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Name: __________________________
Ecology Review Sheet 15-16
1. Put the following in order from smallest to largest: biome, community, biosphere, ecosystem, population
a. Give an example of each term OR sketch a picture for each.
2. In the box to the right, underline the abiotic factors. Are the rest biotic? Explain.
3. What is the relationship between biodiversity and the stability in an ecosystem?
4. Give 2 examples of biotic and 2 examples of abiotic factors that could impact (change) ecosystem stability.
5. Explain how environmental changes such as algal bloom and deforestation could impact ecosystem stability.
Algal bloom:
6. Define biological magnification. Give a good example.
7. How do ecosystems heal themselves after an environmental change?
8. What is ecological succession?
9. Primary succession starts with (barren rock; soil). Secondary succession starts with a (barren rock; soil).
10. Give examples of pioneer organisms that colonize barren rock after a disturbance such as a volcano eruption.
11. What events (disturbances) cause primary and secondary successions?
12. How could forest fire change populations in the ecosystem?
How could forest fire change species diversity in the ecosystem?
13. What is a climax community?
14. Draw a food chain that includes 4 organisms.
a. Label the producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, and tertiary consumer
b. Label each link as an autotroph, omnivore, herbivore or carnivore
15. Where is the most efficient place for you to eat in a food chain?
16. What do the arrows indicate in the food chain in the question #15?
17. In an ecosystem matter (cycles; flow) and energy (cycles; flow).
18. How much energy is transferred between trophic levels?
What happens to the rest of energy?
19. Where is there the most amount of energy available in a food chain or food web?
20. Define niche.
21. What is a habitat?
22. What is symbiosis?
23. What is a competition?
24. Give an example of predator-prey relationship.
25. If the population of prey decreases then the predator population will also decrease.
26. Label each of the examples below as: mutualism, parasitism or commensalism
a. bees pollinate flowers and eat the nectar
b. ticks suck the blood of a dog
c. caterpillars eat the leaves of trees
d. a remora swims with a shark and eats food scraps
MAKE UP your own: ____________________________________________________
27. Give examples of decomposers.
What is their job?
28. Organisms, populations, and communities respond to external stimuli - factors (something that cause a
response) There are biotic and abiotic factors. Why do some animals migrate south in the winter?
What external factor do these animals respond to?
Why do they respond?
29. What role do microorganisms such as E-coli bacteria play in keeping our large intestine healthy
30. What role do microorganisms such as pathogenic bacteria and fungi play in disrupting the health of organisms?
Give an example.
31. Draw a graph that represents exponential growth
a. Does this happen in nature?
b. Are there limiting factors present in the environment?
32. Draw a graph that represents logistic growth
Does this happen in nature?
Label the feature that represents the carrying capacity.
Are there limiting factors present in the environment?
Label the portion of the graph that shows exponential growth
33. What is carrying capacity?
34. What variations and adaptation would you expect to see in plants in the tundra?
35. What variations and adaptations would you expect to see in animals in the desert?
36. In which chemical cycle does photosynthesis play a role, carbon or nitrogen?
37. What could happen if a carbon cycle is disrupted by burning fossil fuels?
38. What is nitrogen fixation?
39. What could happen if the nitrogen cycle is disrupted?