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,3 Brussels, 17 July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ollective investment vehicles such as unit trusts are an efficient means to channel savings into productive investment, and so contribute to the overall competitiveness of the EU’s financial markets", commented Financial Services Commissioner Mario Monti. "With the trend towards lower interest rates, such collective investment vehicles are an increasingly popular alternative for average households to bank deposits and investments in public sector bonds. These proposals will tackle remaining obstacles which are preventing the collective investment market being developed fully at the pan-EU level. We must put these measures into effect as quickly as possible because the single currency will bring these obstacles into sharp relief by encouraging cross-frontier investment and increasing competition." Directive 85/611/EEC on Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) established a ’single licence’ regime for collective investment undertakings (i.e. an authorisation for products to be sold throughout the Single Market on the basis of approval in one Member State). Collective investment undertakings are now established in all Member States whereas before the adoption of theDirective in 1985 they were not widespread. However, the Directive’s impact has been limited by the fact that its single licence regime applies only to investments in transferable securities (essentially shares and bonds) listed in a stock exchange or similar regulated market. The Commission is therefore proposing to maintain the basic principles of the UCITS Directive but to extend its scope and bring it into line with new practices so as to create a truly Single Market for collective investment vehicles. The proposed legislative framework would ensure a high level of protection for individual investors by setting standards for both the investment products and the managers undertaking the investment. As regards the products, the proposed rules would ensure that funds raised from the public were invested in suitably qualified assets and that basic risk-spreading requirements were respected. As for the portfolio managers, the rules would impose strict market access and operating conditions and controls. This dual approach would encourage a climate of investor confidence in which the markets can develop on an EU-wide basis. One proposal focuses essentially on the “product” (the investment fund). It would extend the range of financial assets in which collective investment undertakings benefiting from the single licence may invest. In future, UCITS would be permitted to invest not only in listed shares and bonds, but also in bank deposits (cash funds), money market instruments (money market funds), standardised option and futures contracts dealt on regulated exchanges and in units of other collective investment undertakings (so-called 'funds of funds'). The proposal's rules on risk-spreading would also recognise the validity of new investment management techniques already widely and successfully employed (such as those based on investing in shares of different issuers according to the same weighting as is used in the basket on which a particular stock-index is based). The other proposal focuses on the financial intermediary which may manage UCITS (the management company). It would introduce co-ordinated rules on market access, operating conditions and prudential safeguards to be respected by management companies. This coordination would not only allow a 'single licence' regime equivalent to that already enjoyed by all other financial operators (banks, investment firms, insurance companies) whereby financial intermediaries authorised to offer services in one Member State may offer their services throughout the Single Market, but also increase investor protection by ensuring that such intermediaries were sound, reliable and professional institutions. The second proposal also overcomes the existing segmentation between individual and collective portfolio management. In future, management companies could be authorised to carry out simultaneously both the management of collective investment undertakings and portfolios on behalf of private and institutional investors, including pension funds. The UCITS proposals, which were foreseen in the Action Plan for the Single Market (see IP/97/478), are part of the Commission's efforts to improve the functioning of the Single Market in financial services, in accordance with the request of the 15-16 June European Council in Cardiff. 2 A financial services ’framework for action’, examining the effectiveness of implementation and identifying weaknesses in the legislative approach, is currently being prepared by the Commission for discussion at the Vienna European Council in December. The UCITS proposals will also serve as the basis for Commission proposals on a specific instrument to allow EU-wide marketing of units of venture capital funds, as announced in the Communication on risk-capital markets (see IP/98/305). Both proposals for Directives will be submitted to the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament for adoption under the co-decision procedure. 3