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Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life Video Wkst with Sir. David Attenborough
As you watch the documentary, answer the following questions using drawing and words. SCaR the content and think of
how it relates back to your work on GR 22.
1. What was Darwin’s realization in the rainforests of Brazil and why was this realization important?
2. What was particularly in interesting about the Tortoises of the Galapagos? Draw and Explain
3. What did Darwin’s observations on the Galapagos get him thinking about on the long journey back to England?
What did Old Charlie consider “the Mystery of Mysteries”?
5. What was one of Darwin’s 1st major observations of nature? (Related to birds like the Blue Tit)
6. What was Darwin’s revolutionary idea that explains the origin of species and what was his basic premise?
7. What did the Galapagos Finches help to show him? Draw and Explain
8. Draw and explain Darwin’s famous tree of life.
9. Why was Darwin so interested in Dog Breeding? Were there any other domesticated organisms involved in his
research in England? Why?
10. What is the main difference between Human (Artificial selection) and Natural Selection?
11. What forced Darwin to finally publish his book “The Origin of Species”?
12. Why did his book cause such an uproar in England?
13. What was “his” theory about the origins of life? (Really came from his Grandpa Erasmus)
14. What is the main point of the scene with the sandstone pillar on the coast of Scotland? Draw and Explain
15. What did Darwin’s theory require in regards to fossils?
16. What find in the Bavarian Limestone provided one of the great links? What link did it support?
17. What living species also represents great evidence for this link in the Amazonian Rainforest?
How so? Draw and Explain:
18. What animal represents a link between mammals and reptiles? How does the species demonstrate such a link
and what did Europeans first think of this animal?
19. Why are the Great Links no longer “Missing Links”?
20. Why was the Cambrian period such a problem for Darwin?
21. How did the Ediacarans help to solve this problem? What are they and why are they harder to find?
22. Why was time a problem for his theory and how did Marie Curie’s discovery help to solve the time problem and
further support Evolution by Natural Selection?
23. Why were frogs in both Africa/Asia and South America a problem for Darwin?
How was this challenge to Darwin’s theory smacked down in the 1960s?
24. What is the dilemma of the Blind Watch Maker and its connection to the evolution of the eye?
25. How did Ole’ Chucky think the eye had evolved and what is the greatest support for his theory of eye evolution?
Draw and Explain:
26. What did Darwin not understand about Heredity and who was working out the “Skip-a-Generation” problem at
around the very same time?
27. What is the location of these “Heritable Factors” and who figured out its structure?
28. What is the amazing thing about the Genetic Code? What can it tell us about Kangaroos, Koalas, and Glowing
29. What has Modern Genetics confirmed about Darwin’s Book and his Tree of Life Theory?
30. Where did life first appear on Earth and in what form? What progression does it appear to have taken?
31. What are the branch points on their tree of life?
32. What are some of similarities that Attenborough lists that humans and chimpanzees share?
33. What can Darwin’s great insights helped us to understand about nature and our place in nature?