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Anatomy and Physiology Fall Semester Exam Topics
Final Exam Topics
1. Compare and contrast negative and positive feedback loops, and provide examples of each.
2. Apply directional and regional terms to the body
3. Identify the major functions and organs of each body system
4. Describe the functions of the cell organelles
5. Explain how molecules and ions cross the plasma membrane
6. Describe the major functions of skin
7. Identify the major bones of the body and skull
8. Identify the 5 major functions of bones
9. Identify the following movements: Flexion, Extension, Rotation, Abduction, Adduction,
Circumduction, Dorsiflexion, Plantar flexion, Inversion, Eversion, Supination, Pronation, Opposition
10. Contrast the origin and insertion of muscles
Explain how oxygen debt and fatigue relate to energy pathways in the muscles
Describe the process of muscle contraction
Describe the microscopic anatomy of a muscle
Identify the four major functions of muscle
Contrast smooth, skeletal, and cardiac muscles, and explain how their structural differences
relate to their functions
Effects of exercise on muscles, bones, and whole body
Describe the organization of the nervous system
Describe the anatomy of a neuron
Describe the nerves impulses are conducted to other neurons or effectors
Describe how nerve impulses are generated and transmitted
Describe the functions of the major regions of the brain
Describe the structural anatomy of the brain
Describe the causes, symptoms, and treatment of concussion, contusion, and stroke
Identify the structures of the eye and describe their functions
25. Describe the causes and treatment of hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism, glaucoma, macular
degeneration, and color blindness.
Possible diagrams:
1) Major bones of body
2) Bones of skull
3) skin diagram
4) Sarcomere
5) Action potential diagram
6) Neuron
7) Brain diagram (major regions)
8) eye diagram