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– The endocrine system consists of cells,
tissues, & organs that secrete hormones
into the blood
– Hormone – an organic substance
secreted by a cell that has an effect on
the metabolic activity of another cell or
– Target cells – cells that are affected by
the hormone
How Hormones Work
–Basic action
 The
hormone combines with a
receptor, the new molecular
structure causes cellular changes
–Hormones work in one of 2
Activation of 2nd messengers – involves a
cell membrane receptor
 Activation of genes – involves intracellular
How Hormones Work
The Hypothalamus
– Regulation of the endocrine system
Controls the adrenal medulla
– Adrenalin
Releases hormones
– Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
– Oxytocin
Secretes substances that control the anterior
pituitary gland
– Releasing factors
– Inhibiting factors
Overview of the
Endocrine System
The Pituitary Gland
– Connected to the hypothalamus by the
– Master gland of the endocrine system
– 2 parts
Posterior pituitary
– Nervous tissue
– Axons carry the hormones to the posterior pituitary
from the hypothalamus
Anterior pituitary
– Glandular tissue
– Capillaries supply the anterior pituitary from the
The Pituitary Gland
Posterior Pituitary
– Cell bodies are in the hypothalamus
Make hormones
– Axons run down the infundibulum
Carry hormones to axon terminals
 Axon terminals are in the posterior pituitary
– Store hormones
Posterior Pituitary
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
– Target – kidneys
– Effect – reabsorption of water
– Targets – reproductive organs
– Effects – contractions of smooth muscles (labor
contractions, milk ejection; ductus deferens,
prostate gland – ejaculations)
Anterior Pituitary Hormones
– Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
stimulates gametes
 Targets – follicle cells (females), testes
 Effects – follicle development & estrogen
secretion (females), sperm maturation
– Luteinizing hormone (LH)
 Targets – follicle cells (females), cells of
testes (males)
 Effects – ovulation, formation of corpus
luteum, secretion of progesterone (females),
testosterone secretion (males)
Anterior Pituitary
– Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
Target – thyroid gland
 Effect – triggers the release of thyroid
– Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Target – adrenal cortex
 Effect – cells that produce steroid hormones
Anterior Pituitary
– Prolactin
Target - breast
 Effect - stimulates milk production
– Growth hormone
Target – all cells
 Effect - stimulates growth in general and the
skeletal system in particular
Pituitary Hormones
The Thyroid Gland
– Location – inferior to larynx
– Thyroid hormones include iodine in their
Target cells – most cells
 Effect of thyroid hormones – increase energy
utilization, oxygen consumption, growth,
 Thyroid hormone release is controlled by TSH
from the anterior pituitary
– Structure also includes cells that produce
calcitonin (CT)
Targets – bone, kidneys
 Effect of calcitonin – lowers blood calcium levels
The Thyroid Gland
The Parathyroid
– Location – posterior surfaces of the
thyroid gland
– Target cells – bone, kidneys, intestines
– Effect of parathyroid hormone (PTH) –
increases blood calcium levels
The Parathyroid
The Thymus
– Location – posterior to the sternum
– Produces hormones which enhance
lymphocyte production
– Development
Childhood – large
 Puberty – largest
 Adulthood – decreases in size
The Thymus Gland
The Adrenal Gland
– Location – on top of the kidney
– Structure – outer cortex and inner medulla
– Medulla
Secretes epinephrine & norepinephrine
 Target – most cells
 Effect
– Epinephrine – increase cardiac activity, blood pressure,
blood glucose; constricts blood vessels in skin, dilates
blood vessels in skeletal & cardiac muscle
– Norepinephrine – increases cardiac activity, constricts
most blood vessels
The Adrenal Glands
– Adrenal cortex
Secretes aldosterone
– Target – kidneys
– Effect – increases blood sodium levels, decreases
blood potassium levels
Secretes steroid hormones (cortisol,
– Target – most cells
– Effect – conserve blood glucose, anti-inflammatory
The Adrenal Glands
The Adrenal Glands
The Pancreas
– Location – below stomach
– Its functions are both exocrine and endocrine
– The endocrine cells are in the Islets of
– Glucagon
 Targets – liver, adipose tissues
 Effect - increase blood sugar levels
– Most cells
 Effect - decrease blood sugar levels
– Diabetes mellitis
The Pancreas
Islet of Langerhans
– Secrete androgens (male sex
hormones); testosterone is the most
Target – most cells
 Effects – maturation of sperm; protein
synthesis in skeletal muscle; male secondary
sex characteristics & behaviors
The Testes
Seminiferous Tubule
The Female
Reproductive System
– Three hormones
– Estrogen
Targets – most cells
Effects –maturation of follicle; female secondary sex
characteristics and behaviors
– Progesterone
Targets – uterus, mammary glands
Effects – prepare uterus for implantation and
mammary glands for secretion
– Relaxin
Targets – pubic symphysis, uterus, mammary glands
Effects – loosens pubic symphysis, relaxes cervical
Hormonal Regulation of the
Female Reproductive System
The Pineal Gland
– Location = epithalamus
– Cells secrete melatonin
Derived from the neurotransmitter seratonin
 Light inhibits production
– Regulates circadian rythms
Target – hypothalamus
Endocrine Disorders