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Study Guide to Body Systems Unit Final
Essential Question:
What function/s do our bones provide?
Skeletal System
 _____________________________________________
 _____________________________________________
 _____________________________________________
 _____________________________________________
 _____________________________________________
Know: skull, clavicle, ribs, vertebrae, pelvis, carpal, phalanges, patella, tarsals, metatarsals,
fibula, tibia, femur, ulna, radius, elbow, humerus, scapula, mandible
Muscular System
Muscles _______________________________
They ____________________ the skeleton along.
Your skeletal system is made up of ____________
_____________________ that work together.
They help the ____________________ happen in a
smoother manner.
Circulatory System
_________ inside of your bones helps produce the
_______ inside of your _________.
General Info:
•Some genetic diseases cause
individuals to grow ____________________
and ____________________.
•Other genetic diseases can cause bones to become
______________, while the _______ of the body
does not have the strength of a healthy individual.
Even older people who break their bones can grow new
bone and ______________ that returns the bone to a
usable state.
Place these on the blanks: skull, clavicle, ribs, vertebrae, pelvis,
carpal, phalanges, patella, tarsals, metatarsals, fibula, tibia,
femur, ulna, radius, elbow, humerus, scapula, mandible
Muscular System
Essential Question:
What are the 3 types of muscular tissue?
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
The Three Different Types of Muscular Tissue
________ - muscle you rarely control such as the muscle in digestive organs
________ - very specific tissue found in your heart
________________ (striated muscle) - the muscle that helps you move and
that you have control over
Muscle is called the ___________. It is the meat you eat from cows, sheep,
and includes the muscle in your biceps. Meat needs to ________________
so that you can _________. _____________ connect your muscles to
your bone at _____________. ____________ are batches of
connective tissue that bind bones to each other.
Muscles, tendons, and ligaments can be found ____________________ in
almost all of your joints.
The Six Types of Joints
Nervous System
Even though thinking is not always involved in moving, the __________ of
the nervous system are connected to _________________ in your
muscular system.
Digestive System
You have __________ muscles that line your digestive system and help
____________________________ your intestines.
Circulatory System and Lymph System
_________ muscle also surrounds your circulatory system and lymph
system. Those muscle tissues are spread throughout your body and are even
involved in ___________________________________ of your body.
Keys to Maintaining Healthy Muscles: Endurance and Strength
To maintain endurance, you should engage in activities that pump blood to
the muscles, like walking. For strength, you need to lift weights,
concentrating on muscles of the back, legs, and arms.
General Info:
__________________ called flexors force your ___________________.
_________________ called extensors cause your
____________________. A ___________ is a flexor and the
_______________triceps are extensors.
Websites: biology/muscle1.htm
Integumentary System (skin)
reduces __________ _____________,
contains receptors that ____________ ____ _____________,
regulates __________ ______________, and
protects the ________of the body from ____________.
Parts: Skin has ___________ layers:
The __________, the outermost layer of
skin, provides a waterproof barrier and
creates our skin tone.
The __________, beneath the epidermis,
contains tough connective tissue, hair follicles,
and sweat glands.
The deeper __________ __________
(hypodermis) is made of fat and connective
Immune System
Your skin is one of the first defense mechanisms in your immune system.
Your skin has tiny glands that secrete sweat and oil. Those glands are
termed exocrine glands and are not like the glands of your endocrine
system. While it may feel a bit slimy, those fluids decrease the pH on the
surface of your skin and kill microorganisms. There are even enzymes in
your sweat that can digest bacteria.
Circulatory System
The integumentary system also works closely with the circulatory system
and the surface capillaries through your body. Capillaries near the
surface of the skin open when your body needs to cool off and close when
you need to conserve heat. We can't leave out the important sense of
touch. Your nervous system depends on neurons embedded in your skin to
sense the outside world.
Nervous System
Receptors in skin send sensory information to the brain.
The autonomic nervous system regulates peripheral blood flow and
sweat glands.
Nerves control muscles connected to hair follicles.
Health: Video Article Acne/Article Article
General Info: The skin is the largest organ of the body, with a total area of
about 20 sq ft.
The skin’s color is created by special cells
called melanocytes, which produce the pigment melanin.
Melanocytes are located in the epidermis