Towards a Feminine/Feminist/Female Discourse of Virginia Woolf
... Female writers were considered by Virginia Woolf as suffering the handicap of having to use a medium which is essentially a male instrument fashioned for male purposes. Since language is male-oriented, is there a form of language which is free from this bias, or even in some way approximates the fem ...
... Female writers were considered by Virginia Woolf as suffering the handicap of having to use a medium which is essentially a male instrument fashioned for male purposes. Since language is male-oriented, is there a form of language which is free from this bias, or even in some way approximates the fem ...
Towards Different Law and Public Policy
... correct implementation of CEDAW in the 176 States that have ratified this Convention as of May 2004. The report sets out to contribute to disseminating awareness about CEDAW. Within this context, the publication also has some more specific objectives. The Convention contains the general obligation o ...
... correct implementation of CEDAW in the 176 States that have ratified this Convention as of May 2004. The report sets out to contribute to disseminating awareness about CEDAW. Within this context, the publication also has some more specific objectives. The Convention contains the general obligation o ...
this PDF file - University of Alberta Libraries
... system”(Cotterrell 2010:xi).2 Even feminist scholars have neglected his theory of moral individualism relative to other aspects of his writings. This paper aims to address this shortcoming. While Durkheim’s concern with the development of individual freedom in modern society is undeniable, I argue t ...
... system”(Cotterrell 2010:xi).2 Even feminist scholars have neglected his theory of moral individualism relative to other aspects of his writings. This paper aims to address this shortcoming. While Durkheim’s concern with the development of individual freedom in modern society is undeniable, I argue t ...
Gender and Small Arms: Moving into the Mainstream
... Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) resolution issued in 1997: “…[t]he process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels. It is a strategy for making women’s as well as men’s concerns and expe ...
... Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) resolution issued in 1997: “…[t]he process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels. It is a strategy for making women’s as well as men’s concerns and expe ...
... affect people with HIV generally, including: socioeconomic and structural barriers, such as poverty and cultural inequities; sexual violence; lack of awareness of HIV status; and ongoing stigma. Women also have physiologic differences in HIV acquisition and clinical symptoms. Insurance coverage, inc ...
... affect people with HIV generally, including: socioeconomic and structural barriers, such as poverty and cultural inequities; sexual violence; lack of awareness of HIV status; and ongoing stigma. Women also have physiologic differences in HIV acquisition and clinical symptoms. Insurance coverage, inc ...
Hysteria, Feminism, and Gender Revisited
... Charles Bernheimer suggests that “Freud invented psychoanalysis between 1895 and 1900 on the basis of his clinical experience with hysterical patients, nearly all of them women” (1). To think about this experience another way, while hysteria was reframed with reference to new laws and was new in pr ...
... Charles Bernheimer suggests that “Freud invented psychoanalysis between 1895 and 1900 on the basis of his clinical experience with hysterical patients, nearly all of them women” (1). To think about this experience another way, while hysteria was reframed with reference to new laws and was new in pr ...
`Garvey`s Ghost` : Conservative Gender, RastafarI, and Reggae in
... respectability, repatriation to Africa and a rejection of the corrupting principles of the white race were in line with Garvey’s teaching. And, while modern day Rastafarians do not necessarily follow the ...
... respectability, repatriation to Africa and a rejection of the corrupting principles of the white race were in line with Garvey’s teaching. And, while modern day Rastafarians do not necessarily follow the ...
Jerrie Cobb – Coverup - Stanford National Forensics Institute
... NASA saying yes. In a recent newspaper editorial, Florida Today declared, "We think she deserves it. Heaven knows, she's better qualified than many others who have made the trip." Ms. Cobb's latest campaign began in March, when she returned from the Amazon and found a letter from Don Dorough, offeri ...
... NASA saying yes. In a recent newspaper editorial, Florida Today declared, "We think she deserves it. Heaven knows, she's better qualified than many others who have made the trip." Ms. Cobb's latest campaign began in March, when she returned from the Amazon and found a letter from Don Dorough, offeri ...
Does it Cost Too Much? A `Difference` Look at J.E.B. v. Alabama
... light of the effect those decisions have on relationships.' 4 The attorney, faced with jurors about which she has limited information, might wish to have individuals who are more likely to judge a case in view of the relationships of those involved. Scientific knowledge demonstrates that those perso ...
... light of the effect those decisions have on relationships.' 4 The attorney, faced with jurors about which she has limited information, might wish to have individuals who are more likely to judge a case in view of the relationships of those involved. Scientific knowledge demonstrates that those perso ...
Margaret Sanger:Eugenics vs Feminism
... reproduce whose genetic characteristics were deemed valuable and desirable would allow them to achieve a “perfect” race. Eugenics and the Hitler go hand in hand with one another, because this was precisely what he attempting to create. Hitler was a strong supporter and advocate and used genocide as ...
... reproduce whose genetic characteristics were deemed valuable and desirable would allow them to achieve a “perfect” race. Eugenics and the Hitler go hand in hand with one another, because this was precisely what he attempting to create. Hitler was a strong supporter and advocate and used genocide as ...
Buddhist Literatures: Newar Buddhist Literature: The Significance of
... There is a true feminist movement in Buddhism that relates to the goddess Tārā. Following her cultivation of bodhicitta, the bodhisattva's motivation, she looked upon the situation of those striving towards full awakening and she felt that there were too few people who attained Buddhahood as women. ...
... There is a true feminist movement in Buddhism that relates to the goddess Tārā. Following her cultivation of bodhicitta, the bodhisattva's motivation, she looked upon the situation of those striving towards full awakening and she felt that there were too few people who attained Buddhahood as women. ...
Domestic division of labour and fertility preference in China, Japan
... and Ortega 2002; McDonald 2000a, 2000b, 2006). It has been noted, however, that at least in OECD countries two distinct patterns of fertility behaviour can be seen. A number of countries, especially in southern Europe and East Asia, have become characterised by very low fertility levels. This, in th ...
... and Ortega 2002; McDonald 2000a, 2000b, 2006). It has been noted, however, that at least in OECD countries two distinct patterns of fertility behaviour can be seen. A number of countries, especially in southern Europe and East Asia, have become characterised by very low fertility levels. This, in th ...
Mirror mirror on the wall, who`s the bluntest of them all? Linguistic
... contributed to ideas of difference and of men and women as binary opposites. The recent theories in the field have shifted away from mere focus on difference, and ask, instead, how gender is produced and sustained through patterns of talk. Central to the development in the field have been the three ...
... contributed to ideas of difference and of men and women as binary opposites. The recent theories in the field have shifted away from mere focus on difference, and ask, instead, how gender is produced and sustained through patterns of talk. Central to the development in the field have been the three ...
univERsity oF copEnhAGEn
... on de jure equality of sexes. In Eastern Europe, the most obvious indicators of the equality of women were achieved: equal opportunities in the labour market and in education; extensive and accessible family- and child-care institutions; encouragement and active participation in the political and pu ...
... on de jure equality of sexes. In Eastern Europe, the most obvious indicators of the equality of women were achieved: equal opportunities in the labour market and in education; extensive and accessible family- and child-care institutions; encouragement and active participation in the political and pu ...
Public Restrooms - Moritz College of Law
... federal Equal Rights Amendment (“ERA”) in the 1970s and 1980s.21 ERA opponents invoked the symbol of “unisex bathrooms” to attack sex-integrated bathrooms on the basis that such bathrooms would make society unisex by leading to the end of gender differentiation.22 By contrast, feminists have recentl ...
... federal Equal Rights Amendment (“ERA”) in the 1970s and 1980s.21 ERA opponents invoked the symbol of “unisex bathrooms” to attack sex-integrated bathrooms on the basis that such bathrooms would make society unisex by leading to the end of gender differentiation.22 By contrast, feminists have recentl ...
Women and Social Change in Jordanian Bedouin Society
... in the style of life brought with it many problems. It is accompanied with many different problems: a rise of poverty, crime, unemployment. But there is also a positive effect - Bedouins receive an access to the modern healthcare, education, and a very small and insignificant increase to the rights ...
... in the style of life brought with it many problems. It is accompanied with many different problems: a rise of poverty, crime, unemployment. But there is also a positive effect - Bedouins receive an access to the modern healthcare, education, and a very small and insignificant increase to the rights ...
Pay Equity Info Sheet - National Association of Women and the
... On average, women still earn less than men regardless of their occupation, age or education. Today, a woman earns 72.5 cents for every dollar that a man earns. For Aboriginal women, women of colour and racialized or new immigrant women, the wage gap between their earnings and the earnings of white m ...
... On average, women still earn less than men regardless of their occupation, age or education. Today, a woman earns 72.5 cents for every dollar that a man earns. For Aboriginal women, women of colour and racialized or new immigrant women, the wage gap between their earnings and the earnings of white m ...
Who supports non- traditional gender roles?
... Myers, 2004: Corrigall & Konrad, 2007). This finding could be explained by the argument that the society expect different behaviors from women and men which thereby gets different life experiences and hold different interests. West and Zimmerman (1987) explain how individuals create differences betw ...
... Myers, 2004: Corrigall & Konrad, 2007). This finding could be explained by the argument that the society expect different behaviors from women and men which thereby gets different life experiences and hold different interests. West and Zimmerman (1987) explain how individuals create differences betw ...
Dora Šantić “Women`s Language”: Gender Identities and Language
... women were supposedly not allowed access to certain linguistic structures, they were also denied access to valuable social opportunities (Cameron 454). Therefore, feminists claimed that women were not naturally weak speakers, but they acquired what was recognized as feminine linguistic behavior, whi ...
... women were supposedly not allowed access to certain linguistic structures, they were also denied access to valuable social opportunities (Cameron 454). Therefore, feminists claimed that women were not naturally weak speakers, but they acquired what was recognized as feminine linguistic behavior, whi ...
Votes for Women: A Political Guidebook
... First female chair of the Cumberland School Board Former Cumberland County Councillor, elected 1982, 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1997 First female Warden of Cumberland County Every individual brings their voice to the table, but a woman brings a different perspective and way of doing things than men. I ...
... First female chair of the Cumberland School Board Former Cumberland County Councillor, elected 1982, 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1997 First female Warden of Cumberland County Every individual brings their voice to the table, but a woman brings a different perspective and way of doing things than men. I ...
... conclude that women's arguments for state intervention and support in "private matters" were based on women's usefulness as mothers. Thus "mothering" became an important trope in the discourse of women's struggle for social and political rights at the turn of the century. This female activity advanc ...
... conclude that women's arguments for state intervention and support in "private matters" were based on women's usefulness as mothers. Thus "mothering" became an important trope in the discourse of women's struggle for social and political rights at the turn of the century. This female activity advanc ...
Gender and Power Relationships in the Language of Proverbs
... proverbs in the context of American folklore; whereas Dominguez (2010) has examined the function of proverbs in Mexican discourse. However, in relation to the Urdu proverbs not much work is found. Urdu proverbs are also not examined in relation to proverbs of any other language. In the backdrop of p ...
... proverbs in the context of American folklore; whereas Dominguez (2010) has examined the function of proverbs in Mexican discourse. However, in relation to the Urdu proverbs not much work is found. Urdu proverbs are also not examined in relation to proverbs of any other language. In the backdrop of p ...
Theorists such as Irigaray and Grosz have attempted to unmask the
... It is vital that constructions of masculinity be studied. While the common argument against this critical endeavor is that the entire history of the West constitutes the study of man (an argument frequently forwarded from feminists who are wary of any practice of academic feminism that does not cent ...
... It is vital that constructions of masculinity be studied. While the common argument against this critical endeavor is that the entire history of the West constitutes the study of man (an argument frequently forwarded from feminists who are wary of any practice of academic feminism that does not cent ...
Similarly Situated?: The Evolution of Gender
... community life formerly considered to be reserved to men, woman is still regarded as the center of the home and family life.”8 Due to the fact that most women’s primary role was in the home, the Court found that allowing a woman to choose whether she participated in this civic responsibility was wit ...
... community life formerly considered to be reserved to men, woman is still regarded as the center of the home and family life.”8 Due to the fact that most women’s primary role was in the home, the Court found that allowing a woman to choose whether she participated in this civic responsibility was wit ...
Flood, Bonnie Usan capstone
... PRRI Research Director. “For some time now, Americans have held a stable tension between two views: majorities both say that abortion is morally wrong (52 percent) and say that it should be legal in all or most cases (56 percent). The binary “pro-life” and “pro-choice” labels don’t reflect this comp ...
... PRRI Research Director. “For some time now, Americans have held a stable tension between two views: majorities both say that abortion is morally wrong (52 percent) and say that it should be legal in all or most cases (56 percent). The binary “pro-life” and “pro-choice” labels don’t reflect this comp ...
Feminist movement

The feminist movement (also known as the women's liberation movement, the women's movement, or feminism) refers to a series of campaigns for reforms on issues such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, women's suffrage, sexual harassment, and sexual violence, all of which fall under the label of feminism. The movement's priorities vary among nations and communities and range from opposition to female genital mutilation in one country to opposition to the glass ceiling in another.Feminism in parts of the western world has gone through three waves. First-wave feminism was oriented around the station of middle- or upper-class white women and involved suffrage and political equality. Second-wave feminism attempted to further combat social and cultural inequalities. Third-wave feminism is continuing to address the financial, social and cultural inequalities and includes renewed campaigning for greater influence of women in politics and media. In reaction to political activism, feminists have also had to maintain focus on women's reproductive rights, such as the right to abortion.