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Ancient Egypt Vocabulary Introduction
Using your prior knowledge, match the terms in the word bank to the definitions in the chart.
Write your guess in the second column.
Word Bank: Rosetta Stone, Sphinxes, Hieroglyphics, Sarcophagus, Mummies, Pyramids,
Papyrus, Rameses the Great, Dynasty, Pharaoh, Nile River, Delta
Powerful Egyptian Pharaoh from the New
Kingdom period
area formed by soil deposits at the mouth of a
name for a powerful ruler
line of rulers from a single family that holds
power for a long time
A major river system in northeastern Africa
that is considered the longest single river in the
specially treated body wrapped in cloth for
system of writing that uses small pictures to
represent sounds or words
long-lasting, paper-like material made from
reeds; used to write on
figure of an imaginary creature with the head of
a man and the body of a lion
A stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics
Vessel for the permanent keeping of a mummy in
Huge, stone tombs with four triangle shaped
sides that meet in a point at the top.
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