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River Valley Civilizations: Ancient Egypt Unit— Unit Study Guide
Unit Vocabulary:
Nobles – people from rich and powerful families
Delta – a triangle-shaped area of land made of soil deposited by a river
Mummification – the process of preserving the remains of a living creature
*Polytheism – the belief and practice of worshiping many gods
Afterlife – life after death
Pyramids – huge stone tombs with four triangle-shaped walls that met in a point on top.
*Architecture – the science of building
Ramses II (“the great”) – one of the longest ruling pharaohs in history; he increased wealth and power for Egypt
Hatshepsut – a famous female pharaoh in the New Kingdom
10. *Scribe – a writer
11. Pharaoh – the title used by the rulers of Egypt; means “great house”
12. Hieroglyphics – an Egyptian writing system; one of the world’s first writing systems
13. Dynasty – a series of rulers from the same family
14. Rosetta Stone – a stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics
15. Khufu – the most famous pharaoh of the Old Kingdom; credited with building the Great Pyramid’s of Giza
16. Tutankhamen (King Tut)- a lesser known young pharaoh whose tomb was found intact (not disturbed) and provided
archaeologists with primary sources on Egyptian history
*Indicates terms from a previous unit applicable to the current unit. Rely on your previous vocab to assist you.
Unit Essential Questions:
1. How did Egypt’s location influence its development?
2. What effects did power and social class have on the lives of ancient Egyptians?
3. How did the innovations of ancient Egypt impact its neighbors and future civilizations?
Unit Geography: You must be able to identify the following locations/geographic features on a world map.
1. North America
2. South America
3. Europe
4. Africa
5. Asia
6. Australia
7. Antarctica
8. Atlantic Ocean
9. Pacific Ocean 10. Indian Ocean 11. Arctic Ocean 12. Southern Ocean
13. Gulf of Mexico
14. Caribbean Sea
17. Appalachian Mountains
20. Tigris River 21. Euphrates River
24. Mediterranean Sea
25. Nile River
15. Rocky Mountains
16. Andes Mountains
18. Amazon River
19. Mississippi River
22. Persian Gulf 23. Mesopotamia
26. Red Sea
27. Egypt
Absolute Location: For the test, you must be able to identify the coordinates of various spots around the world. Practice for the test
using the absolute location sheet that is in your notebook!
Review Vocabulary: These vocabulary words were in the current or part of previous units of study. Questions on these vocabulary
terms will appear on your next test.
1. Geography
15. Empire.
2. Architecture
16. Irrigation
3. Social Hierarchy
17. Agriculture
4. History
18. Hunter-gatherer society
5. Archaeology
19. Division of labor
6. Fossil
7. Artifacts
20. Rural
8. Primary Source
21. Urban
9. Secondary Source
22. Nomadic
10. Culture
23. Domestication
11. Religion
24. Civilization
12. Values
25. Mesopotamia
13. Anthropology
14. Government
Review Essential Questions: These vocabulary words were not part of this unit of study but were part of previous units of study.
Questions on these vocabulary terms will appear on your next test.
How did early humans improve their lives?
In what ways did agriculture change human lives?
Why do humans form civilizations?
What geographic features are beneficial to the formation of a civilization?
How did Geography impact life in Mesopotamia?
How did religion and gender influence society?
How did technology and culture influence future civilizations?