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4 UNIT 6 Gender equality Section B What does feminism really mean? Objectives To master the reading skill To understand the text To practice the phrases and patterns To learn about speech writing Section B What does feminism really mean? Contents Warming-up Reading Skills Text Study Comparative Study Unit Project Section B What does feminism really mean? Warming-up Lead-in Background Information 1. Why are women choosing not to identify as feminists? Tips 2. What’s the definition of feminism, and what’s the idea and the ambition behind the word? Tips Video Watching Back 1. Why are women choosing not to identify as feminists? Tips Feminist has become an uncomfortable word, because feminists are the ranked women whose expressions are seen as too strong, too aggressive, isolating and antimen, unattractive even. 2. What’s the definition of feminism, and what’s the idea and the ambition behind the word? Tips • Feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. • It’s the theory of the political, economic and social equality of sexes. • Gender equality should be considered as human rights. 1. Feminism 2 . the Pilgrims Tips Tips 1. Feminism Tips The term “feminism” refers to movements and ideologies that are aimed at promoting equal rights and equal opportunities for women. A person who advocates or supports the rights and equality of women is referred to as a “feminist”. Feminists advocate women’s rights in various fields such as contract law, property, and voting, in addition to promoting physical integrity, autonomy, and reproductive rights. 1. Feminism Tips They have brought great changes to societies. Women today in many countries have won the rights to vote, to earn equal pay, to decide whether to have children, and to own property. Feminist activists also work to protect women and girls from all forms of domestic violence, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. In addition, they strive for workplace rights and fight against discrimination against women. 2. the Pilgrims Tips The term refers to people who left England in the early 17th century to seek religious freedom in North America. The first Pilgrims were a group of some 100 people who set sail from England in September 1620. They landed on the shores of Cape Cod, in present-day Massachusetts, in November of the same year. They settled in Plymouth and founded the first permanent settlement of Europeans in New England. These original settlers are known as the Pilgrim Fathers, or simply as the Pilgrims. Section B What does feminism really mean? Reading Skills Presentation of the Skill Reading Skill Practice Reading for supporting details In B2U2, we learned how to read for major details in a paragraph. Sometimes, however, the author may provide details to support his idea without differentiating the levels of importance of those details. In other words, the supporting details in a paragraph may be parallel or equally important. In this unit, we will focus on how to identify supporting details in general. Reading for supporting details There are two clues that can help us to locate the supporting details in a paragraph: 1. Sentence position: Sentences that contain supporting details often come after the sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph, i.e. the topic sentence. 2. Specific information: Supporting details usually consist of specific and concrete information, e.g. facts, statistics, examples and anecdotes (轶事), rather than general or abstract ideas. Reading for supporting details Example When I was a boy growing up off the grid in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the men I knew labored with their bodies from the first rooster crow in the morning to sundown. They were marginal farmers, shepherds, just scraping by, or welders, steelworkers, carpenters; they built cabinets, dug ditches, mined coal, or drove trucks, their forearms thick with muscle. Reading for supporting details They trained horses, stocked furnaces, made tires, stood on assembly lines, welding parts onto refrigerators and lubricating car engines. In the evenings and on weekends, they labored equally hard, working on their own small tract of land, fixing broken-down cars, repairing broken shutters and drafty windows. In their little free time, they drowned their livers in beer from cheap copper mugs at a bar near the local brewery or racecourse. (Para. 1) Reading for supporting details In this paragraph, the author states his main idea in the first sentence, i.e. the men he knew labored with their bodies all day. All the other sentences, starting from the second one until the last one, function as supporting details that explain this idea. They give specific examples and descriptions to show that these men’s life was hard. Reading for supporting details Practice Read the following paragraphs from Text B and identify the main idea and the supporting details. Reading for supporting details 1. In some countries, gender equality remains far away. There are places where women aren’t allowed to participate in government or public life, where women are denied education and remain illiterate, and places where women have to keep their hair and faces hidden, or they will risk terrible lashes, detention, or even execution. There are places where young, virgin girls, with no judicial process to protect them, are forced to marry old men and bear children against their will. There are places where women are not allowed to drive a car or sit in the same section as men when using public transit. (Para. 4) Reading for supporting details Main idea: In some countries, gender equality remains far away. Supporting details: Examples of various types of gender inequalities in the world. Reading for supporting details 2. With all the progress of the last decades, it can be hard to see that there is still work to be done, or to remember what was so difficult before. Modern women may raise a chorus of complaints that there are no confident men left, and blame feminism. A modern man may long for the days when a wife would stay home with a spatula and a sponge, cooking kidney beans and steak for dinner, fascinated by his work stories. However, he would be forgetting the need to make enough money to support his household alone. (Para. 6) Reading for supporting details Main idea: It can be hard to see that there is still work to be done, or to remember what was so difficult before. Supporting details: Examples of modern men’s and women’s thoughts. Section B What does feminism really mean? Text Study Text Comprehension Language Focus Critical Thinking 1. In Paragraph 1, why does the author mention the beliefs some people have about feminism? (Para.1) 2. Why feminists don’t want to drive men out of society? (Para.2) 3. According to the author, what is the essence of feminism? (Para.3) 4. Why does the author mention some places where gender inequality exists? (Para.4) 5. Which of the following is not an achievement of feminism? (Para.5) 6. What does the author think of a trophy wife? (Para.7) 7. Why does the author warn us against the “small problems” (Para. 9) in feminist environments? (Para.9) 8. What is the purpose of the article? 1. In Paragraph 1, why does the author mention the beliefs some people have about feminism? (Para.1) Tips To illustrate that many people have a wrong understanding of feminism. 2. Why feminists don’t want to drive men out of society? (Para.2) Tips Their life cannot be separated from men. 原句: Feminists have fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons. Their lives are just as coiled up with those they love as anyone else’s. (Para.2,L12) 解释: Feminists have fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons. Their lives are closely linked with those men they love, just as the life of anyone else. 译文: 女权主义者也有父亲、兄弟、丈夫和儿子。她们 的生活就像其他任何人一样,与她们所爱的人密 不可分。 3. According to the author, what is the essence of feminism? (Para.3) Tips The notion that women should have the same opportunities as men. 4. Why does the author mention some places where gender inequality exists? (Para.4) Tips To show that there is still a lot for feminists to do. 5. Which of the following is not an achievement of feminism? (Para.5) Tips Choose the best answer to the question. A. Women have their own career and property. B. Women have the rights to vote and be educated. C. Women can sit on royal thrones and rule a country. D. Women can be elected for top political positions. 6. What does the author think of a trophy wife? (Para.7) Tips She is somewhat a feminist if she has the courage to protect herself. 7. Why does the author warn us against the “small problems” (Para.9) in feminist environments? (Para.9) Tips To make people realize the necessity to continue the fight for gender equality. 原句: 着地顺利、轻松 Our touchdown was smooth and easy; the tragedy we had feared was not our destiny.(Para. 16,L61) 解释: The plane landed smoothly and without difficulty. The air crash we had all worried about did not become our fate. 译文: 我们着地顺利、轻松;我们所恐惧的悲剧并没有成 为 我们的宿命。 8. What is the purpose of the story? Tips To clarify and explain a concept. belief opportunities better displace controlled oppressed roles gender remains feminists In comparison tremendously fought overthrow discriminatory barriers tunnel through thirst for quenched vigilant Practical Phrases Specific Meanings 1. forbid sb. from doing sth. 2. eject sb. from sth. 禁止某人做某事 (尤指用武力)驱逐; 剥夺…的成员资格 使…与…卷缠在一起 3. coil sth. up with sth. 4. against one’s will 5. run for 6. look down on sb. / sth. 7. take up 8. a / the ghost of sth. 违背某人的意愿 竞选;参加竞选 轻视;瞧不起 开始从事(新的工 作); 对某事产生兴趣 一点…;一丝… 禁止某人做某事 短语逆译 forbid sb. from doing sth. 短语应用 有时,你越是不准小孩做某事,他就越想做。 意群提示 (forbid a child from doing something) Sometimes the more you try to forbid a child from doing something, the more he wants to do it. (尤指用武力)驱逐; eject sb. from sth. 剥夺…的成员资 短语逆译 格 短语应用 因为他对项目的管理完全错误,董事会主席决心要 将他开除出公司。 意群提示 (eject him from the company / mismanage the project) The chairman of the board was determined to eject him from the company as he had completely mismanaged the project. 使…与…卷缠 在一起 短语逆译 coil sth. up with sth. 短语应用 通过将电线缠绕在磁铁上,他们做了个感应器。 意群提示 (coil the wire up with / the magnet) They made a sensor by coiling the wire up with the magnet. 违背某人的意愿 短语逆译 against one’s will 短语应用 他的父母从来不强迫他做任何违背自己意愿的事情。 意群提示 (against his will) His parents never force him to do anything against his will. 竞选; 参加竞选 短语逆译 run for 短语应用 今年参加市政议会竞选的人数比往年任何时候都多。 意群提示 (run for / the city council) More people than ever before are running for the city council this year. 轻视;瞧不起 短语逆译 look down on sb. / sth. 短语应用 她认为她的朋友们因为她没上过大学而瞧不起她。 意群提示 (look down on her) She thinks her friends look down on her because she didn’t go to university. 开始从事(新的工作); 短语逆译 对某事产生兴趣 take up 短语应用 玛丽最近对绘画产生了兴趣,现在她正在画一幅自己 孩子的肖像。 意群提示 (take up / a portrait of her kids) Mary took up painting recently, and now she is working on a portrait of her kids. 一点…;一丝… a / the ghost of sth. 短语逆译 短语应用 股票市场下跌时,我在老板眼中看到了一丝恐惧。 意群提示 (a ghost of fear in the eyes of / stock market / fall) I saw a ghost of fear in the eyes of my boss when the stock market fell. Functional Patterns 1. Distilled to its essence, sth. is the idea that... Functions & Usages 用于归纳强调“归根结底, 某事是什么”。 2. Sb. does sth. compared to sb. / 用于表达“与某人或某时 the time when… 代相比,某人…”。 3. It seems / sounds…, but sth. is … 用于对比强调“某事看上 去 或 听 起 来 …, 其 实… ”。 原句译文 归根结底,女权主义指的是男人和女人应该 拥有平等的机会。 逆译练习 Distilled to its essence, feminism is the idea that men and women should have equal opportunities. (Para. 3) 句型提炼 句型提炼 Distilled to its essence, sth. is the idea that... 应用提示 用于归纳强调“归根结底,某事是什 么” 。 句型应用 典型例句 归根结底,不了解外语的人也无法真正了解自己的语 言。 意群提示 (Distilled to its essence / know nothing) Distilled to its essence,those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own. 原句译文 在美国,与殖民时期的朝圣者相比,现代女 性过着极其奢侈的生活。在英伦诸岛,现代 女性与早先国王的统治时期相比,基本上已 与男性一切平等。 逆译练习 In the United States, modern women live downright luxurious lives compared to the Pilgrims in colonial times. And in the British Isles, modern women are essentially equal to men compared to the time when the early kings sat upon their mighty thrones.(Para. 5) 句型提炼 句型提炼 Sb. does sth. compared to sb. / the time when… 应用提示 用于表达“与某人或某时代相比,某 人…”。 句型应用 典型例句 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,你才能尝到成功的 滋味。 意群提示 (compared to / diligently) Only have compared to others early, diligently, can you feel the successful taste. 原句译文 这些看上去似乎只是小问题,是大问题的一 些残留末节而已,但当它们真正发生在你本 人身上时就是大问题了。 逆译练习 These seem like small problems, the lingering ghosts of greater issues, but they’re significant when they’re happening to you. (Para. 9) 句型提炼 句型提炼 It seems / sounds …, but sth. is … 应用提示 用于对比强调“某事看上去或听起来…, 其实… ”。 句型应用 典型例句 他把报告修饰了一番,使它听起来让人印象深刻, 但依然存在不足。 意群提示 (doll up / make it sound more impressive) He dolled up the report to make it sound more impressive, but it is found lacking. 1.还远未实现 2.乘坐公共交通工具 3.过着极其奢侈的生 活 4.奋力消除陈旧的 歧视性做法 5.挣得同样的提成 6.齐声抱怨 7.呆在家里拿着锅铲 和海绵围着锅台转 8.单独赚钱养家 9.行为举止缺乏男子 气 remains far away using public transit live downright luxurious lives fought hard to overthrow outdated discriminatory practices earning equal commissions raise a chorus of complaints stay home with a spatula and a sponge support his household alone acting insufficiently masculine 1. What’s your opinion of the life of a “trophy wife”? Do you think it is a good life choice for a woman? 2. What do you think is an ideal relationship between husband and wife in modern families? 3. Compare women’s status in today’s China with that before 1949. What do you think are the most significant progresses in women’s rights? 4. Suppose you were a man working in a large company. How would you feel if a woman were your boss? 5. There are much fewer women than men in top political positions. What do you think are the reasons for this? Tips Tips Tips Tips Tips 1. What’s your opinion of the life of a “trophy wife”? Do you think it is a good life choice for a woman? Tips •Yes, I agree. The tradition in our society is that men are the breadwinner and women are the homemaker. • No, I do not agree with this view. In the modern society, many women have a successful career, and they sometimes are even more powerful than men. Meanwhile women tend to do most of the housework at home. Therefore, I don’t think men carry more weight in life than women. 2. What do you think is an ideal relationship between husband and wife in modern families? Tips In my opinion, an ideal relationship between husband and wife is rooted in three basic principles: • equal share of responsibilities for housework such as cooking and cleaning; • equal rights in making decisions about family related issues; • mutual care, support and respect. 3. Compare women’s status in today’s China with that before 1949. What do you think are the most significant progresses in women’s rights? Tips • The most significant progresses in women’s rights we have achieved since 1949 lie in education, employment and personal freedom. • Furthermore, women have personal freedom protected by law, for example, the freedom of choosing the man they want to marry. 4. Suppose you were a man working in a large company. How would you feel if a woman were your boss? Tips • I would feel nothing special or strange. What determines whether a person can be a boss or not is his or her ability. • I might feel uneasy if I were a man and worked for a female boss. We live in a society that is traditionally male-dominant, which means men are supposed to do better or be more powerful than women. 5. There are much fewer women than men in top political positions. What do you think are the reasons for this? Tips • First, by nature women tend to be more family oriented. • Second, traditionally men seem to be more interested in politics than women. • Thirdly, there exist some biases against women. Cultural Exploration Cinderella 1. Do you know how to interpret Cinderella from the feminist perspective? Tips 2. Can you revise the traditional version of the fairy tale “Cinderella” and show us the image of new Cinderella? Tips 1. Do you know how to interpret Cinderella from the feminist perspective? Tips Cinderella is shaped by her society. Her culture has all too often presented her with stereotypes, which she and many others like her have blindly accepted. Women at that time are often oppressed and belittled. If, however, women will only bear with patience their lot in life, be good-natured and meek, they will be rewarded and rescued by men. 2. Can you revise the traditional version of the fairy tale “Cinderella” and show us the image of new Cinderella? Tips • She should not mindlessly wait for a handsome prince to come to the rescue. Maybe she observes that the prince does not seem to be as attractive as he was the other night at the ball. • She must not weep about their lot in life but take an active part in creating and determining their own lives and their own futures. SECTION B What does feminism really mean? Comparative Study Thematic Study Language Features Analysis 1. Compare masculinism and feminism. Tips 2. What’s your perceptions on ideal gender relationships? Tips 1. Compare masculinism and feminism. Masculinism 1. Men are naturally superior to women; 2. Men are the main stay in that society; 3. The features of men are positive, while the features of women are negative. Feminism 1. Women are equal to men; 2. Women needn’t to become or displace men; 3. No one feel colonized or oppressed because of the roles they fill. 2. What’s your perceptions on ideal gender relationships? Tips Explore the harmonious co-existence of male and female: • All men are born equally. • Men and women should have equal opportunities. They all should be respected for their achievements whatever the roles they fill. • Women’s ability should be approved by men. A man is comfortable making less money than his female friends or his wife. Based on your study of the two texts, compare the writing styles of the two texts in terms of their typical language features. 1. What are the typical language features of the two texts? Tips 2. List more examples from the text to support your ideas. Tips 1. What are the typical language features of the two texts? Tips Text A The author uses a number of parallel structures, which makes the presentation of supporting details for his argument effective and forceful. Text B is typical of comparison and contrast. 2. List more examples from the text to support your ideas. Tips Text A The author employs a large number of parallel structures of verbs and adjectives to make his description lively and precise, and make his argument effective. In the evenings and on weekends, they labored equally hard, working on their own small tract of land, fixing broken-down cars, repairing broken shutters and drafty windows. Text B The social status of women vs. that of men greatly help the readers gain insights into the real meaning of feminism:gender equality. SECTIOIN B Unit Project Doing a Report Speech writing What does feminism really mean? Doing a Report Doing a report on the gender-major relationships in universities Doing a Report An important issue of gender equality is the right to education. In this project, you will work in small groups of four or five to investigate the situation in your school. You need to collect information on the ratios of female to male students and to find out whether there is any relationship between these ratios and students’ majors or subject fields. Doing a Report 1 Select five majors or departments in your university and decide the size of the sample for each major . 2 Collect and analyze your data. Compare the ratios across the five majors to see whether you can find any relationship between gender and majors. 3 Discuss the potential reasons for the existence / lack of differences between different majors in terms of gender ratio. 4 Present your findings to the class. Speech Writing Writing a report on the gender-major relationships in universities Present your findings in class based on the following outline: • Purpose of your project • Research methods: What are the five majors you selected, and why did you select them? What was your sample size for each major? How did you analyze the data? • Findings • Factors that account for the findings Speech Writing Here are some hints for your writing • Career plans • Personal interest • Traditional views toward gender roles • Intrinsic biological differences between genders SECTION B What does feminism really mean? The End