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Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 1
по темі “Atoms and Molecules. The Periodic Table”
(Фармацевтичний факультет (заочна форма навчання),
І курс, ІІ семестр)
Text: Atoms and Molecules. The Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements
Term-elements: mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, polyGrammar: Perfect Tenses (Review). Types of Questions
Мета практичного заняття №1
1. Засвоїти лексичний матеріал, пов’язаний з темою.
2. Розвивати наративні навички.
3. Вміти описувати властивості атомів та молекул. Вести бесіду на тему
«Періодична таблиця Мендєлєєва».
4. Вивчити вживання Perfect Tenses, Types of Questions.
5. Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне спілкування.
Stages of the Lesson
I. Active Vocabulary
to put forward
to cluster
nucleus (pl. nuclei)
to orbit
to gain
to share
atomic number
covalent bond
['pVt 'fLwqd]
[q'tPmIk 'nAmbq]
[kqV'veIlqnt 'bPnd]
крихітний, дуже маленький
висувати, пропонувати
збиратися групами, тіснитися
обертатися (рухатися) по орбіті
одержувати, діставати
поділяти, одержувати частку
атомне число
вага, маса
чистий; бездомішковий
потенціал; можливість
ковалентний зв’язок
окремий, ізольований
II. Read the text «Atoms and Molecules».
Answer the following questions on the text.
1. What is called an atom?
2. Who was the first scientist to put forward the theory that all matter was
composed of atoms?
3. Who is the founder of modern atomic theory?
4. All of the atoms of a particular element are of the same type, aren’t they?
5. What are atoms composed of?
6. Do electrons carry a negative electrical charge?
7. What are protons and neutrons composed of?
8. What is called the atomic number of the element?
9. What is called a molecule?
10.What does a molecule consist of?
III. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use
them in the sentences of your own.
Atom; element; proton; electron; neutron; positive electrical charge; nucleus;
valence; atomic number of the element; minute quantity; comparative weight of an
atom; isotope of the element; molecule; invisible portion; pure chemical substance;
unique set of chemical properties; chemical bond; neutral; polyatomic molecules.
II. Solve the puzzle.
1. The smallest quantity of an element that can take part in a chemical reaction – ... .
(Take the last letter)
2. A stable, positively charged elementary particle, found in atomic nuclei in
numbers equal to the atomic number of the element – … . (Take the third letter)
3. A stable elementary particle with a negative charge present in all atoms,
orbiting the nucleus in numbers equal to the atomic number of the element in
the neutral atom – … .
(Take the second letter)
4. A neutral elementary particle – … .
(Take the second letter)
5. The attribute of matter by which it responds to electromagnetic forces
responsible for all electrical phenomena, existing in two forms to which the
signs negative and positive are assigned – … .
(Take the first letter)
6. The positively charged dense region at the centre of an atom, composed of
protons and neutrons, about which electrons orbit – … . (Take the second letter)
7. A property of atoms or groups, equal to the number of atoms of hydrogen that
the atom or group could combine with or displace in forming compounds – ... .
(Take the third letter)
8. One of two or more atoms with the same atomic number that contain different
numbers of neutrons – … .
(Take the last letter)
The word concealed is
III. Translate into English.
1. Атом – це найменша частинка елемента, яка здатна брати участь у
хімічній реакції.
2. Атом складається з ядра та електронів. Ядро містить протони і нейтрони.
3. Айзек Ньютон був першим вченим, хто висунув теорію, що матерія
складається з атомів.
4. Дантон був першим, хто показав, що багато хімічних явищ можна
зрозуміти завдяки існуванню атомів.
5. Різниця між атомами елементів зумовлена кількістю протонів та нейтронів
у ядрі.
6. Маса атома майже повністю сконцентрована у його ядрі.
7. Валентність елемента – це здатність утворювати ковалентні зв’язки.
8. Всі атоми хімічного елемента мають однакове атомне число.
9. Ізотоп – це хімічний елемент, який має таке ж атомне число, як й інший
елемент (тобто однакову кількість протонів у ядрі), але має іншу атомну
масу (тобто різну кількість нейтронів у ядрі).
10.Молекула – це хімічна сполука двох або більше атомів, які утворюють
специфічну речовину.
11.Однією з основних характеристик молекули є її геометрія, яку часто
називають структурою молекули.
IV. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements.
mon(o)- ['mPnqV] – combining form of Greek origin denoting one; single
di- [daI] – prefix of Greek origin denoting twice; two; double
tri- [traI] – prefix of Latin origin denoting three or thrice
tetr(a)- [tetrq] – combining form of Greek origin denoting four
poly- [pPlI] – combining form of Greek origin denoting 1) more than one; many,
much; 2) excessive
V. Skim the text once more looking for the words having a prefixes di- and triand combining forms tetr(a)- and poly- in their structure. Read their
definitions in the next exercise.
VI. Read definitions of the terms having mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, poly- in their
structure. Give the omitted definitions of some terms by yourself.
1. Monosaccharide – a simple sugar, such as glucose or fructose, that does not
hydrolyse to yield other sugars.
Disaccharide – any of a class of sugars, such as maltose, lactose, and sucrose,
having two linked monosaccharide units per molecule.
Trisaccharide – an oligosaccharide whose molecules have three linked
monosaccharide molecules.
Polysaccharide – any one of a class of carbohydrates whose molecules contain
linked monosaccharide units: includes starch, inulin, and cellulose.
2. Monatomic (monoatomic) – 1) having or consisting of single atoms; 2) having
only one atom or group that can be replaced in a chemical reaction.
Diatomic – 1) containing two atoms; 2) containing two characteristic groups or atoms.
Triatomic – _____________________________________________________.
Tetratomic – ____________________________________________________.
Polyatomic – containing more than two atoms.
3. Monoacid – capable of reacting with only one molecule of a monobasic acid;
having only one hydroxide ion per molecule.
Diacid – an acid or salt that contains two acidic hydrogen atoms.
Triacid – capable of reacting with three molecules of a monobasic acid.
Tetracid – ______________________________________________________.
4. Monobasic – ____________________________________________________.
Dibasic – derived by replacing two acidic hydrogen atoms.
Tribasic – containing three replaceable hydrogen atoms in the molecule.
Tetrabasic – _____________________________________________________.
Polybasic – having two or more replaceable hydrogen atoms per molecule.
5. Monochloride – a chloride containing one atom of chlorine per molecule.
Dichloride – a compound in which two atoms of chlorine are combined with
another atom or group.
Trichloride – ____________________________________________________.
Tetrachloride – any compound that contains four chlorine atoms per molecule.
6. Monocyclic – ____________________________________________________.
Dicyclic – containing only two rings of atoms.
Tricyclic – ______________________________________________________.
Tetracyclic – containing four rings in its molecular structure.
Polycyclic – containing or having molecules that contain two or more closed
rings of atoms.
7. Monohydric – ___________________________________________________.
Dihydric – containing two hydroxyl groups per molecule.
Trihydric – ______________________________________________________.
Polyhydric – _____________________________________________________.
8. Monomorphic – having only one crystalline form.
Dimorphism – a property of certain substances that enables them to exist in two
distinct crystalline forms.
Trimorphism – ___________________________________________________.
Polymorphism – the existence or formation of different types of crystal of the
same chemical compound.
9. Monovalent – 1) having a valency of one; 2) having only one valency.
Divalent – ______________________________________________________.
Trivalent – ______________________________________________________.
Tetravalent – ____________________________________________________.
Polyvalent – having more than one valency.
10.Monoxide – _____________________________________________________.
Dioxide – any oxide containing two oxygen atoms per molecule, both of which
are bonded to an atom of another element.
Trioxide – any oxide that contains three oxygen atoms per molecule.
Tetroxide – _____________________________________________________.
I. Active Vocabulary
tabular display
atomic weight
noble gas
transition metal
particle accelerator
['txbjVlq dIs'pleI]
[q'tPmIk 'weIt]
['nqVbl 'gxs]
[trxn'zIS(q)n 'metl]
['pRtIkl qk'selqreItq]
демонстрація у вигляді таблиці
предтеча, попередник
розміщення; планування
решітка, ґрати
атомна вага
прогалина, пропуск
ненауковий, тривіальний
благородний газ
перехідний метал
лантанід, лантаноїд
актинід, актиноїд
розпад, гниття
штучно; синтетично
прискорювач (елементарних)
II. Read the text «Periodic Table».
Answer the following questions on the text.
1. What is the periodic table?
2. Who invented the periodic table?
3. How many elements could Mendeleev arrange in a table?
4. What did Dmitri Mendeleev note in his table?
5. Did Mendeleev predict the existence and properties of germanium, gallium and
scandium before their actual discoveries?
6. How are the elements arranged in the periodic table?
7. What is a group?
8. What groups tend to be given trivial names?
9. What is called a period?
10.There is a progression from metals to non-metals across each period, isn’t there?
11.What does the block of elements in groups 3-12 contain?
12.Can the rare earth elements or transition metals be divided into lanthanides and
13.How many elements does the current standard periodic table contain?
III. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word-combinations.
Periodic table; chemical element; invention; to be credited to smb.; recurring
trends; to refine and extend; higher atomic weight; similar chemical properties; at
the very heart of chemistry; to discover on paper; increasing atomic number;
vertical column; horizontal row; to exhibit a clear trend in properties; significant;
non-metal; variable valence; nuclear reaction; tiny amount; nuclear reactor;
ubiquitous; framework; application.
II. Support or challenge the following statements.
1. The periodic table is a tabular display of the chemical elements.
2. The invention of the periodic table is generally credited to Henry Moseley.
3. Dmitri Mendeleev knew only 56 elements at that time.
4. Mendeleev found he could arrange the elements in a grid so that each element
had a lower atomic weight than the one on its left.
5. Adams and Le Verrier could be said to have discovered germanium, gallium
and scandium on paper.
6. A group is a horizontal row in the periodic table.
7. There is a progression from halogens to noble gases across each period.
8. The transition metals produce coloured compounds, have variable valence and
are often used as catalysts.
9. The periodic table is now ubiquitous within the academic discipline of
chemistry, providing a useful framework to classify, systematize, and compare
all of the many different forms of chemical behaviour.
10.The current standard table contains 181 elements to date.
III. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.
1. __________________ – a table of the elements, arranged in order of increasing
atomic number, based on the periodic law.
2. ______________ – the inventor of the periodic table of the chemical elements.
3. ______________ – a transuranic element artificially produced by bombardment
of Einsteinium. Symbol: Md; atomic nunmer 101; valency: 2 or 3.
4. ______________ – any of the 118 known substances (of which 93 occur
naturally) that consist of atoms with the same number of protons in their nuclei.
5. ______________ – a vertical column in the periodic table.
6. ______________ – a horizontal row in the periodic table.
7. __________________ – the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of an
8. __________________ – the ratio of the average mass per atom of the naturally
occurring form of an element to one-twelfth the mass of an atom of carbon-12.
(D. I. Mendeleev, periodic table, element, mendelevium, atomic weight, atomic
number, period, group)
IV. Render the following abstract in English.
Чи знаєш ти, що назви деяких елементів запозичені з міфології
народного епосу? Так, Титан Ті названий на честь казкової цариці ельфів
Титанії зі старонімецького епосу. Ванадій V – на честь скандинавської богині
краси Ванадіс. Прометій Рt – міфічного героя Прометея, який нібито вкрав з
неба вогонь і передав його людям, тощо.
Чи знаєш ти, звідки пішов вираз «танталові муки», який вживається,
коли людина не може домогтися своєї мети, хоча вона й близько? Тантал —
син міфічного бога Зевса – за провину був приречений на вічний голод і
спрагу, стоячи по горло у воді під деревом зі стиглими плодами. Ученіхіміки, які добували елемент Тантал Та з руд, також зазнавали «танталових
мук». У 1802 р. шведський учений Екеберг відкрив оксид елемента, а вважав
його за метал. Металічний тантал добули лише через 100 років.
Чи знаєш ти, що хімічний елемент Гелій Не вперше було відкрито на
Сонці (1868) і лише через 27 років англійському вченому У. Рамзаю вдалося
виявити газувату речовину гелій в умовах Землі?
Чи знаєш ти, що Д. Менделєєв назвав такі елементи, як Галій Ga,
Германій Ge і Скандій Sc, відповідно, екаалюміній, екасиліцій та екабор. (Ека
– слово, запозичене Д. Менделєєвим із санскриту, що означає «один».
Пропонуючи заздалегідну назву елемента № 31 екаалюміній, Д. Менделєєв
виходив із того, що він «іде за алюмінієм», перший його аналог.)
Тріумфом періодичного закону було відкриття в 1875 р. французьким
ученим Лекок де Буабодраном нового елемента, названого Галієм (на честь
стародавньої назви Франції). Властивості Галію повністю збігалися із
властивостями екаалюмінію, передбаченими Д. Менделєєвим.
Впродовж наступних 15 років передбачення Д. Менделєєва блискуче
підтвердились: були відкриті прості речовини, утворені передбаченими
елементами. Проте наприкінці XIX ст. були відкриті інертні гази (Не, Ne, Аr,
Кr, Хе). Таке несподіване відкриття стало важким випробуванням для
періодичної системи, оскільки для них не було вільних клітинок.
Д. І. Менделєєв утворив для них окрему групу (нульову), розмістивши
інертні гази між галогенами і лужними металами. У результаті періоди
набули свого логічного завершення. Все це зумовило загальне визнання
періодичного закону і періодичної системи елементів.
V. Read and discuss the following supplementary text.
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev was born in Verhnie Aremzyani village, near
Tobolsk (Syberia) on 8 February 1834. He is thought to be the youngest of 14
siblings. At the age of 13, after the passing of his father and the destruction of his
mother's factory by fire, Mendeleev attended the Gymnasium in Tobolsk.
In 1849, the now poor Mendeleev family relocated to Saint Petersburg,
where he entered the Main Pedagogical Institute in 1850. After graduation,
tuberculosis caused him to move to the Crimean Peninsula. While there he became
a science master of the Simferopol gymnasium №1. He returned with fully restored
health to Saint Petersburg in 1857.
Between 1859 and 1861, he worked on the capillarity of liquids and the
workings of the spectroscope in Heidelberg. In 1861 he wrote his first book on the
spectroscope. In 1862 he married Feozva Nikitichna Leshcheva at Nikolaev
Engineering College's church in Saint Petersburg. Mendeleev became Professor of
Chemistry at the Saint Petersburg Technological Institute and Saint Petersburg
State University in 1863. In 1865 he became Doctor of Science for his dissertation
"On the Combinations of Water with Alcohol". He achieved tenure in 1867, and by
1871 had transformed Saint Petersburg into an internationally recognized center
for chemistry research. In 1876, he became obsessed with Anna Ivanova Popova.
In 1881 he proposed to her and threatened suicide if she refused. His divorce from
Leshcheva was finalized one month after he had married Popova in early 1882.
Even after the divorce, Mendeleev was technically a bigamist; the Russian
Orthodox Church required at least 7 years before lawful re-marriage. His divorce
and the surrounding controversy contributed to his failure to be admitted to the
Russian Academy of Sciences (despite his international fame by that time).
In 1893, he was appointed Director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures.
It was in this role that he was directed to formulate new state standards for the
production of vodka. So, in 1894 new standards for vodka were introduced into
Russian law and all vodka had to be produced at 40% alcohol by volume.
In 1905, Mendeleev was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy
of Sciences. The following year Nobel Committee for Chemistry recommended to
the Swedish Academy to award the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 1906 to
Mendeleev for his discovery of the periodic system. But after heated arguments,
the majority of the Academy voted for another candidate, arguing that the periodic
system was too old to acknowledge its discovery in 1906. The attempts to
nominate Mendeleev in 1907 were again frustrated.
In 1907, Mendeleev died at the age of 72 in Saint Petersburg from influenza.
The crater Mendeleev on the Moon, as well as element number 101, the radioactive
Mendelevium, are named after him.
VI. Imagine...
that you have discovered a new element... What name would you like to give to it?
Describe its properties, its molecular weight, its use in chemistry, pharmacy or
IV. Grammar Exercises
I. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Make them negative and
1. The students will have written the test on molecules by 2 p. m. tomorrow.
2. The researchers have solved the problem of making photographs of molecules
by means of an electron microscope.
3. We have already carried out the investigation.
4. Our scientists will have fulfilled their research by January.
5. The chemist had solved the chemical equation by that time.
6. The teacher has just explained us this chemical law.
7. She had prepared the report on quarks and gluons by the time you came.
8. The students had translated the article before the bell rang.
9. The laboratory assistant will have washed the glassware before he goes home.
10.I shall have done all the exercises by 7 o’clock.
II. Open the brackets using the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite.
1. The teacher (to enter) __________ already __________________ the classroom.
1. We (to make) _________________________ different investigations last term.
2. I (to know) ___________________________________ this chemist for 5 years.
3. He (not to see) ____________________________________ him since January.
4. I (not to read) ______________________ the text "Atoms and Molecules" yet.
5. She (to enter) __________________________ the Medical University last year.
6. Now I can retell the text. I (to learn) ___________________ all the new words.
7. Is he still reading the article "Novel Discoveries in Neurochemistry"? – No, he
_________ just (to read) _______________ it.
8. The professor (to finish) __________________________ delivering the lecture
on Isaak Newton twenty minutes ago.
9. _________ you ever (to live) _______________________ in a foreign country?
III. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Past Indefinite or Perfect.
1. The student (to pass) _______________ all his exams by the end of December.
2. They (to fulfill) ________________________ their research work by Monday.
3. The investigator (to solve) ______________________ this problem last month.
4. We (to discuss) __________________ the report by 4 o’clock in the afternoon.
5. The student (to write) ________________________________ a test yesterday.
6. My friend (to study) ________________________ physics and chemistry very
persistently before he (to enter) ___________________ the medical university.
7. The doctors (to take) _________________________ the decision to operate on
the patient before his relatives (to come) ___________________ to the hospital.
8. ________ you ______________________ (to get) home before the programme
"Planet of Health" (to start) ________________________________________?
9. The ambulance (to arrive) __________________ when some doctor passing by
__________ already (to give) __________________________ him the first aid.
10._________ you (to find) _________________ the textbook in chemistry which
you (to lose) ____________________ in the central academic building before?
IV. Open the brackets using the Future Indefinite or Perfect.
1. The teacher (to explain) ______________________________ the way in which
molecules are made up by the end of the lesson.
2. We (to study) ___________________ the history of atomic theory development
at the next lesson.
3. The patient ____________ fully (to recover) _____________ by the beginning
of next month.
4. I (to try) _______________________ to enter the medical university next year.
5. The doctor (to discharge) ______________ him from the hospital by Saturday.
6. The students (to have) ___________________ a quiz in chemistry on Monday.
7. The assistant professor (to ask) ___________________ him to fetch an optical
microscope from the laboratory.
8. I (not to translate) ___________________ the text "John Dalton – the Founder
of Modern Atomic Theory" into Ukrainian by the time my mother comes home.
V. Translate into English.
1. Студенти вже прочитали та переклали цей текст. Зараз вони виконують
граматичні вправи. Вони виконають усі завдання до закінчення заняття.
2. Професор Нечипоренко закінчить читати лекцію про ковалентні зв’язки
до 10 години ранку. Потім він протягом години перевірятиме контрольні
роботи, які студенти писали у понеділок.
3. Ірина щойно завершила свою дослідницьку роботу. Тепер у неї є
об’єктивні дані, і вона встигне опублікувати статтю в науковому
медичному віснику до вересня.
4. Я прочитаю цю статтю про структуру багатоатомних молекул завтра до 15
години. Потім я позичу журнал своїй подрузі.
5. Вони збудували нову хімічну лабораторію до першого серпня.
Сподіваємось, що вони встигнуть завести все необхідне обладнання до
першого вересня.
6. Мої батьки були раді, коли почули, що я склав іспит на "відмінно". Мені
пощастило, бо я найкраще вивчив ті питання, що стосувалися структури
атома: протонів, електронів і нейтронів.
D. I. Mendeleev is a great Russian scientist.
Ann’s sisters study at the medical university.
General questions
Is D. I. Mendeleev a great Russian scientist?
Do Ann’s sisters study at the medical university?
Special questions
What is D. I. Mendeleev?
Where do Ann’s sisters study?
Special questions to the subject or its attribute
Who is a great Russian scientist?
Who studies at the medical university?
(Whose sisters study at the medical university?)
Alternative questions
Is Dmitri Mendeleev or Alexander Blok a great Russian scientist?
Do Ann’s sisters or does her brother study at the medical university?
Disjunctive questions
D. I. Mendeleev is a great Russian scientist, isn’t he?
Ann’s sisters don’t study at the medical university, do they?
I. Ask questions as you are told.
1. whether periodic table is a tabular display of the chemical elements;
2. if D. I. Mendeleev intended the table to illustrate recurring trend in the
properties of the elements;
3. if scientists have refined and extended the layout of periodic table over time;
4. whether your group-mates know the main principles of the periodic table;
5. if the professor of chemistry will deliver a lecture tomorrow;
6. whether his friend studied the periodic table at school;
7. if they wrote exercises at last English lesson;
8. whether each element has a higher atomic weight than one on its left.
II. Ask alternative questions according to the pattern.
Pattern: A period is a horizontal row in the periodic table. – Is a period or a group
a horizontal row in the periodic table?
1. Each element has similar chemical properties to other elements in the same column.
2. Dmitri Mendeleev predicted the existence and properties of germanium,
gallium and scandium before their actual discoveries.
3. We call the horizontal rows periods.
4. The student will be reporting on a chemical element Nitrogen at 9 a.m. on Monday.
5. It took him much to do his homework yesterday.
6. The junior pharmacy students study general chemistry.
7. Helen was translating the text “Periodic Table” the whole evening yesterday.
8. In a month some students of our group will take part in the scientific conference.
III. Put disjunctive questions to the following sentences.
1. The periodic table is ubiquitous within the academic discipline of chemistry.
2. D. I. Mendeleev left vacant positions in his proposed table for yet undiscovered
3. The periodic table provides a useful framework to classify, systematize, and
compare all of the many different forms of chemical behaviour.
4. At the age of 16 Dmitri Mendeleev entered the Institute of Pedagogy in St.
5. The periodic table has found many applications in chemistry, physics, biology,
and engineering.
6. Mendeleev’s name will be perpetuated in the discovery of new artificial
elements and in our better understanding of the mysteries of nature.
7. The current standard table contains 118 elements to date.
8. They aren’t discussing the paragraph about the rare earth elements now.
IV. Make questions to which the words in bold type are the answers.
1. Atomic number plays major role in the chemical properties of any element.
2. In some groups, the elements exhibit a clear trend in properties down the
3. Some other groups in the periodic table display fewer similarities or vertical
4. Groups are the most common way of classifying elements.
5. There is a progression from metal to non-metals across each period.
6. The first-year students will learn the lanthanides and actinides next week.
7. My friend painted in the details the attempts to nominate Mendeleev for
Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
8. The block of elements in groups 3-12 contains the transition metals.
9. Transition metals produce coloured compounds.
10.The actinides include most of the well-known elements that take part in
nuclear reactions.
11.Tiny amounts of plutonium and neptunium exist in nature as decay products of
V. Translate into English.
1. Чи справді періодичний закон Менделєєва є одним з найважливіших
законів природи?
2. Найбільше значення періодичний закон має для хімії, фізики, біохімії, чи
не так?
3. Який елемент науковці назвали на честь Д. І. Менделєєва?
4. Чи дає періодичний закон можливість передбачати нові факти і явища,
зокрема нові елементи?
5. Чи елементи із атомною масою вищою за 72 чи 92 не зустрічаються у
природі у значній кількості?
6. Що є основою для класифікації хімічних елементів?
7. В наш час періодичний закон Менделєєва залишається тією науковою
основою, яка зумовлює подальший розвиток сучасної хімії, чи не так?
8. Хто був ініціатором створення Російського хімічного товариства?
9. Увесь світ знає ім’я Д. І. Мендєлєєва, чи не так?
10.Коли Д. І. Менделєєв вступив на фізико-математичний факультет
педагогічного інституту у Санкт-Петербурзі?
11.Скільки наукових праць написав видатний вчений Д. І. Менделєєв?
12.Хто є автором першого російського підручника "Органічна хімія"?
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