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Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
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© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
Develop an Advertising Campaign
ISBN: 978-1-74238-
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Table of Contents
Qualification Pathways
Qualification Rules
BSBADV602B/01 Define Campaign Objectives
Key Points
Clarify the advertiser’s purpose and objectives from the advertising brief and use these to set objectives for the advertising campaign
State campaign objectives in measurable terms and identify the nature and extent of what the advertising is to accomplish
Ensure campaign objectives are feasible, given the constraints of time, budget, product and market factors
Ensure campaign objectives take into consideration factors which may affect consumer responses
Ensure campaign objectives meet legal and ethical requirements
‘True’ or ‘False’ Quiz
BSBADV602B/02 Prepare an Advertising Budget
Key Points
Assess and specify research resource requirements for the advertising campaign
Assess and specify resource requirements for a range of media options, creative and production services
Justify resources allocated to each component of the advertising campaign and ensure they are sufficient, in relative terms, to achieve the campaign objectives
Ensure the overall budget meets the requirements of the advertising brief
‘True’ or ‘False’ Quiz
BSBADV602B/03 Develop a Schedule for Proposed Advertising Activities
Key Points
Confirm the campaign length and timing from the advertising brief
Identify service providers with the required expertise and negotiate their costs and availability
Base the choice of service providers on merit and value for money and ensure the selection meets legal and ethical requirements
Ensure the time allowed in the schedule to meet creative, media and production requirements is sufficient to achieve the advertising objectives
Include milestones for monitoring progress and expenditure against budget, and for evaluating campaign effectiveness in the schedule
‘True’ or ‘False’ Quiz
Assessment Pack
Candidate Resource BSBADV602B Develop an Advertising Campaign
© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
Use considered risk taking
in your
Use considered risk taking in your
others will
...and others
others will
will follow
This symbol indicates the beginning of new content. The bold title matches the content
of the competency and they will help you to find the section to reference for your
assessment activities.
Activity: Whenever you see this symbol, there is an activity to carry out which has been
designed to help reinforce the learning about the topic and take some action.
This symbol is used at the end of a section to indicate the summary key points of the
previous section.
This symbol is used to indicate an answer to the Candidate’s questions or notes to assist
the Facilitator.
Candidate Resource BSBADV602B Develop an Advertising Campaign
© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
Qualification Pathways
“There are always two
choices. Two paths to
take. One is easy. And
its only reward is that
it’s easy”. Source Unknown
This unit of competency is provided to meet the requirements of BSB07 Business Services
Training Package although it can be used in a range of different qualifications. The BSB07
Business Services Training Package does not state how a qualification is to be achieved. Rather,
Registered Training Organisations are required to use the qualification rules to ensure the needs
of the learner and business customer are met. This is to be achieved through the development
of effective learning programs delivered in an order that meets the stated needs of nominated
Candidates and business customers.
Candidate Resource BSBADV602B Develop an Advertising Campaign
© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
Qualification Rules
“You’re either part of
the solution or part
of the problem.”
Eldridge Cleaver
Qualification requirements include core and elective units. The unit mix is determined by
specific unit of competency requirements which are stated in the qualification description.
Registered Training Organisations then work with learners and business customers to select
elective units relevant to the work outcome, local industry requirements and the qualification
All vocational education qualifications must lead to a work outcome. BSB07 Business Services
Training Package qualifications allow for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to vary
programs to meet:
Specific needs of a business or group of businesses.
Skill needs of a locality or a particular industry application of business skills.
Maximum employability of a group of students or an individual.
When packaging a qualification elective units are to be selected from an equivalent level
qualification unless otherwise stated.
Candidate Resource BSBADV602B Develop an Advertising Campaign
© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
“Whether as an
individual, or as part of
a group, real progress
depends on entering
whole-heartedly into
the process and being
motivated to make you a
more deeply satisfied
human being.”
Source Unknown
This unit of competency is about being able to determine key objectives and to develop an
advertising campaign to optimise product or service market performance in response to an
advertising brief. It will help you with the skills you need to demonstrate competency for the
unit BSBADV602B Develop an Advertising Campaign. This is one of the units that make up the
Advanced Diplomas in Business.
This manual is broken up into three sections. They are:
1. Define Campaign Objectives
2. Prepare an Advertising Budget
3. Develop a Schedule for Proposed Advertising Activities
At the conclusion of this training you will be asked to complete an assessment pack for this unit
of competency. The information contained in this resource will assist you to complete this task.
On competent completion of the assessment, you will have demonstrated your ability to
develop an advertising campaign, budget and schedule?
Candidate Resource BSBADV602B Develop an Advertising Campaign
© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
Candidate Resource BSBADV602B Develop an Advertising Campaign
© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
Define Campaign Objectives
Key Points Section 1
When setting advertising objectives it is important to consider clarifying the
advertiser’s purpose and objectives from the advertising brief and using these
to set objectives for the advertising campaign
Ensure that you state campaign objectives in measurable terms and identify the
nature and extent of what the advertising is to accomplish
Ensure campaign objectives are feasible, given the constraints of time, budget,
product and market factors
Campaign objectives must take into consideration factors which may affect
consumer responses
Ensure campaign objectives meet legal and ethical requirements
Candidate Resource BSBADV602B Develop an Advertising Campaign
© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
Part 1: Define Campaign Objectives
We begin this manual with addressing the need to find out as much as possible from the client
before planning an advertising campaign. Before undertaking an advertising campaign, an
advertising agency should be able to answer two key questions:
Why are we advertising?
What are we advertising?
The answers may seem obvious. But their significance in planning an advertising campaign are
established in the advertising objectives. Advertising is expensive. Careful consideration about
‘Why’ and ‘What’ is very important.
Development of an effective advertising campaign, needs the right information. In this section,
we will provide you with an overview of the types of information that you will require to create
briefs and advertising strategies.
Why Advertise?
The following may be good reasons why a business is advertising:
To create awareness, customer interest or desire in a brand or product
To raise sales
To maintain or build brand loyalty
To assist in the launch of a new product
To change customer attitudes
To build the company or brand image
To reduce the effect of competition.
Flick through your favourite magazine and look at a selection of the ads contained within.
Think about the reasons why the ads were placed – look for the objective that the advertiser is
hoping to achieve. Don’t forget that some adverts aim to achieve multiple objectives.
By gathering information about why your client actually wants to advertise and what their
overall objectives are, you are in a much better position to develop a campaign that actually
addresses their needs.
An advertising objective is simply a specific communication task that the advertising hopes to
be able to achieve. Put simply, these objectives fall into three main categories – each of which
may be used in a campaign – that is often an advertising campaign will aim to achieve multiple
To inform - e.g. tell customers about a new product
To persuade - e.g. encourage customers to switch to a different brand
To remind - e.g. remind buyers where to find a product
Candidate Resource BSBADV602B Develop an Advertising Campaign
© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
Part 1: Define Campaign Objectives
Let’s now look more at advertising objectives and what they may be aimed at achieving.
Advertising goals are communication objectives aimed at accomplishing certain tasks within
the overall marketing program. It is very difficult to assess the success of an advertising program
unless specific and measurable advertising objectives have been set.
When you ask most companies what they hope their advertising will achieve they will give you
an answer along the lines of ‘raise my sales’ or ‘increase my market share’. But if you think about
this you will realise these are not actually advertising objectives, they are marketing objectives.
Advertising alone can not raise sales or increase market share, advertising is simply a part of
the overall marketing program which will work towards achieving these goals. So you need
to examine exactly what effect it is that you want your advertising to have, within a given
timeframe. So let’s look at an example of the difference between the two.
Let’s imagine that you have been asked to write advertising objectives for a laundry powder.
An overall marketing objective may be to increase market share for the product from 10% to
15%. However, the advertising objective for a specific campaign may be to raise the number of
women aged 21-49 who identify the specific brand as being the one that makes whites whiter.
You now have a specific communication task that the advertising agency can use to create
their communication message and base their campaign around.
isn’t a science.
It’s persuasion.
And persuasion
is an art.”
William Bernbach
Candidate Resource BSBADV602B Develop an Advertising Campaign
© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
Part 1: Define Campaign Objectives
What to Advertise?
Factors that help answer the question “What are we advertising”?
Focus on what the advertising message should be – and thus allow you to determine objectives
based on the product itself. In general, there are really only two kinds of effective advertising
Firstly, does the business / product have a Unique Selling Proposition (‘USP’), a unique selling
proposition is a customer benefit that no other product can claim.
In reality these are rare, although that does not stop advertisers from making these bold
statements for their product. However it is important to remember that they can give you a
good objective to begin selling your product from.
And, second, when setting advertising objectives and communication tasks for a campaign you
may like to think about how your brand can add value. This added value is critical in determining
the type of advertising message that you may like to communicate as a part of your specific
advertising objectives.
For example think back to our laundry powder. Advertising for this type of product may focus
on the type of whitening agents that are added into a product to increase optical brightness.
Other messages may focus on examining the amount of washes that the box may provide.
Whatever is advertised, the objectives set must ensure that any communication is:
Acted upon by target customers
Previous Advertising
Advertising does not act in isolation. Advertisers will have created previous campaigns and the
competition will also be running advertising campaigns. In order to create good objectives,
you should analyse:
What appeals has the advertiser used in the past?
Are there any elements in the previous advertisements that could be reused to
create consistency?
Are there any other advertising campaigns for similar products?
What appeals do they use?
Candidate Resource BSBADV602B Develop an Advertising Campaign
© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
Part 1: Define Campaign Objectives
How effective are they?
What research has been done on previous advertising?
What elements were most effective?
What elements were not effective?
What difficulties were there in creative execution?
What benefits were found from the advertising?
“The business that considers
itself immune to the necessity for
advertising sooner or later finds
itself immune to business.”
Derby Brown
Candidate Resource BSBADV602B Develop an Advertising Campaign
© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
Part 1: Define Campaign Objectives
Activity One
What is the key difference between an advertising objective and a marketing objective? Give
examples of each.
Candidate Resource BSBADV602B Develop an Advertising Campaign
© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
Part 1: Define Campaign Objectives
Activity Two
Advertising is designed to achieve certain results. What do you think the objectives for the
following two advertisements were? (Number 2 is on the next page).
Number 1
Candidate Resource BSBADV602B Develop an Advertising Campaign
© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
Part 1: Define Campaign Objectives
Activity Two
What were the objectives for this advertisement?
Number 2
Candidate Resource BSBADV602B Develop an Advertising Campaign
© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
Part 1: Define Campaign Objectives
Section 1 - ‘True’ or ‘False’ Quiz
Please tick
You do not need to gather information regarding an advertising
campaign from the client, your agency will research this itself.
Effective advertising is based on a solid foundation of client
A company may advertise to change consumer attitudes.
Advertising may be launched to counter a competitor’s
Advertising is usually not related to distribution.
Advertising will only have a single objective.
USP stands for Universal Selling Principles.
Advertising should add value to a company.
Advertising must make a prime prospect take some form of action.
Previous advertising should be reviewed before new advertising is
Candidate Resource BSBADV602B Develop an Advertising Campaign
© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd