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Name: ______________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________
Chapter 8 Pre-Test
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Most earthquakes happen at the edges of
a. tectonic plates.
b. elastic deformations.
c. earthquake zones.
d. shear waves.
2. Which of the following is NOT a type of plate motion?
a. transform motion
c. divergent motion
b. convergent motion
d. rebound motion
3. What is the simplest method used to find an earthquake’s epicenter?
a. the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale c. the S-P time method
b. the ground motion method
d. the Richter method
4. Another word for an earthquake’s strength is its
a. magnitude.
c. epicenter.
b. intensity.
d. focus.
5. What is the best thing to do if you are inside when an earthquake begins?
a. Drive away in your car.
c. Run outside.
b. Crouch under a table or desk.
d. Store food and water.
6. When should you return to your home after an earthquake?
a. when someone in authority tells you to
b. as soon as the shaking stops
c. when the aftershocks begin
d. when you get hungry
7. Most earthquakes occur along the edges of
a. tectonic plates.
c. wave boundaries.
b. seismic gaps.
d. epicenters.
8. The waves of energy from earthquakes that travel through Earth are called
a. earthquake waves.
c. gap waves.
b. transform waves
d. seismic waves.
9. The epicenter of an earthquake is the point on Earth’s surface
a. directly below the focus.
c. above the seismic gap.
b. directly above the earthquake’s focus. d. where the damage is lightest.
10. The strength of an earthquake is determined by the
a. type of fault on which it occurs.
c. amount of damage it causes.
b. gap hypothesis.
d. amount of ground motion.
11. The intensity of an earthquake is partially determined by the
a. type of fault on which it occurs.
c. amount of damage it causes.
b. gap hypothesis.
d. amount of ground motion.
Name: ______________________
12. One way to forecast earthquakes in a place is to observe their past
a. strength and intensity.
c. frequency and intensity.
b. strength and frequency.
d. magnitude.
13. If you are in a car on the open road when an earthquake occurs, you should
a. drive away from the area.
b. stop the car and stay inside.
c. stop the car and seek shelter in a ditch.
d. drive slowly to the nearest overpass.
14. Strike-slip faults are created by
a. convergent motion.
b. transform motion.
c. transcontinental motion.
d. divergent motion.
15. Primary seismic waves
a. are slower than secondary waves.
b. are the result of shearing forces in rock.
c. can travel through solids, liquids, and gases.
d. cause Earth’s surface to roll up and down.
16. What is the science in which earthquakes are studied called?
a. earthquake science
c. seismology
b. tectonics
d. wave science
17. What do seismologists use to determine when an earthquake started?
a. an epicenter
c. a focus
b. a seismogram
d. an intensity scale
18. What is the measurement of the strength of an earthquake called?
a. intensity
c. magnitude
b. richter
d. frequency
19. What is the measurement of how likely an area is to have damaging earthquakes called?
a. gap hypothesis
c. earthquake hazard
b. seismic gap
d. earthquake frequency
20. What is NOT a good thing to do if you are outdoors when an earthquake starts?
a. Go to a place away from buildings and trees.
b. Run back into your home.
c. Lie face down.
d. Cover your head with your hands.