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IPC Review Sheet – Energy
PART 1: Definitions
1. energy – involved in every change that occurs
2. kinetic energy – energy in the form of motion
3. potential energy – stored energy due to an objects position
4. Law of Conservation of Energy – states that energy can’t be created or destroyed
PART 2: Formulas & Units
5. What is the formula to calculate kinetic energy? KE = mV2
6. What is the formula to calculate gravitational potential energy? GPE = m x 9.8 x h
7. What is the unit used to measure kinetic energy? ____Joules______
8. What is the unit used to measure gravitational potential energy? _____Joules____
9. What is the unit used to measure mass? ____kilograms____
10. What is the unit used to measure velocity? _____m/s_____
PART 3: Applying Concepts
11. What happens to the kinetic energy if the mass is increased? ___it increases___
12. What happens to the kinetic energy if the mass is decreased? ___it decreases___
13. What happens to the kinetic energy if the velocity is increased? ___it increases___
14. What happens to the kinetic energy if the velocity is decreased? ___it decreases___
15. What happens to the gravitational potential energy if the mass is increased?
___it increases___
16. What happens to the gravitational potential energy if the mass is decreased?
___it decreases___
17. What happens to the gravitational potential energy if the height is increased?
____it increases_____
18. What happens to the gravitational potential energy if the height is decreased?
___it decreases___
PART 4: Classifying Types of Energy (Kinetic or Potential)
19. A rock sitting at the top of a cliff
20. A basketball player running
21. A stretched rubber band
22. Jumping off of a diving board
23. The energy stored in the chemical bonds in gasoline ___Kinetic & Potential____
PART 5: Label the Pendulum Diagram
KE maximized, PE maximized, KE = PE
PART 6: Calculations
24. What is the kinetic energy of a man running 15m/s if he has a mass of 98kg?
KE = mV2
KE = 98 x 152
KE = 11,025 J
25. What is the gravitational potential energy of a boy standing on a ladder if he is 10m off the
ground and he has a mass of 58kg?
GPE = m x 9.8 x h
GPE = 58 x 9.8 x 10
GPE = 5,684 J
26. What is the mass of a rock sitting on a cliff 50m high if it has a GPE of 5000J?
m = GPE
m = 5000
m = 10.2 kg
(9.8 x h)
(9.8 x 50)
27. What is the height of a book if it has a mass of 8kg and a GPE of 800J?
h = GPE
h = 800
h = 10.2 m
(9.8 x m)
(9.8 x 8)