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! Solar Eclipse !
A solar eclipse occurs when
the Moon passes between
Earth and the Sun, thereby
totally or partially
obscuring Earth's view of
the Sun.
! Lunar Eclipse !
A lunar eclipse occurs
whenever the Moon passes
through some portion of
the Earth's shadow. This
can occur only when the
Sun, Earth and Moon are
aligned exactly, or very
closely so, with the Earth in
The Sun is a giant star.
The Sun was formed
from tiny dust particles
and rocks. Over many
years they have formed
the Sun. The Sun has
been around for a very
long time and will be
here for about another
500 million years to
Earth is the third planet
from the Sun and is the
largest of the terrestrial
planets. Earth is also
referred to as "the Earth",
"Planet Earth", "Gaia",
"Terra", or "the World".
This is the first planet known
to have liquid water on the
surface and the only place in
the universe known to have
life on it. Earth has a
magnetic field that, together
with a primarily nitrogenoxygen atmosphere, protects
the surface from radiation
that is harmful to life. The
Mercury, the
planet nearest the
Sun, is the second
smallest planet in the
solar system. Only
slightly larger than
the Earth's moon,
Mercury's surface is
covered with craters.
This tiny planet does
not have any rings or
Mars is the fourth
planet away from
the sun and is
called the red
planet due to it’s
is named after the
Roman God
Pluto also
134340 Pluto is
the secondlargest known
dwarf planet in
the solar system
and the tenth
largest observed
body directly
Venus is the second-closest
planet to the Sun, orbiting it
every 224.7 Earth days. It is
the brightest natural object
in the night sky, except for
the Moon, reaching an
apparent magnitude of −4.6.
Because Venus is an inferior
planet, from Earth it never
appears to venture far from
the Sun: its elongation
reaches a maximum of 47.8°.
Venus reaches its maximum
brightness shortly before
Neptune is the eighth and
farthest planet from the
Sun in our solar system. It is
the fourth largest planet by
diameter and the third
largest by mass; Neptune is
17 times the mass of Earth
and is slightly more massive
than its near twin Uranus,
which is 14 Earth masses,
but slightly smaller due to
its higher density. The
planet is named after the
Roman god of the sea. Its
Uranus is the
seventh largest
planet from the
sun. it is a gas
giant and is the
third largest b
diameter and
the forth
largest by mass.
Saturn is the sixth planet
from the Sun. It is a gas
giant (also known as a Jovian
planet, after the planet
Jupiter), the second-largest
planet in the Solar System
after Jupiter. Saturn has a
prominent system of rings,
consisting mostly of ice
particles with a smaller
amount of rocky debris and
dust. It was named after
the Roman God Saturn (the
Greek equivalent is Cronos,
Jupiter is the fifth planet
from the Sun and the largest
planet within the solar system.
It is two and a half times as
massive as all of the other
planets in our solar system
combined. Jupiter, along with
Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune,
is classified as a gas giant.
Together, these four planets
are sometimes referred to as
the Jovian planets being the
The Moon is Earth's only
natural satellite. It has no
formal English name other
than "the Moon", although
it is occasionally called Luna
(Latin for "moon") to
distinguish it from the
generic term "moon"
(referring to any of the
various natural satellites of
other planets). Its symbol
is a crescent. The related
adjective for the Moon is
lunar (from the Latin root),
but this is not found in
combination with words
using the prefix or suffix.
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