* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Human Body System Project Each person will select one of the human body systems to research and present to the class. Your presentation can be in one of the following forms: 1) A powerpoint presentation given to your classmates and your teacher (must have at least 10 slides) 2) A book with illustrations and written information (must be at least 8 pages long and include a cover) 3) A 3D model of the system along with information cards on each component. Use index cards. Type and print the information, then glue onto the cards. 4) A game, such as a card game or a board game, that requires players to use their knowledge of the system to succeed in the game. For example, you might create a board game that requires players to answer questions about the system in order to collect some kind of treasure. You must include the following items in your project: 1) The purpose of the system – What does this system do that makes it important for survival? 2) The organs involved in the system. Tell the function of each organ involved in accomplishing the overall goal of the system. Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016 3) Provide a labeled diagram of the system. If the system is different in males and females, provide information and diagrams on both genders. Do not just print something from the internet. Make your own drawings. 4) Identify 3 diseases or medical conditions that can affect the system. Tell the symptoms and how the problems are treated. 5) Identify 2 things you can do to improve the quality of the system’s functioning. For example, exercising regularly is good for your circulatory system. 6) Create a quiz to give to your classmates following your presentation. The quiz should be 5 to 8 questions long. Please use multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, or true/false questions. 7) Add your questions to a class Kahoot that we will use for review. 8) A list of references. A reference should have information about the title of the book, article, website, etc., the author if given, the publication date, and the URL if appropriate. You may not use Wikipedia! Your websites should have a .edu address or be from a well-known scientific publisher such as Science News, National Geographic, Scientific American, etc. If you are not sure whether your source meets the minimum requirements, meet with your teacher to discuss it. Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016 Day 1: Complete this information page and turn it in. Name: ________________________ System: _______________________ I’m going to complete (check one): ____ PowerPoint Presentation ____ Illustrated Book ____ 3D Model ____ A game The supplies I will need are: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ YOU ARE READY TO MOVE ON! Teacher Signature and Date: Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016 Name:___________________ System: ______________ Days 2 and 3: Research Dates: _________and___________ Brainstorm a list of questions that you want to find answers to in your research. Use the requirements given to you to guide your questions. There is plenty of room for additional questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Use your computer and any additional materials available to research the answers to your questions. Use the note-taking guide to help you. YOU ARE READY TO MOVE ON! Teacher Signature and Date: Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016 Note-Taking Guide Question: Notes: Source: Teacher Initials: _____ Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016 Note-Taking Guide Question: Notes: Source: Teacher Initials: _____ Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016 Note-Taking Guide Question: Notes: Source: Teacher Initials: _____ Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016 Note-Taking Guide Question: Notes: Source: Teacher Initials: _____ Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016 Note-Taking Guide Question: Notes: Source: Teacher Initials: _____ Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016 Note-Taking Guide Question: Notes: Source: Teacher Initials: _____ Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016 Note-Taking Guide Question: Notes: Source: Teacher Initials: _____ Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016 Note-Taking Guide Question: Notes: Source: Teacher Initials: _____ Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016 Note-Taking Guide Question: Notes: Source: Teacher Initials: _____ Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016 Note-Taking Guide Question: Notes: Source: Teacher Initials: _____ Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016 Days 4 and 5: Create your product and prepare your presentation. Dates: _______________ and __________________ You must have all of your research completed and recorded on your Notes pages before working on your presentation. Meet with your teacher to discuss your presentation. You must have teacher approval BEFORE you can begin working on your product. Here’s a checklist to help you determine if you are ready. ____ I have identified the purpose of the system. ____ I have notes on all of the organs in the system. ____ I have notes on at least 3 diseases or conditions that can affect the organs in the system and how they are treated. ____ I have identified at least 2 ways that people can improve the health of the system. ____ I have gathered the materials I need to complete the project. ____ I have received final approval from my teacher to begin working on my product. Teacher Signature: _____________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016 Grading Rubric for the Human Body System Project Name: _______________________ System:______________________ 5 = Superior. This work is above expectations for grade level. 4 = Excellent. This work meets grade level expectations and is of very high quality. 3 = Good. This work meets grade level expectations and is of average quality. 2 = Fair. This work is slightly below grade level expectations. There are clear deficits in content. 1 = Poor. This work is significantly below grade level expectations. The work fails to meet the minimum requirements for this portion of the assignment. You should consider redoing this part and resubmitting your work. 0 = A rating of zero results when this part of the assignment is missing or of so poor quality that it cannot be graded. (Extremely poor writing, messiness, etc.) Content Complete Day 1: Information 0 1 2 3 4 Page Due Day 2: List of 0 1 2 3 4 questions Days 2 – 4: Note 0 1 2 3 4 pages Final Product 0 1 2 3 4 Due on _______ Final Product Grade: Score The purpose of the system is 0 1 2 3 4 5 clearly stated. Each organ is identified and its 0 1 2 3 4 5 function and X2 importance are clear. Diagram of the system is labeled and complete. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Neatness and X2 visual appeal are On Time Points Yes = 1 No = 0 ___/5 Yes = 1 No = 0 ____/5 Yes = 1 No = 0 ____/5 Yes = 1 No = 0 ____/5 Comments Points ___/5 ___/10 ___/10 Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016 key for getting maximum points. Identification of diseases. Must have at least 3. 4 or more for superior rating. Explains how the disease affects the organs and the system. Gives symptoms of the diseases. Tells how the diseases can be prevented, if possible. Identifies 2 ways that people can improve the health of the system. Notes pages are complete. Quiz has appropriate content and has 5 to 8 questions. Quiz questions added to the class Kahoot! For this unit. List of references is complete. You should have at least 4 sources. ___/10 0 1 2 3 4 5 X2 ___/5 0 1 2 3 4 5 ___/10 0 1 2 3 4 5 X2 ___/5 0 1 2 3 4 5 ___/10 0 1 2 3 4 5 X2 ___/5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 ___/5 90 – 95 = Superior A 86 - 89 = Excellent A- 81 - 85 = Good 76 - 80 = Fair B- 71 - 75 = Minimum Expectations Met C 66 - 70 = Below Expectations C- 60 – 65 = Significantly Below Expectations D Copyright Cynthia L. McAllister 2016