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Ch 2 Lecture
European Exploration of the Americas
1. Spain claims an Empire
A. There was an imaginary Line of Demarcation around the world
a. Portugal could claim all non-Christian lands east of the line (Brazil)
b. Spain could claim non-Christian land to the west
B. European Countries had 3 goals to gain power & security
a. Spread Christianity beyond Europe
b. Expand empires to new lands
c. Become rich from resources on new lands
C. Explorer from Italy
a. Amerigo Vespucci – realized America was not Asia; America’s namesake
D. Explorer from Spain
a. Vasco Nunez de Balboa- reached Pacific Ocean through Panama & claimed the ocean and land
around it for Spain
E. Explorer from Portugal
a. Ferdinand Magellan-sailed around South America to the Pacific Ocean reaching Philippines where he
later died; His crew was first to sail around the world
F. Invasions
a. Spanish conquistadors set out to conquer native people in lands they discovered and claim those
lands for Spain
i. Hernando Cortes conquered the Aztec empire in Central America
ii. Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incas in Peru
b. Reasons for Spanish victories
i. Spread of European diseases to Native Americans
ii. Spanish had superior weapons
iii. Spain made alliances with enemies of Aztecs & Incas
iv. Conquistadors acted brutally toward Native Americans
G. Other European Countries Send Explorers
a. These explorers discover other areas of North America
b. Spain, England & France didn’t like each other, competed for power
i. Competed for claiming land in North America to gain wealth from natural resources there
H. Columbian Exchange
(Movement of living things between hemispheres)
a. Europe, Africa & Asia brought grains, livestock and disease to the Americas
b. The Americas brought fruits, vegetables, and sugar cane to Europe, Africa & Asia
Slavery Begins in the Americas
a. Slaves used to work sugar plantations
Ch 2 Lecture
European Exploration of the Americas
1. Spain claims an Empire
A. There was an imaginary __________________________________________ around the world
a. Portugal could claim all ________________________ east of the line (Brazil)
b. ________________ could claim non-Christian land to the _______________
B. European Countries had ________ goals to gain power & security
a. Spread _______________________ beyond Europe
b. Expand _______________________ to new lands
c. Become rich from __________________________ on new lands
C. Explorer from Italy
a. Amerigo Vespucci – realized America was not ___________; America’s ____________________
D. Explorer from Spain
a. Vasco Nunez de Balboa- reached Pacific Ocean through Panama & claimed the _________________
and land around it for ____________________
E. Explorer from Portugal
a. Ferdinand Magellan-sailed around South America to the Pacific Ocean reaching _________________
where he later died; His crew was first to sail around the world
F. Invasions
a. Spanish conquistadors set out to conquer ________________________ in lands they discovered and
claim those lands for Spain
i. Hernando Cortes conquered the ___________________empire in Central America
ii. Francisco Pizarro conquered the ___________________ in Peru
b. Reasons for Spanish victories
i. Spread of European _____________________ to Native Americans
ii. Spanish had ___________________________
iii. Spain made _______________ with ________________________ of Aztecs & Incas
iv. Conquistadors acted brutally toward ___________________________________
G. Other European Countries Send Explorers
a. These explorers discover other areas of ____________________________________
b. Spain, England & ____________________ didn’t like each other, competed for _________________
i. Competed for claiming land in North America to gain _____________ from
_____________________________ there
H. Columbian Exchange
(Movement of living things between _________________________)
a. Europe, Africa & Asia brought _________________, livestock and _______________ to the Americas
b. The Americas brought fruits, vegetables, and _______________________ to Europe, Africa & Asia
Slavery Begins in the Americas
a. Slaves used to work _____________________________
Ch 2 Lecture European Exploration of the Americas
2. Spain claims an Empire
J. There was an imaginary Line of Demarcation around the world
a. Portugal could claim all non-Christian lands east of the line
b. Spain could claim non-Christian land to the west
K. European Countries had 3 goals to gain power & security
a. Spread Christianity beyond Europe
b. Expand empires to new lands
c. Become rich from resources on new lands
L. Explorer from Italy
a. Amerigo Vespucci – realized America was not Asia; America’s
M. Explorer from Spain
a. Vasco Nunez de Balboa- reached Pacific Ocean through
Panama & claimed the ocean and land around it for Spain
N. Explorer from Portugal
a. Ferdinand Magellan-sailed around South America to the
Pacific Ocean reaching Philippines where he later died; His
crew was first to sail around the world
O. Invasions
a. Spanish conquistadors set out to conquer native people in
lands they discovered and claim those lands for Spain
i. Hernando Cortes conquered the Aztec empire in Central
ii. Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incas in Peru
b. Reasons for Spanish victories
i. Spread of European diseases to Native Americans
ii. Spanish had superior weapons
iii. Spain made alliances with enemies of Aztecs & Incas
iv. Conquistadors acted brutally toward Native Americans
P. Other European Countries Send Explorers
a. These explorers discover other areas of North America
b. Spain, England & France didn’t like each other, competed for
i. Competed for claiming land in North America to gain
wealth from natural resources there
Q. Columbian Exchange
(Movement of living things between hemispheres)
a. Europe, Africa & Asia brought grains, livestock and disease to
the Americas
b. The Americas brought fruits, vegetables, and sugar cane to
Europe, Africa & Asia
R. Slavery Begins in the Americas
a. Slaves used to work sugar plantations