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Deserts and Mountains
Islam began in the Arabian Peninsula. The peninsula is hot and mostly dry. It contains deserts, oases, mountains, and a narrow
strip of fertile coastland along the edge.
Desert covers three-fourths of the Arabian Peninsula. The desert contains large expanses of sand dunes but also dry
plains and plateaus. People who live in the desert follow nomadic lives, traveling from oasis to oasis in search of water
for their livestock.
Oases, or areas where freshwater is available, dot the desert. Over time, some nomads settled in oases and began to
farm. Some oases also became trading centers.
Mountains cover the western and southeastern sections of the Arabian Peninsula. The climate is somewhat cooler and
wetter in the mountains, allowing farming to occur.
A strip of fertile coastland hugs the edges of the Arabian Peninsula. This area receives enough rain that farming is
possible. Trade centers also developed in areas with natural harbors.
The Arabian Peninsula has many trade routes that merchants used as they traveled between the civilizations of the
Mediterranean Sea and those of the Indian Ocean.
Muhammad: the Final Prophet
Muslims believe Muhammad was the final prophet of Islam.
Muhammad was born around 570 in the trading city of Mecca. He became a trader and married Khadijah, a wealthy
merchant from Mecca.
In 610 A.D., when Muhammad was about 40, he is believed to have received a revelation from God. Over the next 22
years, he continued to receive revelations.
Muhammad preached belief in the one God and fair treatment of the poor and others without power. Meccan elites did
not like his message, which threatened their wealth and power. They actively worked against Muhammad and his
In 622, Muhammad and his followers left Mecca to live in the city of Medina. Medinans converted to Islam, and Islam
spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula. In 630, Muhammad and his followers reentered Mecca, destroyed the idols,
and rededicated the Kaaba to Islam.
Muhammad died in 632 after his second pilgrimage to Mecca.
The Beliefs and Practices of Islam
Muslims follow five core practices, called the Five Pillars of Islam. They also use the Quran and the Sunnah to guide their
The first pillar of Islam is faith. Muslims must proclaim that they believe in one God and that Muhammad is his
The second pillar of Islam is prayer. Muslims pray five times a day, facing Mecca.
The third pillar of Islam is charity. Muslims are required to give a percentage of their income and possessions to the
The fourth pillar of Islam is fasting. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sundown.
The fifth pillar of Islam is pilgrimage. All Muslims, who are able, are required to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least
once in their lifetime.
The Quran is the holy book of Islam. It contains the revelations that Muhammad is said to have received from God
through the angel Gabriel. It is the primary source of guidance for all Muslims.
The Sunnah is a collection of stories about the sayings and doings of Muhammad. Muslims use these stories as
guidance when the Quran does not guide them on how to act.
Define Islam.
What is the role of Muhammad in Islam? Provide several examples to support your answer.
Compare and Contrast Islam with Judaism and Christianity. Use a minimum of three topics.
What is the purpose of the Five Pillars of Faith? Compare and contrast this with God’s Ten Commandments.