Download Band 7 Instrumental Music Performance Rating Scale Interim Report

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STUDENT: ____________________________________________
Notes tongued clearly, accurately;
Convincing presentation of dynamics and
other stylistic markings; follows
conducting; Percussion sticking is
followed almost always, with few mistakes
Notes mostly tongued correctly.
Played many dynamics; needs to
play more subtle changes in
expression/phrasing; Some errors
following conductor; Percussionist's
sticking is followed majority of the
Moderate to Minimally Meets
Tone is not supported, but notes
are mostly audible; some pitch
accuracy; percussion sound
demonstrates great variation;
Sometimes performs in tune
Demonstrates some accuracy;
fingerings sometimes correct;
some hesitation changing between
notes; can play some notes
correctly with support
Played some rhythms; misses
rhythms but can play rhythms
partially correct with support
Notes are not appropriately
tongued; Some use of dynamics
and phrasing, however, hesistant
or inconsistent; Needs reminders;
May have difficulty following
conductor; Percussionist's sticking
is rarely followed
Student sits up straight through entire
exercise/piece; Is conscious of &
demonstrates correct hand positions;
Excellent understanding of proper
Feet are always flat on floor
Student usually sits up straight and
often applies correct hand positions;
may slouch as he/she plays; Feet are
mostly flat on the floor. Overall
quite good posture and position but
may need reminders
Limited "good" posture and
position characteristics;
Occasionally sits correctly and
sometimes applies correct hand
positions. Feet are sometimes flat
on the floor or legs crossed
Musical Literacy
Student always identifies and understands
signs, symbols and terms, and applies
them to written music; Conscientiously
listens well to live or recorded music
pertaining to their instrument and to
musical performances; Is able to critically
assess and elaborate accurately using
music terminology
Student usually identifies and
understands signs, symbols and
terms, and applies them to written
music; Takes the effort to listen well
to live or recorded music pertaining
to their instrument and to musical
performances; Is able to assess and
elaborate on performances. Some
specific details are used, at times
could be more thorough
Student sometimes identifies and
understands the signs, symbols and
terms in written music; Is able to
assess or elaborate on some
performances; description of
music is becoming more accurate
and detailed; With support will
listen to live or recorded music
pertaining to their instrument and
to musical performances and
reflect with some detail
Sound Production
Tone Quality
Excellent tone; Proper use of breath to
produce effective sound; Pitch accuracy is
thorough; Secure tuning; Percussion sound
is consistent with very minor variation
Excellent knowledge of notes and
consistent pitch; All fingerings are correct;
changes between fingerings are clean;
All rhythms are performed fluently; Few,
if any, discernible errors.
Fully Meets
Tone is fairly supported with
moments of breathiness;
considerable pitch accuracy;
percussion sound demonstrates some
variation; Tuning is often accurate
Considerable note accuracy;
fingerings mostly correct but
changes between notes can be
muddy on occasion; may miss a note
but usually plays correct
Played most rhythms correctly; some
need for consistency
PERIOD 1 3 5
TERM 1 2 3
Not Yet Meeting
Limited tone quality; little effort to
breathe correctly; notes not clearly
produced; limited pitch accuracy;
Seldom in tune; percussionists do
not perform with consistent sound
Majority of fingerings are not
known; excessive inaccuracies in
pitch and/or notes; difficulty
changing between notes; Needs
individual coaching
Missed many/most rhythms; did
not maintain steady beat; needs
more work
Notes are not tongued and have no
definite start or end. Little or no
variation in dynamic range or
phrasing. Does not perform with
expression; Is often out of beat
with the band; Percussionist's
sticking is not followed.
Poor posture and position; Student
rarely sits correctly; is often
slouched and/or rests his/her
instrument or arms on his/her lap;
Inappropriately positions hands;
Feet seldom or rarely flat on the
floor; legs almost always crossed
Student rarely identifies signs,
symbols and terms in written
music; Is not yet able to assess or
elaborate on performances;
description of music is vague or
inaccurate; Does not focus on
listening to live or recorded music
pertaining to their instrument and
to musical performances;
assignments may lack detail or be
Cooperation, Positive
Prompt, Focused &
Prepared to Learn
STUDENT: ____________________________________________
PERIOD 1 3 5
TERM 1 2 3
S – Satisfactory
N -Needs Improvement
An active participant; Contributes
thoughtful ideas or questions; Openminded, enthusiastic and encourages
others; Always willing to do what is
necessary for learning process and
development; Attends sectionals; Sought
extra help when needed; Demonstrates
leadership within section and band as a
Occasionally seeks help when needed; Has
a generally positive attitude; Attends most
sectional rehearsals; Willing to mostly do
what is necessary; Usually participates but
at times reluctant to contribute; At times
may show willingness to lead others.
Rarely participates actively
Often misses or does not attend sectionals;
Often brings negative attitude to rehearsal;
May not be willing to learn new things;
Did not seek help; Hardly ever willing to
put effort into group development; Never
takes the lead.
Always follows routines/guidelines; On
time with all materials. Consistently listens
and works well with others; Often takes a
leadership role; Assists director as needed.
Sets a good example; Self-directed,
motivated, reliable, shows initiative.
Usually arrives on times, sets up quickly
with instrument, method books, duotang,
agenda, pencil, etc. Generally works well
during class and rehearsal activities
following routines/guidelines; On
occasion, may need reminders to listen or
not distract others; Usually works well
alone and with others. May sometimes
need reminders to help with clean up.
Has difficulty following
routines/guidelines. Frequently tardy; often
missing materials – e.g., instrument (3+
times over term), band method book,
pencil, duotang, agenda, `assignments;
Rarely listens to instructions. Has
difficulty working well during class; Easily
distracted; Often requires supervision.
Performs assigned selections with
accuracy. Always practices (4-5 times per
week); Reflections always completed,
often thorough and insightful; Seeks out
feedback / responds constructively to
criticism. Shows high interest towards
personal growth.
Usually able to perform assigned
tasks/selections. Practice
records/reflections usually completed
showing regular practice (3-4 times per
week) and some thinking about learning
and progress; Responds to constructive
feedback by taking steps to improve.
Often misses notes or finds selections
difficult. Practice records/reflections
showing little evidence of practice and/or
thinking about learning and progress;
Needs much more home practice; Has not
or is hesitant to seek help from the music
G - Good