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54 1 Craniofacial Venous Plexuses: Angiograph ic Study Anne G. Osborn 1 Venous drainage patterns at the craniocervical junction and skull base have been thoroughly described in the radiographic literature. The facial veins and their important anastomoses with the intracranial venous system are less well appreciated. This study of 54 consecutive normal cerebral angiograms demonstrates that visualization of the pterygoid plexus as well as the anterior facial , lingual , submental , and ophthalmic veins can be normal on common carotid angiograms. In contrast to previous reports , opacification of ophthalmic or orbital veins occurs in most normal internal carotid arteriograms. Visualization of the anterior facial vein at internal carotid angiography can also be normal if the extraocular branches of the opht halmic artery are prominent and nasal vascularity is marked. The ang iographic anatomy of the crani al dural sinuses and subependym al veins has been thoroughly discussed in the radiographi c literature. Whil e many authors have described the venous drainage pattern s of the craniocervi c al junction [1-3], middle cranial fossa [4, 5] , cavern ous sinu s area [6-9] , tentorium [4] , and orbit [10, 11], no systemati c examination of the faci al vein s has been performed . This study describes the norm al angi ographic anatomy of the superfici al and deep facial veins . Their anastomoses with the intrac rani al basilar venous ple xuses are briefly revi ewed and th e inc iden ce of their visu alizati on on normal cerebral angiograms is outlined . Material and Methods Received M arch 7 , 1980 ; accepted June 26 , 1980. Presented at th e annual meeting of the American Soc iety of Neuroradiology, Los Angeles, March 1980. IDepartm ent of Radiology, University of Utah College of Medic ine, 50 N. Medical Dr., Salt Lake City, UT 8 41 32. This artic le appears in November / December 1980 AJNR and January 198 1 AJR . AJNR 1 :541-545, November / December 1980 01 95-6108 / 80 / 001 6-0 5 41 $ 00. 00 © American Roentgen Ray Soc iety Fifty-four con secutive norm al cerebral angiog rams we re selected for stu dy . A total of 8 4 vesse ls was injected for a vari ety of cl inica l indications inc lud ing seizu res, head ac he, syn co pe, and transient cerebral ischemi a. Th ere we re 67 co mm on ca rotid and 17 intern al carotid studi es. Selecti ve extern al ca rotid angiog rams we re not obtained. Comm on carot id angiograph y was perform ed using 10 ml 60% Conray (M allinck rodt) injected at a rate of 8 ml / sec. For th e selecti ve intern al caroti d studies , 8 ml at 7 ml / sec was used . Subtrac ti on masks were made of each stud y and all film s from th e late arterial th ro ugh late ve nous ph ase were examin ed . Midvenous phase film s in th e lateral projecti on were also selected from each angiogram for ro utine single order subtraction prin ts . Th e type of caverno us or paracavern ous ve nous drainage as we ll as visualization of th e pterygoid plexus and th e various facial ve in s was noted . Normal Gross Anatomy Sphenobasal em issary channels pass through th e foramin a ovale, spinosum , and lac erum to conn ect th e cavern ous sinus with th e pterygoid venous plexus, an extensive network of small vasc ul ar channels that overli es the late ral pterygo id musc le (fig . 1). The pterygoid pl exus also commun icates with the ophthalm ic veins throu gh the inferior orbital fi ssure , with the anteri or fac ial ve in via a deep facial branch, and rece ives tri butari es correspondin g to branches of the ptery- 54 2 OSBORN AJNR: 1 , November/ December 1980 Fig . 1.- Anatomy pterygoid venous plex us. 1 = superfi c ial temporal vein ; 2 = pterygoid plexus; 3 = maxillary ve in ; 4 = retromandibular vein ; 5 = deep facial vein ; 6 = anteri or fac ial vein ; 7 = submental vein; 8 = intern al jugular vein; 9 = extern al jugul ar. Fig. 2 .-Anatomy of superfi c ial facial veins, deep venous plex uses , and their anastomoses with intrac rani al venous system. 1 = superfi c ial temporal vein ; 2 = superi or oph thalmic vein ; 3 = inferior ophthalmic vein; 4 = superfi c ial middle cerebral vein ; 5 = angu lar vein; 6 = cavern ous sinus; 7 = pterygoid plexus; 8 = basilar plexus; 9 = in fe rior petrosal sinus; 10 = superi or petrosal sinus; 11 = retromandibular vein; 12 = occipital vein ; 13 = anterior fac ial vein ; 14 = extern al j ugular vein; 15 = intern al jug ular vein. gopalatine maxill ary artery segment. The pterygoid pl exus drain s posteriorly into a .short trunk called the maxillary vein (fig . 1). The maxillary vein th en courses posteroinferiorly and unites with th e superfi cial temporal vein to form the retromandibular vein . Thi s vessel is usually a major tributary of th e extern al ju gul ar vein (fi g. 2). The pterygoid plex us may also drain vi a the posteri or and common fac ial veins in to the intern al jugul ar vei n [1 2]. The anterior facial vein beg in s near the medi al palpebral angle as a di rect continuation of the angular vein . It desce nd s obliquely across th e face , crosses over the masseteric muscle, th en c urves over th e inferior border of th e mandible. During its cou rse th e anteri or fac ial vein receives tributaries from the orbit, lips, facial muscl es, and submental region. The fac ial vei n usually crosses th e extern al carotid artery to drai n into the internal jugul ar vein although it may also become a tributary of th e external jugular system. The anterior facia l vein anastomoses with th e pterygoid plexus via the deep facia l vei n and with th e cavern ous sinus vi a th e ang ular and ophthalmic veins (figs . 1 and 2). drainag e patterns . If the basilar vein of Rosenthal , vein of Labbe, or superficial cortical veins are prominent, neither the cavernous sinus nor the pterygoid plexus may be opacified [13-15]. The cavernous sinus was visualized in 35 (4 1.7% ) of the 84 angiograms, draining into the petrosal sinuses , basilar or pterygoid plexus, or a combination of these vessels (fig . 3). Superficial middle cerebral venous tributaries were identified on 61 of 84 studies. Th ese vessels often cross th e greater sphenoid wing , drain ing directly into sphenoidal emissary veins that exit from the skull (usually through the foram en oval e) to communicate with the pterygoid pl ex us [7]. This sphenobasal pattern was identified in 21 (34 .5 % ) of the 61 angiograms (fig . 4) . Both the cavernous sinus and pterygoid venous plexus may be bypassed if the superficial middl e cerebral vein drains into the transverse sinus instead (fig . 5). This sphenopetro sal c onfiguration was present in eight (13 %) of 61 of the angiograms. Combinations of the di fferent basal drainage patterns may also exist, resulting in variable visualization of the pterygoid plexus (fig . 6). Combined drainag e patterns were identified in 24 .5 % (15 / 61) of the examinations. The superior and inferior ophthalmic or small orbital veins were identifi ed in 31 of the 67 common carotid angiog rams and 1 2 of 17 intern al carotid studi es (fig . 7) . The direction Normal Angiographic Anatomy and Results Visuali zation of many deep facia l veins, partic ularly th e pterygoid plexus, is directly depe ndent on th e intracranial CRANIOFACIAL VENOUS PLEXUSES AJNR:1 , November/ Decem ber 1980 " 543 7 ---8 3 Fig . 3.-Norm al left internal carotid angiog ram, midvenous phase, lateral view. 1 = superficial middle cerebral veins; 2 = cavernous sinus; 3 = basilar plexus; 4 = superi or petrosal sinus ; 5 = inferior petrosal sin us; 5 = pterygoid plexus; 7 = intern al jugular vein; 8 = suboccipital venous plexus; 9 = maxillary vein. Fig . 4.-Normal left common carotid ang iog ram, venous phase, lateral view. Domin ant sphenobasal drainage pattern. Superficial middle cerebral vein drains into pterygoid plexus and petrosal sin uses, largely bypassing cavernous sinus. 1 = superficial middle cerebral vein; 2 = sphenobasal emissary veins passing through foramen ovale; 3 = pterygoid plexus; 4 = max illary vein; 5 = superficial temporal vein; 5 = retromandibul ar vein; 7 = pharyngeal vein . 4 Fig . 5. -Normal left internal carotid angiog ram , venous phase , lateral view. Predom inant sphenopetrosal drainage pattern. 1 = superfi cial middle cerebral vein; 2 = sphenopetrosal vein; 3 = superior petrosal sinus; 4 = pterygoid plexus (faintly opacified). Fig. 5.-Left internal carot id angiogram , venous phase, lateral view, in patient with sup rasellar men ingioma (arrowheads) . Combin ed sphenobasalsphenopetrosal patte rn . Single large superfi cial middle cerebral vein (large black arrow) drains into pterygoid plexus (outlined arrow) and superi or petrosal sin us (small black arrows). This case is a particularly striking example of combined basilar drainage. OSBORN 544 AJNR:1, November / December 1980 I / 2 Fig . 7.-Normal I fl common carol id angiogram, venous ph ase, lateral vi w. 1 = superior opht halmi c vein; 2 = anterior facial vein ; 3 = lingual v in ; 4 = ptery goid plexus . Fig . 8.-Norm al left common carotid angiogram , venous phase, lateral view. 1 = anterior facial vein; 2 = submental vein; 3 = common facial vein. of flow through the ophthalmic veins was extra- to intracrani al in all these normal examinations. Superficial veins such as the anterior or common fac ial, lingual, or thyroidal veins were apparent on 19 of 67 common carotid angiograms (fig. 8). The anterior facial vein was identified on only one of the 17 intern al carotid studies; in this particular angiogram the e traocular and ethmoidal bra nches of the ophthalmic artery were unusually prominent. investigators. However, some have stated that visualization of the superior ophthalmic vein following selective internal carotid angiograms is a rarity except when the extraocular ophthalmic artery branches are prominent [10). In contrast, we found that opacification of the superior or inferior ophthalmic veins or small orbital veins occurs in most cases when serial subtraction films are carefully studied. If anastomoses between ethmoidal branches of the opthalmic and maxillary arteries are prominent and nasal vascularity is marked, the anterior facial vein may also be visualized even on selective internal carotid angiograms. The facial , lingual , submental, and even superior thyroidal veins are frequently visualized after common carotid studies. Visual ization of the opthalmic , pterygoid , and other facial veins at cerebral angiography is therefore normal. Identification of these structures should not be considered indicative of a vascular abnormality. Discussion Alth oug ll variations in venous drainage patterns around the cavernous sinus and skull base have been widely recognized [4-9], the connection s that normally exist between th intracranial veins, dural sinuses, and facial veins are I s w II appreci ted . While recognizing that the cavernous i not invariably opacified at carotid angiography, uthors have stated that drainage into the pterygoid indicates possible posterior obstruction of the cavrnou inu [6]. We ha e found that visualization of the pt r goid nou pie us is both common and normal. Vi u Iization of the ophthalmic and facial veins on selecti t mal c rotid studies ha been documented by other REFERENCES 1. Brown JP, Tournade A. Venous drainage in the craniocervical region. Neuroradiology 1977; 13: 1 55-158 2. 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