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Study Guide for Islam Test
Vocabulary to know for the test
1. minaret
2. muezzin
3, Muslim
4. Mecca
5. Allah
6. Kaaba
7. Mosque
8. Hegira
9. Jihad
10. Koran
11. Caliphs
12. House of
13. Arabic
14. Ibn Sina
15. Richard
the LionHearted
16. Saladin
17. Crusades
a tall tower attached to a mosque from which muezzin’s make their daily
call to prayer
a special person trained to call others to prayer
a person who practices the religion of Islam
the most holy Muslim city because it is the birthplace of the prophet
Muhammad, the founder of Islam- located in Saudi-Arabia
the Arabic word for God
a shrine where various gods were worshiped, but today it is the holiest
place in Islam and only Allah is worshiped there
The Muslim place of prayer and worship and that usually has a minaret
the escape of Muhammad and his followers to Medina. This event is so
important to Muslims that they began their calendar with the year in
which the escape took place
an Arabic word that means "striving in the way of God." This striving can
take a number of forms, including the daily inner struggle to be a better
person. However, jihad is often used to refer to an armed struggle fought
in defense of Islam.
the sacred writings of Islam that contain the collection of Muhammad’s
revelations from Allah
Muhammad’s successors
in Baghdad, a research library with a staff that translated manuscripts
from all over the world
numerals 0-9 and a place-value system based on powers of 10, first
created in India and translated in Arabic to become known as Arabic
Numbers still used today
a doctor and philosopher who memorized the Koran by the time he was 10.
He wrote a detailed medical encyclopedia used to teach doctors in Europe
for hundreds of years. He wrote about diseases, wrote a famous poem on
healing, books on philosophy, astronomy, and mathematics.
English King who fought the Third Crusade in 1189-1192. He was brave in
warfare and a fearless leader. He sold everything he had to raise money
for the Third Crusade.
The Muslim sultan or ruler of Egypt and Syria who fought and won the
Third Crusade. He was a devout Muslim who thought the Holy Land should
be theirs.
A series of holy wars between Muslims and Christians for control of the
Holy Land.
18. Hajj
19. Muslim
20. Islam
21. The Holy
22. Muhammad
Hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia which every
Muslim is expected to perform at least once during their lifetime, if they
are physically and financially able.
A Muslim is an individual who practices the religion of Islam.
the religious faith of Muslims, literally, "submission" (to God)
The holy wars were a fight over the Holy Land in Israel. They weren’t
really holy because they were bloody and vicious. Some Christians
attacked not just the Muslims they were fighting but also Jews and other
Christians. It was nearly 200 years of gruesome warfare.
The founder of Islam who received God’s word from the angel Gabriel,
considered the last prophet.
The Five Pillars of Islam
1. The first pillar of Islam says that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the
messenger of Allah. This is a declaration of faith.
2. The second pillar of Islam is prayer. Muslims pray 5 times a day. They pray facing the
Kaaba in Mecca.
3. The third pillar of Islam is sharing wealth with the poor.
4. The fourth pillar of Islam is fasting. Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan. This
means they don’t eat or drink between sunrise and sunset for the whole month.
5. The fifth pillar of Islam is to make a pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj). If they are able, Muslims
must make one pilgrimage in their lives.
Other Information to know…
Arab people united to spread Islam in northern Africa, through the eastern Roman
empire, and as far west as Spain.
Cordoba Spain was a thriving Islamic city and a center of art and learning.
Islamic Turks conquered the region around the Mediterranean.
In 1453 Constantinople became Istanbul.
The first Muslims were Arabs, but today diverse people around the world are Muslims
Muslim scholars translated and preserved writings of Greeks and Romans such as the
works of Plato, Aristotle and other philosophers and mathematicians.
People benefited from Islam’s scientific and mathematical advances and from the riches
of its art. Because it spread, there was a growing trade and cultural exchange between
the east and the west.