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English sentence ( subject + verb + object (complement) )
1- Subject(sub.) : ( nouns or pronouns )
A – noun ( Aram , Sara , car , the girl , the boys …..)
B- English pronouns: are small words that take the place of a noun.
)‫) جێناوهكانی ئینگلیزی‬
Kinds of pronouns:
1- Subject pronoun.
(‫)جێناوی بكهر‬
2- Object pronoun.
(‫)جێناوی بهركار‬
3- Possessive adjective.
(‫)ئاوهڵناوی خاوهنداری‬
4- Possessive pronoun.
(‫)جێناوی خاوهنداری‬
1- Subject pronoun: they act as the subject.
1- I am 16.
2- You seem lost.
3- This table is old. It needs to be repainted.
4- We aren't coming.
2- Object pronoun: they act as the object, they use after main verb and prepositions.
1- He is waiting for me.
2- The teacher wants to talk to you.
3- Azad is hurt because Dara hit him.
4- we saw them in town yesterday , but they didn’t see us
3- Possessive adjectives: possessive adjectives are not pronouns, they appear before the noun they
modify. They do not replace a noun as pronouns do
1- The cat broke its leg.
.2- This is our house.
3-Where is their school?
4- Possesive pronoun: they show possession of something, and most of the times come at the end of the
1- This bag is mine.
2- This car is ours .
3- These shoes are not hers.
Verbs(v.) : ‫كارهكان‬
1- main verbs
)‫) فرمانی سهرهكی‬
2- helping verbs (Auxiliary verbs)
(‫) فرمانی یاریدهدهر‬
1- Main verbs :
A- regular verbs ( open → opened →opened )
B- irregular verbs( build → built→ built )
2- Helping verbs :
A- Verb to( be) : ( am , is , are , was , were , been , being )
B- Verb to( do) : (do, does , did , done , doing)
C- Verb to (have) : (has , have , had , having)
D- Modals : (will , would , shall , should , can , could , may , might , must , ought to )
I am writing a book.
I teach.
I worked yesterday.
He likes coffee.
Can you open the door?
( helping verb)
( main verb)
( main verb)
(main verb)
( helping verb)
Adjectives(adj.) :(‫ ) ئاوهڵناو‬describe or give information about nouns or pronouns:
(‫) ئهو وشهیه كه زانیاری لهسهر ناو دهدات و باسی دهكات‬
Types of adjectives:
Numeric: one, two, one hundred, one thousand ….
Possessive: my, his, their, your ……
Interrogative: which, whose, what ……
Demonstrative: this, that, those, these ….
Colour : red , green , purple , blue ….
And also ( delicious , nice , lovely , cool , big , small , tall , clean , wet , rich , hungry , old ,
young , new , good , bad , pretty , funny , full , early , late , night , dinner dangerous , …..
Examples :
1- John is tall.
2- They have a beautiful house.
4- it was a hot day
3- The film looks interesting.
Adverbs(adv. ) : )‫) ئاوهڵكار‬A word that describe or tell us more about a verb .
(‫) وشهیهكه كه باس له كار دهكات و زانیاری لهسهر دهدات‬
Some adverb ( well , badly , recently , easily , fast , late , hard , loudly , quickly …
Examples :
1- I hate driving fast.
2- They all worked hard.
3- She usually arrives late.
4- He speaks loudly.