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Independence – Freedom – Happiness
Thai Binh, April 10, 2015
No. 686/QD-UBND
Promulgation of Plan for improvement of business environment, provincial competitiveness index in Thai
Binh Province in two years of 2015-2016
Pursuant to Law on organization of People’s Council and People’s Committee dated November 26, 2003;
Pursuant to Resolution No. 19/NQ-CP dated March 12, 2015 by the Government on major duties,
solutions, continuous improvement of business environment, national competitiveness index in the two
years of 2015-2016;
In consideration of request by Department of Planning and Investment in the Document No. 268/SKHDTXTDT dated March 31, 2015,
Article 1. To issue the Plan for improvement of business environment, competition capacity in Thai Binh
Province in two years of 2015-2016 as an attachment to this Decision.
Article 2. To assign Department of Planning and Investment to preside over and co-ordinate with relevant
departments, industries and divisions to develop the Plan to guarantee the effective promotion and satisfy
all specified objectives.
Article 3. Office manager of the People’s Committee of the province; Director of Department of Planning
and Investment, Directors of relevant department, industries and divisions; Chairman of People’s
Committee of districts and cities take responsibility for the implementation of this Decision.
- As Article 3;
- Ministry of Planning and Investment;
- Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Provincial Committee of the Party, People’s Council;
- Chairman, Vice-Chairman of People’s
Committee of the province;
- Office managers of People’s Committee or the
- Stored at: Archives, Planning & Finance,
General Departments.
(Signed and sealed)
Nguyen Hong Dien
Independence – Freedom – Happiness
Re: Improvement of business environment and provincial competitiveness index (PCI) in Thai Binh
Province in the two years of 2015-2016
(Promulgated as an attachment to the Decision No. 686/QD-UBND dated April 10, 2015 by the Provincial
People’s Committee)
1. General objectives
a) Address specific solutions to each field to improve the business environment and provincial
competitiveness index (PCI) in the period of 2015-2020, especially the core year 2015 according to the
Resolution No. 19/NQ-CP dated March 12, 2015 by the Government with the objective of increase from 2
to 4 points and higher grade from 1 to 2 levels each year.
b) Heighten the awareness of all levels, industries, staffs, officials in the whole province for the role of
business in the socioeconomic development of their own province; complete the assigned duties with the
motto of best service and condition for the sustainable development of business, attracting the investment
in the province for the socioeconomic development in the new period.
2. Specific objectives
a) For the attraction of investment in the province
- In 2015, complete all structures, policies, necessary conditions for the implementation of legal
documents relating to the investment such as: Law on investment, Law on Land, Law on Construction;
resolution to difficulties of the Investors so as to make it a basis of good attraction of investment in the
province in the period of 2015-2020.
- The objective is the attraction of investment in the province will increase from 10% of the projects and
over and 15% of total registered investment value and over.
b) For the support to the Investors having been investing in the province
- Create a good environment for the businesses to receive the best services on business registration, tax
payment, customs registration.
- Enhance the support to businesses by well completing the commercial promotion, assisting in business
training, supplying information and supporting the small and medium-sized businesses as per the
framework of the Government and province.
c) For the development and assistance for the business and co-operative
- Develop about 10% of business each year
- 100% of Co-operative is reestablished and newly established in accordance with Law on Cooperative
2012 and under-law documents.
- Newly established businesses and Cooperative will be assisted in training, supplying information
according to the framework of the Government and province.
1. For the attraction of investment in the province
a) Implement and publicize the information of planning, plan for investment, construction, land and
specific procedures for the awareness and implementation by Investor, supervision by organizations of
politics – society.
b) Innovate the administrative procedures in all areas relating to the attraction of investment in conformity
with regulations provided for by new Laws on Investment, Land and Construction issued by the National
Assembly in 2014; create all favorable conditions for Investors in the spirit of specific decentralization in
competence and responsibility to directly understand and get information of: opportunity of investment,
planning, land map, investment policy, investment registration, procedure and registration of land,
procedure of investment preference, etc. as regulated by Laws on Investment, Construction, Land (avoid
the situation of one content for agreements by different divisions that causes difficulties for Investor and
direction of the higher authorities).
c) Implement the public investment plan in the period of 2016-2020, in which the investment in
infrastructure of coastal economic area, industrial zone, industrial complex is of concern to create
favorable condition for investment attraction.
d) Complete the organization, improve and strengthen the investment promotion in all levels, industries.
2. For the support to the Investors having been investing in the province
a) Innovate the administrative procedures in all areas relating to the support to business in accordance
with the newly promulgated Laws on Investment, Land, Business, Tax, Customs, etc. Create all favorable
conditions for the Investor in the spirit of: quickly accessing full information of investment encouragement
of the Central and province by the Investor; receiving best service on business registration, tax payment,
customs registration, etc.
c) Strengthen the support to business according to the framework of the Central and province.
3. For the development and support to business and cooperative
a) The businesses receive the best service on business registration, business incorporation according to
the Law on Business 2014 and under-law documents.
b) The cooperatives receive the best service on business registration, reestablishment and new
establishment according to the Cooperative Law 2012 and under-law documents.
c) Strengthen the assistance in training, information supply and business and cooperative support
according to the framework of the Central and province.
1. Department of Planning and Investment
a) Coordinates with relevant units, consults the Provincial People’s Committee about promulgating the
regulation on allocation of investment management in the province according to the Public Investment
Law 2014, Law on Construction 2014 and under-law documents; instructs and implements the public
investment plan for the period of 2016-2020, in which the investment in infrastructure of coastal economic
area, industrial zone, industrial complex is of concern to create favorable condition for investment
b) Coordinates with relevant units, consults the Provincial People’s Committee about promulgating the
regulation on allocation of investment management in the province according to the Public Investment
Law 2014, Law on Construction 2014, Law on Land 2013 and under-law documents; in which the
competence and responsibility of executing units are specified, satisfying the target of administrative
innovation in all areas relating to attraction of investment; instructs the units for organization and
c) Coordinates with relevant units, consults the Provincial People’s Committee about promulgating the
regulations on investment management for PPP projects in the province as per Decree No. 15/2015/NDCP dated February 14, 2015 by the Government on investment in the manner of public and private
partnership; and instructs for implementation.
d) Instructs the implementation of Business Law 2014 and under-law documents
e) Instructs the implementation of Law on Cooperative 2012 and under-law documents; acts as counselor
to construct the framework and plan for co-operative assistance after conversion.
g) Constructs and implements the plan in coordination with Ministry of Planning and Investment, Vietnam
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) for assistance in business training.
h) Continues to search and consult the new framework and policy, develop the frameworks of the Central
and province; encourages the businesses to invest in different areas in the province.
i) Constructs and implements the plan for investment promotion in the year 2015 – 2016.
j) Constructs and implements the plan for ODA promotion for the province.
k) Consults and develops the project of establishment of coastal economic area in the province.
l) Completes the State’s management duty on investment and business development as decentralized.
2. Consecutive one-gate division of the province
a) Seriously and effectively organizes and implements the Decision No. 12/2014/QD-UBND dated August
25, 2014 by the Provincial People’s Committee promulgating the Regulations on application of
consecutive one-gate policy for investment in Thai Binh province; Decision No. 2953/QD-UBND dated
December 10, 2014 by the Provincial People’s Committee on adjustment, supplement of several
Regulations on application of consecutive one-gate policy for investment in Thai Binh province, with the
motto of best service and condition for business, unit and household business on transaction.
b) Updates the latest documents and regulations of the Central in investment to consult the People’s
Committee about amending, supplementing and completing the consecutive one-gate policy of the
province and guarantee the orderliness and effectiveness.
3. Management unit of province’s industrial zones
a)Consults to supplement Industrial Zones in the province (according to the planning) to the planning
system of National Industrial Zone, arranges the investment capital plan for the infrastructure of Industrial
zone in the period of 2016-2020, implements the specific planning and promotes investment in the
Industrial zones.
b) Constructs and promotes the investments in Industrial Zones in the province.
c) Completes the State’s management duty for the investment in Industrial zones as decentralized.
4. Department of Industry and Commerce
a) Completes the adjustment of development plan for Industrial Zones, Industrial complex of the province;
consults the Provincial People’s Committee about constructing the development plan for Industrial Zone,
Industrial Complex according to the planning in each specific stage to direct all levels and industries to
develop the specific planning and invest in the infrastructure for the most effective investment attraction.
b) Proposes the List of investment appeal plan in the period of 2015-2020 in all areas of industry and
service to make a basis of investment promotion.
c) Constructs and executes the commercial promotion plan in the years of 2015, 2016.
d) Completes the State’s management duty for the investment and development of industry and service
as decentralized.
5. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
a) Completes the planning for development strategy for several main agricultural products of the province,
the areas developing the localized agricultural production to develop the investment promotion in
agricultural area.
b) Proposes the List of investment appeal plan in the period of 2015-2020 in agriculture to make a basis
of investment promotion.
c) Completes the State’s management duty for the investment in agricultural development as
6) Department of Construction
a) Consults about decentralizing and developing the planning for specific construction in Industrial Zones,
Industrial Complex (according to plan for Industrial Zone, Industrial Complex development in the
province) to supply information of planning for the Investors to make proposal of project as per
regulations provided for by Laws on Investment and Construction; and for the Investment Promotion
Center of the province to advertise the planning information for the province’s investment promotion.
b) Consults and develops the planning, and proposes the List of investment appeal plan in the period of
2015-2020 in social living house to make it as a basis of investment promotion.
c) Completes the State’s management duty for the construction as decentralized.
7. Department of Natural Resource and Environment
a) Reviews all administrative procedures on land and environment according to the Law on Land 2013
and Law on Environment 2014; in which the construction and management of land information of
industrial zone, industrial complex and other investment plans are of special concern (according to the
development plan of Industrial Zone, Industrial Complex and the province’s socioeconomic development
plan) to supply information for Investors to make proposal of plan in accordance with the regulation
provided for by Law on Land.
b) Completes the adjustment of land use plan in which the use of land in Industrial Zone, Industrial
Complex and other investment plans is of special concern (according to the province’s socioeconomic
development plan) to make a basis of land lease and for Investors to execute the plan as per regulations
provided for by Laws on Investment and Land.
c) Completes the State’s management duty for the land and environment as decentralized.
8. Department of Science and Technology
a) Prepares and implements the plan for scientific and technological assistance for business in the two
years of 2015 – 2016.
b) Completes the State’s duty of management for the science and technology as decentralized.
9) Department of Finance
a) Prepares and implements the financial plan to assist the business according to the policies on
investment encouragement by the Central and province.
b) Completes the State’s duty of management for the finance as decentralized.
10. Province’s Department of Taxation
a) Completes the Tax Return via Internet
b) Strengthens the instruction of tax policies and accounting professional competence in tax registration
for business.
c) Completes the State’s duty of management for the taxation as decentralized.
11. Province’s Department of Customs
a) Well applies the Law on Customs 2014
b) Strengthens the instruction of policy and professional competence in customs registration for business.
c) Completes the State’s duty of management for the customs as decentralized.
12. Departments, industries, other units and People’s Committee of Districts and Cities
a) Completes the duty of administrative innovation, business assistance in related areas to improve the
provincial competitiveness index.
b) Enhances the space clearance to assist the Investor to ensure the schedule.
c) Closely coordinates with Department of Planning and Investment, Management Board of Industrial
Zones in promoting investment.
IV. Progress and execution:
1. The following contents should be finished before April 15, 2015:
- Plan for Investment Promotion 2015, Plan for Trading Promotion 2015 (finished).
- Plan for business assistance 2015 in different areas such as training, science and technology,
assistance and encouragement after investment.
- Instructions to the Cooperatives for change as per Law on Cooperative.
2. The following contents should be finished before July 1, 2015
- Regulations on allocation of management and investment according to Laws on Public Investment,
Investment, Construction, Decree No. 15/2015/ND-CP dated February 14, 2015 by the Government on
investment in the manner of public and private partnership (PPP), etc.
- Adjustment of development plan for Industrial Zones, Industrial Complex of the province; plan for
development strategy of several main agricultural products of the province, areas of centralized
agricultural development in the province.
(If the above mentioned duties assigned in Working Program 2015 by People’s Committee of the
Province must be finished before July 1, 2015, they should be performed in conformity with the progress
specified in the Working Program of People’s Committee of the Province.)
3. Other contents
- Must be finish in 2015
- Only the specific plan and system of land map of Industrial Zones, Industrial Complex and other
investment projects are executed in preferential order according to the plan for socioeconomic
development of the province.
4. Organization and implementation
- Relevant department, industries, units, People’s Committee of Districts, Cities prepare their own Action
Plans on the basis of the province’s Action Plan, in which seriously implements the assigned tasks in the
province’s action plan; supply information and propagandize to heighten the awareness of all levels,
industries, staffs, officials about the role of business in the socioeconomic development of the province,
complete all assigned tasks to serve and create favourable condition for the stable development of
business, attract investment to the province for socioeconomic development in new period.
- Members of the province’s Steering Committee on improving the provincial competitiveness index, ODA
mobilization, Cooperative conversion,...base on the assigned tasks to supervise and speed up and
implement all such tasks according to this Plan.
- All levels, industries in the province enhance the inspection, examination, supervision and settlement of
all complaints, denunciations, disputes of individuals and organizations, businesses during the production
and business. Maintain the hot line and frequent receiving schedule for businesses to understand and
promptly solve all related petitions and administrative procedures in investment and business assistance.
- Frequently organizes dialogue with businesses to understand and remove difficulties incurred during the
- All units quarterly (before the 10th day of the first month of the next quarter) report on the progress and
results of execution to Department of Planning and Investment to collect and classify then submit to
Provincial People’s Committee.
The Action Plan for improvement of business environment and provincial competitiveness index (PCI) of
Thai Binh province in the two years of 2015-2016 hereinabove must be implemented by Departments,
industries, units, people’s Committee of Districts and Cities. During the implementation, if there are any
difficulties, report to Department of Planning and Investment to collect and classify then submit to
Provincial People’s Committee for consideration and resolution.
This document has digital signature of:
Office of Provincial People’s Committee
Time of digital signature:
April 11, 2015 at 08:53:44