Hysteria, Feminism, and Gender Revisited
... between 1895 and 1900 on the basis of his clinical experience with hysterical patients, nearly all of them women” (1). To think about this experience another way, while hysteria was reframed with reference to new laws and was new in principle, its recommended treatment in psychoanalysis would remain ...
... between 1895 and 1900 on the basis of his clinical experience with hysterical patients, nearly all of them women” (1). To think about this experience another way, while hysteria was reframed with reference to new laws and was new in principle, its recommended treatment in psychoanalysis would remain ...
Are There Feminist Research Methods
... method. 34 Nonetheless, they cannot simply be subsumed into postmodernism: while they share a similar stance regarding the political power of knowledge claims, feminist approaches uphold the category of ‘women’ and believe that feminist knowledge is possible, ideas that are fundamentally undermined ...
... method. 34 Nonetheless, they cannot simply be subsumed into postmodernism: while they share a similar stance regarding the political power of knowledge claims, feminist approaches uphold the category of ‘women’ and believe that feminist knowledge is possible, ideas that are fundamentally undermined ...
Feminist Theory
... This article provides an overview of feminist theory in sociology, including its early themes, contributions to the discipline, and areas that pose the most resistance. The central focus of the feminist critique of sociology is that the discipline is incomplete, biased, and patriarchal. From a histo ...
... This article provides an overview of feminist theory in sociology, including its early themes, contributions to the discipline, and areas that pose the most resistance. The central focus of the feminist critique of sociology is that the discipline is incomplete, biased, and patriarchal. From a histo ...
Islamic Feminism in post-modern Egypt” Reclaiming
... stressing the foremost need for education. The opening of schools for women was among the most important step of early Egyptian feminism during the early years after Ottoman rule. Then, with the revolution of Gamal Abdel Nasser and the Free Unitary Officers Movement, a different kind of feminism evo ...
... stressing the foremost need for education. The opening of schools for women was among the most important step of early Egyptian feminism during the early years after Ottoman rule. Then, with the revolution of Gamal Abdel Nasser and the Free Unitary Officers Movement, a different kind of feminism evo ...
Since the 1960s the issue of sexist language has been keenly
... which can do more than analyse phrases in isolation. Sunderland argues that we need therefore to approach this type of sexist belief system at the level of discourse; she states: `intervention in discourse … needs to be distinguished from the feminist `non-sexist ...
... which can do more than analyse phrases in isolation. Sunderland argues that we need therefore to approach this type of sexist belief system at the level of discourse; she states: `intervention in discourse … needs to be distinguished from the feminist `non-sexist ...
Lesson: Feminist Perspectives and International Relations Paper
... analysis of power was seen as a means to ‘empower’ rather than dominate in the late 1960s. In other words, bring in feminist perspectives of power and security not just against an adversary but rather expand the concept of ‘security’ from ‘want’ and ‘needs’ to include concepts of security of human r ...
... analysis of power was seen as a means to ‘empower’ rather than dominate in the late 1960s. In other words, bring in feminist perspectives of power and security not just against an adversary but rather expand the concept of ‘security’ from ‘want’ and ‘needs’ to include concepts of security of human r ...
“Imagining New Identities And Communities For Feminisms
... communities of dissensus portrayed by Postmodern Latin American women writers. Finally, as will be borne out in the following pages, I conclude that the continued development of Latin American feminisms and the possibility of transnational feminisms depends on a number of interrelated factors, namel ...
... communities of dissensus portrayed by Postmodern Latin American women writers. Finally, as will be borne out in the following pages, I conclude that the continued development of Latin American feminisms and the possibility of transnational feminisms depends on a number of interrelated factors, namel ...
the sociology of gender - Rutgers University Libraries
... bringing food to the family. It was functional for women—more limited by pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing—to be assigned domestic roles near the home as gatherers and subsistence farmers and as caretakers of children and households. Children were needed to help with agricultural and domestic activ ...
... bringing food to the family. It was functional for women—more limited by pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing—to be assigned domestic roles near the home as gatherers and subsistence farmers and as caretakers of children and households. Children were needed to help with agricultural and domestic activ ...
... used to describe a virilization of women. This type of gender confusion was something that was clearly feared in the nineteenth century, and it can be argued that it is still present in a modified form in today’s societies where feminists are sometimes perceived as challenging natural differences be ...
... used to describe a virilization of women. This type of gender confusion was something that was clearly feared in the nineteenth century, and it can be argued that it is still present in a modified form in today’s societies where feminists are sometimes perceived as challenging natural differences be ...
islamic feminism
... . Rejection of the theoretical framework through which the issue of women’s liberation was addressed: Muslim women are capable of liberating themselves without identifying with the Western model of the ideal woman. . The beliefs that patriarchal traditions inherited from the Jahiliya (the pre-Islami ...
... . Rejection of the theoretical framework through which the issue of women’s liberation was addressed: Muslim women are capable of liberating themselves without identifying with the Western model of the ideal woman. . The beliefs that patriarchal traditions inherited from the Jahiliya (the pre-Islami ...
... drawn on by the writer and reader in their interpretation of the text. On the contrary, third wave feminist concentrate on how the participants in conversation talk about their gender identity. They also focus on the way the words are made to mean in specific ways and function to achieve certain pur ...
... drawn on by the writer and reader in their interpretation of the text. On the contrary, third wave feminist concentrate on how the participants in conversation talk about their gender identity. They also focus on the way the words are made to mean in specific ways and function to achieve certain pur ...
Situating Cyberfeminisms
... play a part in the pluralistic tendencies of cyberfeminism. To the contrary, as competence in theoretical and technological discourses have become professional requirements in the arts and in academia, women artists and academics are increasingly eager to be identified as cyberfeminists. Clearly, it ...
... play a part in the pluralistic tendencies of cyberfeminism. To the contrary, as competence in theoretical and technological discourses have become professional requirements in the arts and in academia, women artists and academics are increasingly eager to be identified as cyberfeminists. Clearly, it ...
Chapter 12 - SAGE edge
... There are various feminist perspectives. The first perspective discusses the traditional or conservative perspective. Daly and Chesney-Lind highlighted key features of this perspective. They maintained the causes of gender inequality are due to biological sex differences. Additionally, the identifie ...
... There are various feminist perspectives. The first perspective discusses the traditional or conservative perspective. Daly and Chesney-Lind highlighted key features of this perspective. They maintained the causes of gender inequality are due to biological sex differences. Additionally, the identifie ...
Feminist views on the English stage Women playwrights, 1990–2000 Elaine Aston
... programmes such as Fantasy Football League, which offers men the best of both worlds: football in a comedy format. When women occasionally take part, they are aiming to prove they can be as good as the boys (Miss Great Britain appeared on Fantasy Football drinking a pint of beer), or they are thorou ...
... programmes such as Fantasy Football League, which offers men the best of both worlds: football in a comedy format. When women occasionally take part, they are aiming to prove they can be as good as the boys (Miss Great Britain appeared on Fantasy Football drinking a pint of beer), or they are thorou ...
The tone of this short-story is anti-feminist
... organized an international conference on men´s issues and as a result, many feminists criticised the debates taken place there just like in past men´s rights activists have long been notorious in feminist circles (Stevens, 2014). One speaker of the conference supposed that women are solely accountab ...
... organized an international conference on men´s issues and as a result, many feminists criticised the debates taken place there just like in past men´s rights activists have long been notorious in feminist circles (Stevens, 2014). One speaker of the conference supposed that women are solely accountab ...
The Development of Feminist Theology
... A new generation of Black, Latina and Asian feminist began to take their place on theological faculties, and their writings became a part of the mandatory literature of American feminist theology. It was soon accepted that a socially progressive faculty should not simply have a few feminist women o ...
... A new generation of Black, Latina and Asian feminist began to take their place on theological faculties, and their writings became a part of the mandatory literature of American feminist theology. It was soon accepted that a socially progressive faculty should not simply have a few feminist women o ...
Full Paper - Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (AJSSH)
... the West while denouncing it in the favor of non-White or non-Western woman. The hegemonic ‘Western’ feminism can thus also be taken to task in this connection. Spivak’s popular rearticulation of the histories of subaltern women has brought about a change which is radical as far as the terms and foc ...
... the West while denouncing it in the favor of non-White or non-Western woman. The hegemonic ‘Western’ feminism can thus also be taken to task in this connection. Spivak’s popular rearticulation of the histories of subaltern women has brought about a change which is radical as far as the terms and foc ...
Feminist Theory By: Melanie Lord, Anthony Greiter & Zuflo Tursunovic
... • Girls begin to suffer bouts of clinical depression form the frustration they experience when their bodies changes. Beyond depression and thoughts of suicide, girls are more vulnerable to eating disorders, substance abuse, and dropping out of school. • Body is at heart of the crisis of confidence f ...
... • Girls begin to suffer bouts of clinical depression form the frustration they experience when their bodies changes. Beyond depression and thoughts of suicide, girls are more vulnerable to eating disorders, substance abuse, and dropping out of school. • Body is at heart of the crisis of confidence f ...
... considered unmanly to cry in public. The tag line of a powerful television advertisement sums it up-‘Boys don’t cry’. Parental influence is the primary source of gender related awareness. Usually, different traits are emphasized for girls and boys. Girls are encouraged to play with dolls as this pre ...
... considered unmanly to cry in public. The tag line of a powerful television advertisement sums it up-‘Boys don’t cry’. Parental influence is the primary source of gender related awareness. Usually, different traits are emphasized for girls and boys. Girls are encouraged to play with dolls as this pre ...
Society as…
... Key Concepts 2. Patriarchy Patriarchy: a system of social structures and practices by which men dominate, oppress and exploit women Can be endemic at all levels of society: institutionalisation of male power socialisation into this system Sylvia Walby Theorising Patriarchy (1990) ...
... Key Concepts 2. Patriarchy Patriarchy: a system of social structures and practices by which men dominate, oppress and exploit women Can be endemic at all levels of society: institutionalisation of male power socialisation into this system Sylvia Walby Theorising Patriarchy (1990) ...
Fem and Islam Minutes
... the Arab world began as a top-down movement among the elite, and remained disconnected from the grassroots over the course of its development. As a result, liberal feminist movements—despite their great achievements in the field of health, education, and employment—failed tremendously to alter socia ...
... the Arab world began as a top-down movement among the elite, and remained disconnected from the grassroots over the course of its development. As a result, liberal feminist movements—despite their great achievements in the field of health, education, and employment—failed tremendously to alter socia ...
From Humanism to Gynocentrism
... Humanist feminism defines women's oppression as the inhibition and distortion of women's potential by a society that allows the self-development of men. (174) Gynocentric feminism defines women's oppression as the devaluation and repression of women's experience by a masculinist culture that exalts ...
... Humanist feminism defines women's oppression as the inhibition and distortion of women's potential by a society that allows the self-development of men. (174) Gynocentric feminism defines women's oppression as the devaluation and repression of women's experience by a masculinist culture that exalts ...
... and had no desire to get involved in politics and the public world. So, coupled with this new trend in society’s attitude toward feminism and a new focus on the addition of various cultures to previously single race or integrated school communities, the educational system focused its attentions on a ...
... and had no desire to get involved in politics and the public world. So, coupled with this new trend in society’s attitude toward feminism and a new focus on the addition of various cultures to previously single race or integrated school communities, the educational system focused its attentions on a ...