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Name: _________________
What are atoms?
Atoms are the _________ building blocks of ________ that make up everyday objects. A
desk, the ______, even _______ are made up of atoms!
There are ______ naturally occurring kinds of atoms. Scientists in labs have been able to
make about ______ more.
Atoms are made out of __________ basic particles:
Protons – carry a ___________ charge
Neutrons – carry ____________ charge
Protons and Neutrons join ___________ to form the ______________ The __________ part of the atom
Electrons – carry a ___________ charge and circle the nucleus
The ________ _________ is the number of ________ in an atom of an element. Krypton’s atomic
number is ________. This tells us that an atom of krypton has _____ ____________ in
its ____________.
The interesting thing here is that _________ atom of krypton contains _______ protons. If an
atom doesn't have 36 protons, it can't be an atom of ____________. Adding or removing
protons from the nucleus of an atom creates a different ____________. For example,
removing one proton from an atom of krypton creates an atom of _____________.
The Number of Neutrons is...
The __________ __________ is the ________ number of ___________ in an atom's _______. In
reality, it isn't that clean cut. The atomic weight is actually a weighted average of all of the
naturally occurring isotopes of an element relative to the mass of carbon-12. Didn't
understand that? Doesn't matter. All you really need to find is something called the _______
___________. Unfortunately, the mass number isn't listed on the Table of Elements. Happily,
to find the mass number, all you need to do is ________ the atomic ________ to the nearest
________ __________. In our example, krypton's mass number is _____ since its atomic weight,
83.80, rounds _______ to _________.
The mass number is a count of the number of particles in an atom's nucleus. Remember that
the nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons. So, if we want, we can write:
Mass ________ = Number of ___________ + Number of _____________
For krypton, this equation becomes:
84 = __________ + _____________
Adding or removing __________ from an atom does ________ create a different element.
Rather, it creates a _________ or __________ version of that element. These different
versions are called ____________.
Let’s practice:
______ = ______ + _______
_____ ______= _____ +