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Anatomy I
1. Which answer describes the "Anatomical Position"?
A.Standing erect, facing observer, arms at side, palms facing to your side
B.Standing erect, facing observer, arms at side, palms facing forward
C.Standing erect, facing observer, arms at side, palms facing back
D.Standing erect, facing observer, arms at side, palms facing outward
2. Which statement is correct?
A.The neck is superior to the pelvis
B.The chest is inferior to the stomach
C.The hip is superior to the shoulder
D.The ribs are superior to the chin
3. Mrs. Jones is walking toward you. You are looking at her from a
4. Which statement is correct?
A.The inside of the thigh is lateral to the outside of the thigh
B.The shoulder is lateral to the neck
C.The knee is lateral to the hip
D.The ankle is medial to the foot
Homework #1
5. Which statement is correct?
A.The knee is proximal to the hip
B.The hip is proximal to the knee
C.The shoulder is distal to the elbow
D.The knee is distal to the ankle
6. Mrs. Smith has poison ivy on her shoulder, the poor thing. She reaches her right
hand over to her left shoulder to "scratch that itch". Which movement is
occurring at her ELBOW joint?
7. Which movement is occurring at Mrs. Smith's right shoulder when she "scratches
that itch"?
A.External Rotation
C.Lateral Flexion
D. Internal
8. Jane feels compelled to do a few jumping jacks. Which movement is
taking place as her hands come together above her head?
A.Lateral Flexion
C.Internal Rotation
9. Jane has completed those jumping jacks, her hands are now at her
side. Which movement did she complete?
C.Internal Rotation
D.Lateral Flexion
10. Tilt your head, bringing your right ear to your right shoulder. What is
the movement of your neck?
B.Lateral Flexion
C.Medial Flexion
D.External Flexion