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Sundes, Asma, Karimah, Sana, and
12 Grade Girls
• An earthquake is also known as a
quake, tremor, or temblor is the result
of a sudden release of energy in the
Earth's crust that creates seismic waves.
• Earthquakes occur from the moving and
shifting of the plates in the Earth's crust.
• An Earthquake is caused when rock
underground suddenly breaks along a
fault. When the tension builds between
2 plates scraping against each other,
there is a whole lot of tension, but when
an earthquake occurs, all of that tension
is released.This sudden release of
energy causes the seismic waves that
make the ground shake.
• There is no way to prevent
earthquakes from
happening. Since they are caused
by the movements of plates that
make up the Earth's crust, they
cannot be prevented by any means
that human beings now have
available to them.
• What we can do is to try to make
earthquakes less damaging.
• Countries that get a lot of
earthquakes and are relatively rich
have building codes that require
buildings to be made in ways that
allow them to survive earthquakes.
• Abandon your belongings
(they're way less important than
your life).
• Listen to the authorities.
• Head for higher ground.
• Climb a tree (if you can't head
for higher ground).
• Don't count on roads holding up.
• Find a sturdy building and head
for the roof.
• Don't count on it being over
after the first wave-- the first
wave may not even be the
• Tsunami waves are caused by
earthquakes, underwater volcanic
eruption or any such disturbances.
• A tsunami is usually caused by a
powerful earthquake under the
ocean floor. This earthquake pushes
a large volume of water to the
surface, creating waves. These
waves are the tsunami. In the deep
ocean these waves are small. As
they approach the coast these
waves get bigger and more
• Tsunami waves can cause
tremendous damage when they
reach land..
They can destroy lives/drowned loved ones.
Wash away properties.
Wash away and drowned pets.
The sound will make you scared and after it happens you might
not be able to sleep well because you might hear the sound of
a tsunami at night.
• You won’t have anything to live like: Food, clothes, shelter, beds
and blankets
• Floods can be defined as an overflow or
downpour of water accumulating in
an area where water is normally absent.
• Floods usually occur within a short period
of time due to the soil's inability to
absorb the water fast enough. According
to the United States Geological Survey,
floods were the natural disaster that
caused the highest number of deaths and
the most property damage in the United
States during the twentieth century.
• Of all the natural disasters, floods are
the most common and occur in the most
places, with the only exception being fire.
• Flooding results in heavy currents that
have the capacity to loosen structures
and collapse foundations, destroying
even the toughest of buildings.
When a Flood is Imminent
During a Flood
• Be prepared! Pack a bag with
important items in case you need to
evacuate. Don't forget to include
needed medications.
• If advised to evacuate your home,
do so immediately.
• If there is any possibility of a flash
flood, move immediately to higher
• If possible, bring in outdoor furniture
and move essential items to an upper
• Turn off utilities at the main switches
or valves if instructed to do so.
Disconnect electrical appliances.
• Do not walk through moving water.
As little as 6 inches (15 centimeters)
of moving water can make you fall.
• If you have to walk in water,
wherever possible, walk where the
water is not moving. Use a stick to
check the firmness of the ground in
front of you.
• Do not drive into flooded areas. If
floodwaters rise around your car,
abandon the car and move to higher
ground if you can do so safely.
• Do not touch electrical equipment if
you are wet or standing in water.
• A tornado is a rapidly spinning
column of air formed in severe
thunderstorms. The rotating column,
or vortex, forms inside the
storm cloud and grows downward
until it touches the ground.
• Although a tornado is not as large
as its parent thunderstorm, it is
capable of
extreme damage because it packs
very high wind speeds into a
compact area.
• Tornadoes have been known to
shatter buildings, drive straws
through solid wood, lift locomotives
from their tracks, and pull
the water out of small streams
• Prepare for tornadoes by gathering
emergency supplies including food,
water, medications, batteries,
flashlights, important documents, road
maps, and a full tank of gasoline.
• When a tornado approaches, anyone
in its path should take shelter indoors—
preferably in a basement or an
interior first-floor room or hallway.
• Avoid windows and seek additional
protection by getting underneath large,
solid pieces of furniture.
• Avoid automobiles and mobile homes,
which provide almost no protection
from tornadoes.
• Those caught outside should lie flat in a
depression or on other low ground and
wait for the storm to pass.
Be Careful and Always be Prepared!
Thank You for Your Attention.
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