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BIO 234 LAB FINAL Study Guide
You must be able to identify all muscles listed on the CAT
DISSECTION checklist as well as all structures on the SHEEP BRAIN
You should know the function for all muscle groups covered in lab:
Suprahyoid muscles – raise hyoid; depress mandible (open mouth)
Infrahyoid muscles – lower hyoid; fixate hyoid
Pectoral muscles – shoulder flexion; shoulder adduction
Lattisimus dorsi – shoulder extension; shoulder adduction
Deltoids – shoulder abduction
Trapezius – head extension/abduction (unilateral) as well as many
actions on scapulae
Rhomboids – retract scapulae
Rhomboideus capitis – elevate scapulae
Serratus anterior – scapular protraction (pushing)
Triceps – elbow extension
Biceps/brachialis/brachioradialis – elbow flexion
Rectus abdominus – trunk flexion
Ext/Int obliques/transverse abdominus – increase intra-abdominal
pressure (defectaion, urination, childbirth, forced expiration…)
Gluteals – hip extension/external rotation
Hamstrings – knee flexion/ hip extension
Quadriceps – knee extension/ hip flexion
Gastrocmemius/Soleus/Flexor digitorum – plantar flexion of ankle
Tibialis anterior/Extensor digitorum – dorsiflexion (extension) of ankle
Fibularis (peroneus) – eversion of foot
You should review Labs 16B and 18B
Review sheet questions and lecture slides from these labs
Skeletal muscle physiology
(Lab 16B)
3 phases of muscle twitch – latent, contraction, relaxation
Multiple motor unit summation vs.
Temporal (wave) summation
Threshold voltage
Be able to explain muscle control in terms of strength and smoothness of
Isometric vs. Isotonic contractions
Length-Tension relationship (curve)
o Optimum resting length
Neurophysiology (nerve impulses)
(Lab 18B)
Speed – myelinated vs. non-myelinated
Large vs. small fibers
Action potentials
o Phases (know spike graph)
o Resting membrane potential
o Depolarization
o Repolarization
o Hyperpolarization
o Refractory period
What is happening to Na+/K+ channels at all parts of the spike?
Difference between local and action potentials
Nerve conduction
Myelinated – saltatory conduction
(nodes of Ranvier)