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Name: _________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________
WHS Regents Physics
Mrs. Gordon
Practice Problem Packet:
Current Electricity
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equations and
with units.
1. If 10 coulombs of charge passes a given point in a conductor every 2 seconds, what is the current at that point?
2. A wire carries a current of 6.0 amperes. How much charge passes a point in the wire in 120 seconds?
3. In a lightning strike, a charge of 18 coulombs is transferred between a cloud and the ground in 2.0 × 10-2 second at a
potential difference of 1.5 × 106 volts. What is the average current produced by this strike?
4. How much current flows through a 12-ohm flashlight bulb operating at 3.0 volts?
5. In a simple electric circuit, a 110-volt electric heater draws 2.0 amperes of current. What is the resistance of the
6. The current through a 10.-ohm resistor is 1.2 amperes. What is the potential difference across the resistor?
7. A 0.500-meter length of wire with a cross sectional area of 3.14×10-6 meters squared is found to have a resistance of
2.53×10-3 ohms. What material is the wire made of?
8. What is the resistance at 20°C of a 1.50-meter long aluminum conductor that has a cross-sectional area of 1.13×10-6
9. A 3.0-ohm resistor and a 6.0-ohm resistor are connected in series in an operating electric circuit. If the current
through the 3.0-ohm resistor is 4.0 amperes, what is the potential difference across the 6.0-ohm resistor?
10. What is the resistance in R3?
11. What is the current through resistor R2?
12. Three resistors, 4 ohms, 6 ohms, and 8 ohms, are connected in parallel in an electric circuit.
a. Draw the circuit using the circuit symbols found on the reference table.
b. What is the equivalent resistance of the circuit?
13. What is the voltage across the 3 Ohm resistor?
14. What is the total current for the circuit?
15. Determine the power of a saw that draws 12 amps of current when plugged into a 120-volt outlet.
16. Determine the current in a 1000-watt microwave when plugged into a 120-volt outlet.
17. An electric iron draws a current of 5 amperes and has a resistance of 20 ohms. How much energy used by the iron in
40 seconds?
18. A clothes dryer connected to a 240-volt line draws 30 amperes of current for 20 minutes. Approximately how much
electrical energy is consumed by the dryer?
19. An electric dryer consumes 6.0 × 106 joules of electrical energy when operating at 220 volts for 1.8 × 103 seconds.
How much current does the dryer use during operation?
20. A 12-volt battery is connected in series to three 4 Ω resistors.
a. Draw a diagram of the circuit using the circuit element symbols.
b. What is the total current?
c. What is the voltage across one of the 4 Ω resistors?
d. What is the current across one of the 4 Ω resistors?
21. A battery that supplies 2 Amperes of current is connected in series to four resistors of various sizes. The potential
differences across each resistor are: V1 = 10 V, V2 = 15 V, V3 = 10 V, and V4 = 25 V.
a. Draw a diagram of the circuit using the circuit element symbols.
b. What is the total voltage supplied to circuit by the battery?
c. What is the total resistance of the circuit?
d. What is the resistance of each of the four resistors?
22. A battery that supplies 10 Amperes of current is connected in series to five resistors of various sizes. The resistances
of each resistor are: R1 = 10 Ω, R2 = 20 Ω, R3 = 30 Ω, R4 = 15 Ω, and R5 = 25 Ω.
a. Draw a diagram of the circuit using the circuit element symbols.
b. What is the total resistance?
c. What is the total voltage?
d. What is the current in resistor 5?
e. What is the voltage in each of the resistors?
23. A battery that supplies 12 Amperes of current is connected in series to six resistors. The potential differences for
each resistor are: V1 = 36 V, V2 = 48 V, V3 = 24 V, V4 = 12 V, V5 = 60 V, and V6 = 72 V.
a. Draw a diagram of the circuit using the circuit element symbols.
b. What is the total voltage supplied to circuit by the battery?
c. What is the total resistance of the circuit?
d. What is the current in resistor 5?
e. What is the resistance of each of the six resistors?
24. Three 12 Ω resistors are connected in parallel to a 12 V Battery.
a. Draw a diagram of the circuit using the circuit element symbols.
b. What is the total resistance?
c. What is the total current?
d. What is the voltage in one of the resistors?
e. What is the current in one of the resistors?
25. Two 12 Ω resistors and two 6 Ω resistors are connected in parallel to a battery of unknown potential difference. The
potential difference across one of the 12 Ω resistors is 12 V.
a. Draw a diagram of the circuit using the circuit element symbols.
b. What is the total resistance?
c. What is the total potential difference?
d. What is the total current?
e. What is the current in each of the resistors?
26. A battery that supplies 8 Amperes of current is connected in parallel to four resistors of various sizes. The
resistances of each resistor are: R1 = 4 Ω, R2 = 8 Ω, R3 = 12 Ω, and R4 = 24 Ω.
a. Draw a diagram of the circuit using the circuit element symbols.
b. What is the total resistance?
c. What is the total voltage?
d. What would the total resistance be if resistor 4 was removed?
e. What would the total current be if resistor 4 was removed?
27. A battery that supplies 60 V of potential difference is connected in parallel to four resistors of various sizes. The
current running through each resistor is: I1 = 2 A, I2 = 3 A, I3 = 4 A, and I4 = 6 A.
a. Draw a diagram of the circuit using the circuit element symbols.
b. What is the total current?
c. What is the total resistance?
d. What is the resistance of each resistor?