospheric pressure,
arytenoid cartilage, alveolar cells (types I/II), adventitia, alveoli, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, bronchial tree, bronchi, bronchioles,
COPD, cilia, chronic bronchitis, CO poisoning, cystic fibrosis, cricoid cartilage, carbaminohemoglobin, chemoreceptors, corniculate
cartilage, diaphragm, dyspnea, expiration, epiglottis, emphysema, false vocal cords, goblet cells, glottis, hyper/hypoventilation,
hypoxia, hemoglobin, hyperpnea, hard palate, Heimlich maneuver, intrapulmonary pressure, infant respiratory distress syndrome,
intrapleural pressure, inspiration, lingual tonsil, lung cancer, laryngopharynx, larynx, laryngeal prominence, laryngitis, lungs,
mucosa, medullary respiratory centers, nose, nostrils, nasal cavity, nasal septum, nasal vestibule, nasal conchae, nasopharynx,
olfactory mucosa & epithelium, oxygen toxicity, oropharynx, psuedostratified ciliated columnar epithelium, pulmonary arteries &
veins, paranasal sinuses, pleurisy, pleural fluid, pleural cavity, parietal pleura, pleural cavity, pharynx, pulmonary ventilation,
pneumothorax, pharyngeal tonsil, palatine tonsils, respiratory system, respiratory volumes (TV, IRV, ERV, RV), respiratory
capacities (IC, FRC, VC, TLC), respiration, respiratory mucosa, respiratory membrane, spirometer (forced vital capacity & forced
expiratory volume), surfactant, surface tension, soft palate, sinusitis, submucosa, secondary bronchi, thoracic wall, thyroid
cartilage, TB, true vocal cords, trachea, trachealis, tertiary bronchi, terminal bronchioles, total dead space, transpulmonary
pressure, uvula, vibrissae, visceral pleura
Huntsville City Schools
Pacing Guide – Third Nine Weeks
Course: Human Anatomy and Physiology
7.) 7.) Use models to determine the relationship between the structures in and
functions of the cardiovascular system (e.g., components of blood, blood
circulation through the heart and systems of the body, ABO blood groups,
anatomy of the heart, types of blood vessels).
7a. Engage in argument from evidence regarding possible prevention and
treatment options related to the pathology of the cardiovascular system (e.g.,
myocardial infarction, mitral valve prolapse, varicose veins, arteriosclerosis,
anemia, high blood pressure).
7b. Design and carry out an experiment to test various conditions that affect
the heart (e.g., heart rate, blood pressure, electrocardiogram [ECG] output).
8.) 8.) Communicate scientific information to explain the relationship between the
structures and functions, both mechanical (e.g., chewing, churning in
stomach) and chemical (e.g., enzymes, hydrochloric acid [HCl] in stomach),
of the digestive system, including the accessory organs (e.g., salivary
glands, pancreas).
8a. Obtain and communicate information to demonstrate an understanding of
the disorders of the digestive system (e.g., ulcers, Crohn's disease,
9.) 9.) Develop and use a model to explain how the organs of the respiratory
system function.
9a. Engage in argument from evidence describing how environmental (e.g.,
cigarette smoke, polluted air) and genetic factors may affect the respiratory
system, possibly leading to pathological conditions (e.g., cystic fibrosis).
Grades: 10-12
Resources † ‡
Marieb Chapter 17-19 (Figure 17.1, 17.3, 17.4,
17.10, 17.13, Table 17.1, 17.2, 17.4)
Blood Cell Identification website:
Blood Typing Lab
LTF lab: It’s a Matter of the Heart (sheep heart
Case Studies: Anemia, AIDS, Leukemia, Congestive
Heart Failure, Heart Murmur, Myocardial Infarction
Project Diagnosis
Blood Pressure and Pulse Lab
Heart Rate and Physical Fitness Lab
Monitoring EKG lab
Marieb Chapter 23 (Figure 23.1, 23.15, 23.2/3, 23.6,
23.7, 23.10, 23.22, 23.32, Table 23.2)
LTF lab: Yeast Cells and the Digestion of
LTF lab: Chew on This
Marieb Chapter 22 (Figure 22.1, 22.3, 22.8, 22.9,
22.13, 22.23, Table 22.1)
Measuring Lung Capacity lab
Respiration WebQuest
LTF: A Litter a Lung
Number of
Huntsville City Schools
Pacing Guide – Fourth Nine Weeks
Fourth Nine Weeks Vocabulary:
Standard 10 & 10a: Male Reproductive System: acrosome, ABP, bulbo-urethral gland, corpus spongiosum, corpus
cavernosa, ductus deferens, diploid, epididymis, ejaculatory duct, erection, ejaculation, flagellum, FSH, gonads, gametes, glans
penis, GnRH, haploid, inhibin, Leydig cells, LH, myoid cells, midpiece, perineum, penis, prepuce, prostate, prostate cancer,
spermatogonia, spermatocyte (primary and secondary), spermatogenesis, scrotum, seminiferous tubules, seminal vesicles, semen,
sperm, spermatid, testes, testicular fluid, testosterone, urethra, vasectomy Female Reproductive System: areola, alveoli,
antrum, breast cancer, corona radiate, corpus luteum, cervix, cervical cancer, clitoris, estrogen, external genitalia, endometrium,
endometriosis, follicular phase, fallopian tube, follicles (primordial, primary, secondary), fundus, FSH, GnRH, greater vestibular
glands, HPV, internal genitalia, luteal phase, labia majora/minora, lobes, lobules, lactiferous ducts/sinus, LH, menarche,
myometrium, mons pubis, mammography, mammary gland, mastectomy, menstrual cycle, menses, menstrual phase, nipple,
ovaries, oocyte (primary & secondary), oogenesis, oogonia, oogonium (stem cell), ovum, ovulation, ovarian cycle, polar bodies, PID,
progesterone, pap smear, prolapse of uterus, perimetrium, post and preovulatory phase, stratum functionalis and basalis, uterus,
vagina, vaginal orfice, vulva, zona pellucida STD’s and Fetal Development: afterbirth, acrosomal reaction, amnion, amniotic
cavity, amniotic fluid, Apgar score, blastocyst, blastocyst cavity, breech, colostrum, cortical reaction, chorion, chorionic villi,
chlamydia, cryptorchidism, conceptus, capacitated, cleavage, C-section, dilation stage, episiotomy, embryo, expulsion stage, false
labor, fetus, fertilization, gastrula, gastrulation, gestation period, gonorrhea, genital warts, genital herpes, genital tubercle,
gubernaculum, hCG hormone, implantation, inner cell mass, labioscrotal swelling, labor, lactation, menopause, monospermy,
morula, meconium, nondisjunction, notochord, neurulation, organogenesis, oxytocin, prolactin, prostaglandins, primitive gut,
parturition, preeclampsia, puberty, pregnancy, pronucleus (male/female), placentation, placenta, primary germ layers (endoderm,
mesoderm, epiderm), placental stage, relaxin, STD, syphilis, trichomoniasis, trophoblast cells, urethral fold, umbilical cord, Xchromosome, Y-chromosome, yolk sac, zygote
Standard 11 & 11a: afferent arteriole, aldosterone, ADH, Bowman’s capsule, calyces (major and minor), collecting duct, cortical
nephrons, creatine, catheter, distal convoluted tubule, diuretics, excretion, efferent arteriole, glomerulus, granular cells, glomerular
filtration, filtrate, incontinence, juxtamedullary nephrons, micturition, medulla, macula densa, nephrons, nephron loop (ascending
and descending), nitrogenous wastes, pyelitis, pyelonephritis, podocytes, proximal convoluted tubule, peritubular capillaries, renin,
renal cortex, renal pyramids, renal pelvis, renal arteries, renal veins, renal plexus, renal column, renal corpuscle, renal tubule, renal
calculi, renal failure, tubular reabsorption, tubular secretion, urinary retention, UTI’s, urea, uric acid, urinary system, ureters,
urethra, urinary bladder, urine, urinalysis
Fourth Nine Weeks Vocabulary:
Standard 12, 12a & 12b: allergies, allergen, afferent lymphatic vessels, appendix, adaptive defense/immune system, active
humoral immunity, antimicrobial proteins, antibodies, antigens, autoimmunity, AIDS, anaphylactic shock, agglutination, bronchomediastinal trunk, CD4 & CD8 cells (helper T-cells, cytotoxic T cells, regulatory T cells), contact dermatitis, cisterna chyli, cortex,
chemotaxis, cellular immunity, complement fixation, dendritic cells, diapedesis, efferent lymphatic vessels, exudate, fever, histimine,
hyperemia, humoral immunity, HIV, hypersensitivities, intestinal trunk, immunity, immune system, innate defense system,
inflammatory response, immunodeficiency, immunoglobulins, immunological memory, jugular trunk, lysozyme, lymphoid organs,
lymphoma, leukocytosis, lymphatic system, lymph, lymphatic vessels, lymphatic capillaries, lymph nodes, lymphocytes (T cells/B
cells), lymphoid tissue, lumbar trunk, macrophages, medulla, mucin, memory cells, monocytes, neutralization, neutrophils, NK cells,
primary immune response, plasma cells, Peyer’s Patches, pathogens, phagocytosis, pus, pyrogens, passive humoral immunity,
reticular cells, right lymphatic duct, subclavian trunk, spleen, SCID, secondary immune response, thoracic duct, thymus, tonsils
(palatine, lingual, pharyngeal, tubal), vaccines
Standard 13 & 13a: amino-acid based, adenylate cyclase enzyme, anterior pituitary lobe, ADH, adrenal glands, Addison’s
disease, androgens, alpha cells, beta cells, cAMP, direct gene activation, diabetes insipidus, Diabetes Mellitus, endocrine system,
endocrine glands vs exocrine, epinephrine, estrogen, first messenger, FSH, glucorcorticoids, glucagon, gonadotropins, G protein,
GDP/GTP, GnRH, growth hormone (GH), gigantism, growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), growth hormone-inhibiting
hormone (GHIH), gonadocorticoids, gonads, Grave’s disease, goiter, hormone, hormone receptor, humoral stimuli, hormonal stimuli,
hypothalamus, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, IGFs, insulin, keytones, LH, mineral corticoids, melatonin, neuroendocrine organ,
negative feedback mechanism, neural stimuli, neurohormones, norepinephrine, oxytocin, PTH, parathyroid glands, pancreas, pineal
gland, protein kinases, phosphodiesterase, pituitary gland, posterior pituitary lobe, pituitary dwarfism, prolactin, polyuria, polydipsia,
polyphagia, progesterone, steroids, second messengers, target cells, tropic hormones, TSH, thyroid gland, thyroid hormone,
Huntsville City Schools
Pacing Guide – Fourth Nine Weeks
Course: Human Anatomy and Physiology
10.10.) Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to differentiate
between the male and female reproductive systems, including
pathological conditions that affect each.
10a. Use models to demonstrate what occurs in fetal development at
each stage of pregnancy.
11.11.) Use models to differentiate the structures of the urinary system
and to describe their functions.
11a. Analyze and interpret data related to the urinary system to show
the relationship between homeostatic imbalances and disease (e.g.,
kidney stones, effects of pH imbalances).
12.12) Obtain and communicate information to explain the lymphatic
organs and their structure and function.
12a. Develop and use a model to explain the body's lines of defense
and immunity.
12b. Obtain and communicate information to demonstrate an
understanding of the disorders of the immune system (e.g., acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome [AIDS], severe combined
immunodeficiency [SCID]).
13.13.) Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to support the
claim that the endocrine glands secrete hormones that help the body
maintain homeostasis through feedback loops.
Grades: 10-12
Resources † ‡
Marieb Chapter 27 and 28 (Figure 27.1, 27.3, 27.5, 27.8,
27.12, 27.14, 27.16, 27.17, 27.19, 28.2, 28.3, 28.4,
28.7, 28.9, Table 28.1)
LTF Lab – “Sperm Race”
Fetus models
Marieb Chapter 25 (Figure 25.1, 25.3, 25.5,
LTF lab: Urinalysis Lab
Marieb Chapters 20 and 21 (Figure 20.1, 20.2, 20.4,
20.5, 20.6,
AIDS Reading
LTF lab: Specific Immune Response
Virtual Lab:
Immunology resources:
Marieb Chapter 16 (Figure 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.5, 16.4,
Table 16.1, and major thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal,
Number of
13a. Analyze the effects of pathological conditions (e.g., pituitary
dwarfism, Addison's disease, diabetes mellitus) caused by imbalance
of the hormones of the endocrine glands.
Cumulative Review and Testing
pineal, thymus, gonad, and pancreatic hormones and
their functions/feedback mechanisms)
LFT lab: It’s a Balancing Act
Fetal Pig/Cat Dissection
*The pacing guide has been devised to allow time for testing or individual adjustment.
†The resources in this pacing guide are suggested resources. Resources can be found at Huntsville City Schools Human A & P
Dropbox. Teachers may use their own resources.
‡Textbook references in this pacing guide refer to the adopted Human Anatomy and Physiology textbook, Marieb & Hoehn
Human Anatomy and Physiology, 9th edition and associated supplemental materials.
Listed below are the technology standards for grades nine through twelve. You are to make every effort to incorporate the
applicable standards into your daily classroom lessons. These standards should be noted in your lesson plans.
Alabama Technology Standards Ninth – Twelfth Grade
Operations and Concepts
Students will:
Diagnose hardware and software problems.
Examples: viruses, error messages
Applying strategies to correct malfunctioning hardware and software
Performing routine hardware maintenance
Describing the importance of antivirus and security software
Demonstrate advanced technology skills, including compressing, converting, importing, exporting, and backing up files.
Transferring data among applications
Demonstrating digital file transfer
Examples: attaching, uploading, downloading
Utilize advanced features of word processing software, including outlining, tracking changes, hyperlinking, and mail merging.
Utilize advanced features of spreadsheet software, including creating charts and graphs, sorting and filtering data, creating formulas, and applying functions.
Utilize advanced features of multimedia software, including image, video, and audio editing.
Digital Citizenship
Practice ethical and legal use of technology systems and digital content.
Explaining consequences of illegal and unethical use of technology systems and digital content
Examples: cyberbullying, plagiarism
Interpreting copyright laws and policies with regard to ownership and use of digital content
Citing sources of digital content using a style manual
Examples: Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA)
Research and Information Fluency
11. Critique digital content for validity, accuracy, bias, currency, and relevance.
Communication and Collaboration
12. Use digital tools to publish curriculum-related content.
Examples: Web page authoring software, coding software, wikis, blogs, podcasts
13. Demonstrate collaborative skills using curriculum-related content in digital environments.
Examples: completing assignments online; interacting with experts and peers in a structured, online learning environment
Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
14. Use digital tools to defend solutions to authentic problems.
Example: disaggregating data electronically
Creativity and Innovation
15. Create a product that integrates information from multiple software applications.
Example: pasting spreadsheet-generated charts into a presentation