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European Renaissance Art
The word Renaissance means rebirth. The European Renaissance (1400-1600 AD)
was a rebirth of classical Greek and Roman art and technology because of the
discovery of ruins and increased trade with the rest of the world which brought an
exchange of knowledge and wealth to Europe. This “classical” style of art had been
lost to Europeans since the fall of the Roman Empire. Linear perspective is invented.
Christ in Majesty, Church of San Clemente,
Spain, 1123 AD. An example of flat
unnatural looking art of the European
middle ages.
School of Athens by Raphael, Vatican
Rome, Italy, 1510 AD, The peak of the
Renaissance hyper-reality, bright
colors, new subjects and depth.
Early Italian Renaissance
The early Renaissance in closer to looking “real” than the middle ages but still is
slightly flat using limited colors and depth. The ability to make sculptures of people
standing on two legs is beginning to be redeveloped.
The Birth of Venus (a.k.a. Venus on the
Half Shell) by Botticelli, 1482 AD.
Known for his rounded fleshy figures.
David by
Donetello, 1446
AD, Bronze 5’2”
Early Italian Renaissance
Andrea Mantegna, Palatzzo
Ducale, Mantua, 1473 AD,
playful with illusion and
Andrea Mantegna, Lamentation over
the Dead Christ, 1490 AD
Italian High Renaissance
Michelangelo : Master Painter, Sculptor, Architect and Stylistic Innovator
David, 1501-04 AD, carved
of 1 solid piece of marble
Sistine Chapel,
Vatican, Rome,
1475-81 AD
St. Peters Basilica,
Vatican Rome,
1546-64 AD
Italian High Renaissance
Leonardo di Vinci: Artist, Scientist and Inventor. He invented an early
version of the camera, an armored tank, helicopter and much more. His
images are the most copied of all Renaissance artists
The Last Supper, 1495 AD, wall of
the refectory of the Monastery of
Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan
Mona Lisa 1503 AD
famous for her smile,
smiling in pictures was
not popular until the
Renaissance Women Artists
Women had very few rights during the European Renaissance 1400-1600AD
they could own nothing, they were the possessions of their family. They
were not much more than servants and were seen as having little value. Any
woman who rose above this was truly extraordinary.
Self portrait by Caterina
van Hemessen, 1548 AD
Self Portrait by Sofonisba
Anguissola, 1552 AD
Laviania Fontana, Girl
Covered in Hair, 1581 AD
German Renaissance
The Printing Press is invented in Germany by Johannes Gutenberg in 1445 AD, one of the
most important inventions in the history of human technology. This made it possible to make
multiple copies of the same document easily. Before this all copies had to be hand made.
Albrecht Durer is one of the first artist to master printing technology for pictures.
“ I hold that the perfection of form and
beauty is contained in the sum of all
men.” -Albrecht Durer (1471-1528)
Albrecht Durer, Self
Portrait, 1500
Albrecht Durer,
Praying Hands, 1508
Garden of Earthly Delight by Hieronymus
Bosch, Dutch, 1466 AD. He influenced
modern artists in the 1920’s Surrealist
movement and 1960’s pop art
German Renaissance
Van Eyck , Portrait of
Giovani Arnolfini & his
wife, 1434 AD, Oil paint
on wood. Wealthy
individuals would pay to
have art made for them,
they were called patrons.
King Henry VIII of
England by Hans
Holbein 1540 AD
Titian, Venus of
Urbino, 1538 AD
El Greco master of Mannerism. Mannerism comes after the Renaissance and leads to
Baroque art. Mannerism is interested in darkness which you see even more in
Baroque art.
The Knight with the Hand on His
Breast, by El Greco, 1577 AD
Burial of Count Orgaz, by El Greco,
1586 AD