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Give priority to secured access
the digital dna technology®
n the context of changing information systems, resource access has become more diverse and employees are more and more
mobile within their organizations. Threats in working environments have reached ever higher levels of identity theft, intrusion,
data theft, etc.
Organizations need to adopt the best security practice available without compromise.
The «login / password» is not enough anymore. Organizations must adopt the strongest authentication available, still keeping
within budget and avoiding complex implementation issues.
The Digital DNA technology from Login People® answers all these needs by providing a high IT security level for public and private
A revolution in strong authentication:
The Digital DNA technology®
71 % of companies were
attacked during the last 12
Sources: Symantec
September, 2011
The patented Digital DNA Technology® helps identify uniquely every digital type
of equipment, whether it is:
an electronic component (motherboard, graphic card, hard drive.)
a USB mass storage device (USB key, external hard drive, digital camera,
smartphone, mobile phones, etc.)
any computer, smartphone or tablet
20 new victims of identity theft
are reported every minute on
Sources: Intel
march, 2013
Every digital component can be identified uniquely. This quality is partly used
by manufacturers and operating systems editors; however Login People® relies
on it in order to create a new approach for IT security. Using this technology,
complex equipment can now be identified through their component’s special
properties. Based on the unique signature principle, the technology guarantees
the authentication while only extracting data that cannot be copied or
reproduced. Because of this unique identification in every device, each user can
be authenticated – hence, Digital DNA!
96% of computer attacks
can be avoided.
Sources :
August, 2011
Avril2 2013
Strong authentication should be an inherent feature
in the IT security system
No company, a leader or CISO today can ignore secured, simple and cost effective strong authentication solutions.
It is a matter of survival. The implementation of recognized solutions presents a more delicate reality for decisionmakers in term of indirect threats.
Firstly, the high cost associated with the implementation of existing solutions is often unbearable, particularly for small
operations. Existing solutions require massive deployment and integration costs, token purchases and management,
including the cost for maintenance, support and software updates.
Secondly, user experience is a critical issue. The complexity of use of existing strong authentication solutions creates
frustration and affects productivity and security for organizations.
Finally, IT security teams within the organization are too often affected by the complexity and commitment of managing
their strong authentication solutions which include configuration, provisioning and support for a lost or stolen token,
for example.
Strong authentication becomes available
to all thanks to the Digital DNA Technology®!
This technology is the product of Login People’s R&D team and eliminates the barriers
of complexity and high costs, allowing everyone to enjoy strong authentication with
safety and simplicity never achieved before.
Lowers strong authentication investment costs without jeopardizing
the security level. Integration and deployment are simple and
configuration costs are low, so as not to strain the budget on
investment, human resources and training.
Eliminates the need for dedicated equipment: the user’s equipment
(computer, USB key, smartphone, tablet) is recognized - no need to
purchase costly tokens anymore. In addition, this process eliminates
the time consuming management of the authentication token fleet.
Enhances the user’s experience during the authentication. The user
has full autonomy to register his devices (in self service mode) which
provides significant time savings and maximizes the organization’s
productivity. To connect to his account, the user «enters» his login,
his protected pin code, and checks that his device is connected: the
user is immediately authenticated. If the IT security policy defined by
the organization allows it, the user manages his own account, thanks
to our ergonomic, intuitive and convivial administration console.
The user can always add or delete any device that will be used for
authentication. A support team dedicated to account management is
no longer necessary.
Provides a solution to the workforce. The user can use the same
device to access his professional applications or his webmail in any
location (within the organization’s premises or while travelling). The
technology allows him to connect, for example, to the VPN SSL of
the organization while travelling without the need to use the same
Further protects the user’s information by using multi-devices
for strong authentication accesses (for example, mandating the
connection of a laptop and an USB key, or two USB keys).
Administratively, the Digital DNA Technology® is based on a virtual
server fully dedicated to authentication: the «Digital DNA Server».
The integration of the server is extremely simple, fast and totally
interoperable within complex environments.
Protects the user’s accounts at all companies by means of a safe,
economical and practical solution. Leading companies, prestigious
institutions in various fields such as aeronautics, healthcare,
finance, publishing, web services, energy, and local governments
have adopted the Digital DNA Technology®. By integrating this
innovative technology, they have made the decision to use a strong
authentication solution which supports the highest standards in
security and usability.
The Digital DNA Technology® provides the answer to current market issues such
as intrusion prevention, protection against identity theft and data breaches, IT
security budget reduction, simplicity of use of authentication systems and easy
secured access for mobile workforces.
he systematic analysis carried out under the intelligence of the “APHP” and “Telehealth Commission” and conducted by the Prime
Minister under the chairmanship of Deputy Pierre Lasbordes confirms
that in terms of use and robustness, the Digital DNA Technology® is part of
the major advances on the security dynamics of information systems. Login
People® demonstrated, as such, a decisive competitive advantage”
Professor Jean-Pierre Blum
President, International Institute of Information Systems and Telehealth
CEO, Security Pole and International References - Telehealth Commission
President, Focus Health Safety under the patronage of Minister of Health
Lecturer at the Ecole Centrale de Paris
The Digital DNA technology® opens the door for strong authentication to a wide range of applications. This technology
can be easily adapted to any need within the organization. The solution is highly flexible and is adaptable to most
existing environments.
The Digital DNA Technology® has the ability to secure workstations, corporate networks and remote access (SSL VPN,
extranet, webmail, cloud applications, BYOD*). Deployment may even extend to networks and websites and for users,
the protection of their personal accounts and therefore their data. For website vendors, the Digital DNA Technology®
provides prevention against password sharing and thus contributes to protecting the revenue of the website.
*BYOD Bring Your Own Device
Patented technology
The technology is registered within INPI (French National
Institute for Innovation), European Patent Offices and United
States Patent & Trademark Office.
«Login People®», «ADN du Numérique®», «The Digital DNA
Technology®» are registered trademarks of Login People®.
About Login People®
LOGIN PEOPLE® is the creator of the Digital DNA Technology®. The company supplies an
innovative strong authentication solution that secures the access of users to public and
private networks.
The Digital DNA Technology® allows users to authenticate themselves with «what they
know» (a password) and «what they own» (their own equipment such as their computer,
smartphone, tablet or USB key). The user chooses the equipment he wishes to use for
LOGIN PEOPLE® provides a technological answer to the weakness of the «Login /
Password» and solves the issues related to identity theft, password sharing and personal
or sensitive data theft on every network (corporate and Internet).
LOGIN PEOPLE® is listed at NYSE Alternext Paris (code : ALLP)
Give priority to secured access
[email protected]
+33(0)493 330 666
UK (distributor):
+44 (0) 845 862 4477
+1 917 406 5470
Copyright © 2013 Login People S.A. | The contents of Login People documents are protected by international copyright laws 2013 Login People S.A. All rights reserved. Reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of part, or all the contents, including but not limited to pictures, design format, logo in any form without the prior written permission of Login People is prohibited. Any and all reproduction, total or partial, of
the texts, illustrations, design format or logo by any means whatsoever, is illegal. Such reproduction requires the prior written consent of Login People. We protect our intellectual property rights to the full extent of the law. “Login People” and the attached symbols are registered trademarks of Login People S.A. and Login People product names and symbols/logos are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Login
People S.A. All other trademarks mentioned in the Login People documents are the property of their respective holders.
Strong authentication adapted
to all forms of infrastructure and applications