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Name of the NGO: The Socio-Economic Development Association Contact of the NGO:
Mr. Sagolsem Inaobi Singh (Director). Athokpam Awang Leikai-Thoubal-Manipur-795138
Ph. No-03848-2012793. Fax-03848-223453. (M) 9862402392
Email-ID:[email protected]
Project name: Establishment of Environmentally and economically Sustainable
Strategies for the processing of municipal solid waste in Manipur.
SEDA is trying to create a sustainable future of community. Farmers are forced to
diversify their livelihood to secure income and they became a road worker because
lack of sustainable income. Our Natural Ecosystem is affected by Global and regional
changes in Climate. Global or Regional or country or state awareness campaign
about the importance and urgency of Sustainable development on the Road to cities
and Villages in India or Manipur. We need to promote pillars of Sustainability. I.e.
Economy, Society and Environment are the pillars of Sustainability. . No nation can
escape injury when global biological systems are damaged. We must recognize the
earth’s limited capacity to provide for us.
And in this case, it would be a drastic increase in the forest cover, improvement in
water levels, better generation of agricultural crops, and improvement in livestock
and better food security for the people. The law income and disadvantaged
communities, residing in Manipur are open to increasing economic risk (Poverty)
besides facing the hard consequences of natural disaster and climate change.
Deforestation can lead the loss of livelihood for the communities due to land
degradation. The world has finally agreed that climate change is real and largely
caused by human activities. Environmentalists and many leading scientists believe
that we are depleting and degrading the earth’s natural capital at an accelerating rate
as our population and demands on the earth’s resources and natural processes
increase exponentially.
A project on raising awareness on global warming and climate change among the
communities by our organising media campaigns, awareness workshops. Deforestation and
poor awareness level of the community about the climate change impact. The high level of
human activity such as farming, irrigation, electricity consumption etc. Is leading to some
change in the weather. Sensitizing government officials and private agencies on the climate
change is also a relevant area of intervention. A cause for Poverty and lift people out of
Poverty to bring down Poverty and reduce climate change affects. We believe that climate
impact impacts equally on women and men. Women representing the poor and the
disadvantaged section of the society suffer to a higher degree from the consequences of
climate change. Manipur is facing the hard consequence of natural disasters and climate
change. The seasonal monsoons cause enormous pressure on the environment leading to
unexpected natural disaster like flood. Such events have caused severe damage to
community life, floods and landslides have spoiled. Communities residing in Manipur face a
high level of economic risk due to the prevalence of unexpected natural disaster such as
floods and landslides. Although these natural are seasonal, yet the communities end up
bearing livelihood losses in addition to loss of life, housing and health. This is mostly due to
inadequate planning, lack of organizational skills, inaccessible markets and poor mitigation
strategies. Under such a situation,” The Socio-Economic Development Association” proposes
to implement a set of interventions to reduce the climate change and global warming
Manipur are highly dependent on natural resources such as forests and fisheries for their
livelihoods, which are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Our Organization is working
to build the voice and capacity of rural communities to manage their natural resources,
improve their livelihoods through alternative income options, and adapt to the impacts of
climate changes. India’s rapid rate of deforestation and land degradation makes it one of the
top emits of greenhouse gases in the world. Our program aim to increase transparency and
accountability of land use planning, improve land use policies and increase rule of law to
better govern these resources and contribute to sustainable, low carbon economic growth and
reduced greenhouse gas emissions
Project Objective:
Long term institutionalized solutions to the persistent problem of waste generation,
collection and its proper segregation with active involvement of the community
* Establishment of an integrated solid waste management system consisting of organic
waste and dry waste management projects with the participation of the communities
Project Activities:
* Setting up of an integrated solid waste management programme in 500 (five hundred)
houses and big temples in Manipur.
* Setting up of a dry waste management system
* Creating Awareness among different stakeholders about the need to manage municipal
wastes and Conducting Trainings
* Conducting Workshops, meetings, seminars etc to demonstrate how the waste
management could be done at the locality level
* Work towards developing capacities and support systems within the Municipal
Corporation, NGOs and other interested agencies in Manipur, to sustain the spread and
maintenance of proper waste management.
* Involve media after the waste management systems are in place, for generating further
interest in the issue among the citizens of Manipur and to replicate the effort in other
areas on a larger scale.
Project Impacts:
* The project has brought an attitudinal change in the people. They have started adopting
the waste management system and do timely payment of collection of waste.
* Adequate care was taken in getting the involvement of women in the whole operation.
About 70% (seventy percent) of the members of SEDAs are women.
* Polythene and plastic waste is collected in the area on a weekly basis and is recycled.
This also generates income for the cleaning methods.
* NGO also conducted voluntary drives of cleaning the area. The result is that one of the
dumping grounds of Imphal area has been salvaged and now it acts as a sports ground for
the youth.
* Collection and segregation of waste from 3500 HH
* NGO has taken an initiative and has come up with a newsletter- Environment to create
awareness on waste management
* It has facilitated 8 RWAs and has formed 6 SHGs involving 62 Cleaning methods.
* All the 6 SHGs have been linked to the bank
* SHGs are also involved in developing decorative items from waste materials like, soft
toys and wall hangings.
* Campaigns, meetings and workshops conducted in schools, colleges, institutions and for
public at large.
* Ban on polythene bags for milk and flowers in all cities.
* One vermin-composting unit established to produce compost of 1 ton per day