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Analysis of Learning Paradigms and Prediction Accuracy using ...
Analysis of Learning Paradigms and
Prediction Accuracy using Artificial
Neural Network Models
Poornashankar1 and V.P. Pawar2
Abstract: The proposed work is related to prediction of tumor growth
through ANN algorithms with besides statistical approach. The
algorithms work for unknown and unexpected relations which can
be uncovered by exploring of data.
This paper evaluates the efficacy of Neural Network algorithms and
its performance with respect to various learning parameters for the
tumor growth of epidermoid carcinoma in mouse.
This experiment is conducted to analyze the prediction accuracy and
stability of neural networks using Feed Forward, Back Propagation
and Self Organizing Maps by applying different learning rules and
activation functions.
The combination of ANN algorithms by the analyses, it is observed
that among the three network models, the MLP with Back Propagation
which stabilized in lesser number of epochs is better amongst the
three models. Brain computer interaction through analysis of
algorithms for prediction tumor growth is proven.
Keywords: Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Feed Forward, Kohonen
Self- Organizing Map (SOM), Back Propagation, Epochs.
Brain –computer interaction through Neural Networks is very
challengeable area of the research. The neural network algorithms
using for correct analysis of data sets. The proposed research work
is related to neural network algorithms for prediction of tumor
growth of mouse. The concept of data mining with neural network
is very effective approach for prediction of tumor growth. The
Journal of Neural Systems Theory and Applications, 1(1) January-June 2011
Poornashankar and V.P. Pawar
combination has proven their predictive power thorough
comparison with other statistical techniques using real data sets [1].
Neural networks uses set of processing elements analogous to
neurons in the brain. These elements are interconnected in the
network that can identify patterns in data [9].
Algorithms based on neural networks have a lot of applications
in knowledge engineering especially in human decision-making
or modeling. The utilization of modern methods based on neural
networks theory will be pursued. The performance of the popular
Neural Networks will be analyzed with respect to learning
rate, momentum, error tolerance, number of epochs and activation
Some of cancerous tissues can be very aggressive in tumor. It is very
important to identify as early as possible. 10-30% visible abnormalities
usually are not detected due to technical or human error. The
effectiveness of early detection has been proven to reduce a lot of
mortality among cancer patients [8]. As a proof 80% of American
Society detected cases are still in early stage, but the mortality among
them is only 3% in the year 2006 due to early detection and improved
treatment. Hence it is mandatory to computerize the cancer diagnose
system. Prediction of tumor growth through ANN helps to determine
the severity and rate of growth of cancer tissues. Neural Networks
are commonly used in predicting tumor growth in the medical field,
as they handle large database and its ability to learn and stabilize
after training [1]. An Artificial Neural Network was constructed with
the help of tumor growth data of 4 mice and tested in three different
algorithms viz. Feed Forward Networks, Multilayer Back
Propagation and Kohonen Self Organizing Maps. The efficacy of
different neural algorithms has been analyzed with respect to learning
parameters and other statistics. The results obtained reveals that
Multilayer Back Propagation algorithms is better than the other two
algorithm for this set of data with respect to time, number of iterations
and accuracy.
Journal of Neural Systems Theory and Applications, 1(1) January-June 2011
Analysis of Learning Paradigms and Prediction Accuracy using ...
3.1 Simple Feed Forward Networks
Feed forward networks are used in situations when we can bring all
of the information to bear on a problem at once and we can present it
to the neural network. Feed forward networks have layers of
processing elements. A layer of processing elements makes
independent computations on data that it receives and passes the
results to another layer. The next layer may in turn make its
independent computations and pass on the results to yet another
layer. Finally, a subgroup of one or more processing elements
determines the output form the network. The data flows from input
layer through 0, 1 or most succeeding hidden layers and then to the
output layer. It is the definition of connection topology and data flow.
3.2 Multilayer Feed Forward Neural Networks
The multilayer perceptron (MLP) is one of the most widely
implemented neural network topologies. Multilayer perceptrons
represent the most prominent and well researched class of ANNs
in classification, implementing a feed forward, supervised and
hetero-associative paradigm. For static pattern classification, the
MLP with two hidden layers is a universal pattern classifier. In other
words, the discriminant functions can take any shape, as required
by the input data clusters. Moreover, when the weights are properly
normalized and the output classes are normalized to 0/1, the MLP
achieves the performance of the maximum a posteriori receiver,
which is optimal from a classification point of view. In terms of
mapping abilities, the MLP is believed to be capable of
approximating arbitrary functions. This has been important in the
study of nonlinear dynamics and other function mapping problems.
MLPs are normally trained with the backpropagation algorithm.
In fact the renewed interest in ANNs was in part triggered by
the existence of backpropagation. The backpropagation rule
propagates the errors through the network and allows adaptation
of the hidden PEs.
Journal of Neural Systems Theory and Applications, 1(1) January-June 2011
Poornashankar and V.P. Pawar
Two important characteristics of the multilayer perceptron are:
Its nonlinear processing elements (PEs) which have a nonlinearity
that must be smooth (the logistic function and the hyperbolic tangent
are the most widely used); and their massive interconnectivity (i.e.
any element of a given layer feeds all the elements of the next layer).
The multilayer perceptron is trained with error correction
learning, which means that the desired response for the system must
be known. In pattern recognition this is normally the case, since we
have our input data labeled, i.e. we know which data belongs to
which experiment.
Multi layer Neural Networks are powerful tools used for wide
range of purposes like diagnosis of malignant of Breast Cancer from
Digital Mammograms [1], Resolving Multi Font Character Confusion
with Neural Networks [4], ANN Model in Human Decision
Making [7].
3.3 The Kohonen Self-organizing Map
The connection weights are assigned with small random numbers
at the beginning. The incoming input vectors presented by the
sample data are received by the input neurons. The input vector is
transmitted to the output neurons via the connections. The output
neurons with the weights most similar to the input vector became
active. In the learning stage, the weights are updated following
Kohonen’s learning rule. The weight update only occurs for the
active output neurons and their topological neighbours. The
neighborhood starts large and slowly decreases in size over time.
Because the learning rate is reduced to zero the learning process
eventually converges.
After learning process similar set of items activate the same
neuron. SOM divides the input set into subsets of similar records.
SOM is a dynamic system, which learns abstract structures in high
dimensional input space using low dimensional space for
representation. Properly designed SOM can be used to organize the
high dimensional clusters in a low dimensional map. Using SOM
Journal of Neural Systems Theory and Applications, 1(1) January-June 2011
Analysis of Learning Paradigms and Prediction Accuracy using ...
researches are being conducted in Diagnosis of Mammographic
Images [1], Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence [7], A
Convolution Neural Network Classifier with Spatial Domain and
Text Images [8].
The tumor growths of epidermoid carcinoma of 4 mice and one
patient over various time-scales have taken and these were predicted
up to 10 weeks by various neural network algorithms. The objective
of this research is to analyze the prediction accuracy of neural
networks using Feed forward, Back propagation and self organizing
maps by applying different learning rules and activation functions.
In the first step, the construction of the network was determined
with its structure and weight; excessive numbers of training data
were selected. Training is done with the specified number of epochs,
preferably a large number until the value of MSE for the trained
data is nearer to zero or reaching at a stable point.
Different threshold functions are being selected for the sake of
scaling down the activation and mapping into a meaningful output
across each layer's operations. The sigmoid function, a step function
and hyperbolic functions have been taken as activation functions
and are tested with each algorithm.
The Performance Measures access point of the Error Criterion
component provides four values that can be used to measure the
performance of the network for a particular data set.
The number of Epochs specifies how many iterations (over the
training set) will be done if no other criterion kicks in. The Error
Change contains the parameters used to terminate the training based
on mean squared error. The larger the number of epochs, more stable
will be the network. The training terminates as a function of the
desired error level.
The actual data and expected data are compared with its Mean
Square Error (MSE), Normalized MSE, Mean absolute Error,
Minimum and Maximum Absolute Error and Linear correlation
Journal of Neural Systems Theory and Applications, 1(1) January-June 2011
Poornashankar and V.P. Pawar
This experiment has been conducted using Neuro solutions tool
version 5.05. This tool has a provision to simulate all neural network
topologies using learning algorithms and generate modular
networks. It has the capability to include more neurons and hidden
layers yielding fast and double precision calculations. It supports
for both Recall and Learning networks using Simple protocol for
sending the input data and retrieving the network response.
In order to analyze the learning parameters and efficacy of the
different neural models the following steps are followed
[1] The appropriate Neural Network algorithm has been identified
based on prediction.
[2] The input data file containing the training data with appropriate
columns were specified.
[3] The input variables, predictor variables have been identified for
the data analysis.
[4] The validation procedure has been selected for training the
network. This procedure identifies the error while training the
[5] The testing is performed to compare the network output with
the desired output.
[6] The required exemplars and hidden layers are selected for
processing the network.
[7] Number of processing elements and learning rules are given as
[8] The learning parameters like step size, momentum and number
of epochs have been entered to yield the desired output from
the network..
[9] The weights of the processing elements are updated.
[10] The termination criteria for the network are selected either based
on number of epochs or based on the error level of Mean Squared
Error (MSE) till the network stabilizes.
Journal of Neural Systems Theory and Applications, 1(1) January-June 2011
Analysis of Learning Paradigms and Prediction Accuracy using ...
[11] The performance of Network is analyzed with respect to
learning parameters.
[12] The predicted data using these models and the outcomes of the
projected results are plotted in the graph.
[13] The robustness and completeness of every algorithm is analyzed
through the comparative statement.
The assessment of accuracy or different neural network models have
been compared and analyzed based on its MSE and correlation
coefficient between the actual and the expected to see how close the
predicted to its true outcome.
Make it table, Histogram Properly & Try to Show Result in Significant form
using SD/Mean/Variance or T-Test (Statistical Technique) etc..
Minimum MSE
Minimum MSE
Mouse No.
FF Axon
MLP Axon
SOM Tanh
Mouse No.
FF Axon
MLP Axon
SOM Tanh
Mouse No.
FF Axon
MLP Axon
SOM Tanh
Journal of Neural Systems Theory and Applications, 1(1) January-June 2011
Poornashankar and V.P. Pawar
Mean Absolute
Mouse No.
FF Axon
MLP Axon
SOM Tanh
Mouse No.
FF Axon
MLP Axon
SOM Tanh
Minimum MSE
Normalized MSE
Journal of Neural Systems Theory and Applications, 1(1) January-June 2011
Analysis of Learning Paradigms and Prediction Accuracy using ...
Mean Absolute Error
Mean Absolute Error
For the class of supervised learning there are three basic decisions
that need to be made: Choice of the error criterion, how the error is
propagated through the network, and what constraints (static or
across time) one imposes on the network output.
From the above research it can be concluded that the final output of
ANN can be affected by Network Architecture, learning Algorithm
and other parameters as well as input. Feed forward being the
simplest of all ANN algorithms, stabilized well yielding better results
with in more time. A MLP with Back propagation provides good
result in predicting and classification. The only thing is to find out
the best architecture, number of hidden layers and distribution
function. Initial weights are important as it affects the ability and
performance. Kohonen’s SOM takes high dimensional input,
Journal of Neural Systems Theory and Applications, 1(1) January-June 2011
Poornashankar and V.P. Pawar
clusters it, and retains some topological order of the output with
more iteration.
7.1 Feed Forward Network
Generalized feed forward networks are connections which
can jump over one or more layers. A feed forward network
has information flowing in forward direction; the state of
each neuron is calculated by summing the weight values
that flow into a neuron. Weights are usually determined by
training algorithm which adjusts the weights appropriately
to achieve the desired response.
This feed forward network is generated, trained with three
transfer methods viz., Axon, hyperbolic and sigmoid and
tested with different learning rules like step and momentum.
Among the three different approaches, the values of MSE,
Normalized MSE, Mean Absolute Error were minimum
indicating the near match of the actual and the predicted
output supported by the value of correlation coefficient for
feed forward network constructed with transfer axon and
learning rule step.
7.2 Multilayer Perceptron with Back Propagation
Multi Layer Perceptron using back propagation can solve
any problem that a generalized feed forward network can
solve but, it requires hundreds of times more training epochs
than the generalized feed forward network containing the
same number of processing elements.
The stability of MLP network with back propagation and
its output precision is observed using the axon, sigmoid and
hyperbolic transfer functions with learning rule step and
Among the three different approaches, the values of MSE,
Normalized MSE, Mean Absolute Error were minimum
Journal of Neural Systems Theory and Applications, 1(1) January-June 2011
Analysis of Learning Paradigms and Prediction Accuracy using ...
indicating the near match of the actual and the predicted
output supported by the value of correlation coefficient for
MLP network constructed with transfer axon and learning
rule step.
7.3 Kohonen’s Self Organizing Maps
This network’s key advantage is the clustering produced
by the SOFM which reduces the input space into representative features using a self-organizing process. Hence the
underlying structure of the input space is kept, while the
dimensionality of the space is reduced.
Their main advantage is that they are easy to use, and that
they can approximate any input/output map. The key
disadvantages are that they train slowly, and require lots of
training data (typically three times more training samples
than network weights).
A SOM network was constructed with transfer function
hyperbolic and the step learning rule. The minimum MSE
reached only at the 1000th epoch. The network needs more
number of epochs to become stable.
The RDBMS tools have the limitations with its structure whereas in
the ANN has significant improvement in the dynamic environment
due to its learning capability.
This research reveals the prediction capacity of artificial neural
networks using carcinoma data. The assessment of accuracy or
different neural network models have been compared and analyzed
based on its MSE and correlation coefficient between the actual and
the expected to see how close the predicted to its true outcome.
All outcome of the analysis were performed using cancer data,
there were no significant difference within the results, the MLP’s
accuracy seems to be better than the other two tested network
Journal of Neural Systems Theory and Applications, 1(1) January-June 2011
Poornashankar and V.P. Pawar
models, (because of lesser number of Epochs) but further
optimization is required in MLP to obtain encouraging results and
improve the performance of the network. The performances of the
other SOM networks were not satisfactory and the optimization of
the training could not be achieved within the specified number of
epochs. The results obtained were not encouraging in the pilot study,
so its feasibility is not considered.
When neural networks are used in data warehouse, the output
of the process is a trained model which can be used to retrieve
various patterns in real time.
Based on the training and testing of the proposed model, it can
be proved that artificial neural networks can mine the data set with
predictive accuracy and improved performance.
Neural networks have been shown to be particularly useful in
solving problems where traditional artificial intelligence techniques
involving symbolic methods have failed or proved inefficient.
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Journal of Neural Systems Theory and Applications, 1(1) January-June 2011
Analysis of Learning Paradigms and Prediction Accuracy using ...
[8] “Computerized Breast Cancer Diagnosis with Genetic Algorithms and Neural
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[11] Data Mining with Neural Networks by Joseph P. Bigus.
[12] Data Mining Techniques by Arun K Pujari.
[13] “The Elements of Statistical Learning” by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani
and Jerome Friedman.
[14] Data Mining with Computational Intelligence by Lipo Wang and Xiuju Fu.
[15] Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems by Jacek M. Zurada.
Journal of Neural Systems Theory and Applications, 1(1) January-June 2011