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TO MY STUDENTS: This is a description of an essay assignment for the general public. Your
class assignment will be designated OC.
For this essay, you should write an essay that provides examples that illustrate a problem.
The problem can be almost anything--personal, professional, societal--but it must be a specific
problem. “Drugs” is too general; the recent prevalence of heroin in Orlando would make a better
topic. “Health and fitness” is too general; the high-fat content of fast foods would make a better
topic. “Education” is too general; reading levels in elementary schools would make a better
topic. “Television” is too general; reality competition shows would make a better topic.
Whatever topic you choose, the examples must be concrete and specific. Name names in this
“Fast food” is not an example. “Big Macs” is an example.
“Celebrity” is not an example. “Kim Kardashian” is an example.
“Car” is not an example. “Honda Accord” is an example.
The essay should be organized around the examples. The introduction should introduce the
problem (give background information, explain the nature of the problem, and so on). The body
paragraphs should describe different aspects of the problem and provide at least one example for
illustration. The conclusion might provide closure by identifying a possible solution or perhaps
explaining how important this problem is for the audience.