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Minutes of meeting on Wednesday 13th June 2012 at 7.00pm
Present: Dr Amar Sattar (AS), Dr Nasreen Imrit (NI), Dr Lorenz Kemper
(LK), SS (Chair) TH, MR, KP, GW
Apologies from: Carol Wotherspoon (Managing Partner), KK and AJ
 Confirmation of Minutes & Matters Arising
 Feedback re Chiltern Clinical Commissioning Group Meeting (GW)
 Non-attendance at PPG
 Future participants of PPG
 Referral to hospital / specialist
Matters Arising from previous Minutes dealt with below: Quarterly Newsletter will be published soon (in June rather than in
May). There were a few suggestions for amendment. SS would be
giving her input to the Newsletter re the PPG. In addition, more
surveys would be handed out.
 AS said the Practice would welcome suggestions for any system that
worked. 30% of appointments are forward booked and a number of
these patients “do not attend” and do not call to cancel their
appointments. Even appointments for the same day have a
percentage who “dna”. This wastes the doctors’ time when they
could see other patients and also costs the Practice financially. It
was decided to request patients, via the Newsletter, to provide their
mobile phone numbers and asking them to update their details for
the database. It is really important to keep this updated. With
regard to referrals, if the patient does not turn up at the hospital, the
GP is charged £150 – a fact of which many are probably unaware.
TH suggested that this fact be put on the board. Of those who do
come, 90% of patients arrive late for their appointment, which has a
domino effect making people wait longer and longer.
 Website: CW is working on management of the email system on
the website.
Feedback re Chiltern Clinical Commissioning Group Meeting
GW reported back on the meeting she had attended at the end of April.
There had been 50 people present at this initial meeting and she
reiterated that the Chiltern Clinical Commissioning Group was running in
tandem with the PCT until April 2013 when they will stand alone. After
the speakers had finished, people divided into groups (each group
having a GP present) to discuss the various issues. The general
conclusion was that the emphasis should be on well being and
prevention rather than on illness – proactive with regular health checks;
healthcare as a personal responsibility; obesity education; and the
importance of physical exercise. It was decided to hold approximately
three such meetings a year, open to the general public and it was hoped
to attract more people to subsequent meetings.
Non-attendance at PPG Meetings
It would be appreciated if members would try to call in their apologies
beforehand, or at least immediately afterwards.
Future PPG Participants
Participation of more people would be invited in this group via the
Newsletter. It was felt that 10 would be the ideal number.
Referral to Hospital/Specialist
MR knew of someone who had to wait for 5 months. It turned out that
the man had bladder cancer and by the time it was dealt with at the
Churchill Hospital, it was too late. This must not be allowed to happen.
Newsletter PPG input
Survey Ongoing & Website regular updates
PPG representation in Oct
Any other Business
 MR suggested that with Ramadan beginning on 20th July, there
should be some information available to diabetics – maybe one
session at the Surgery and one at the Mosque. Dr. Sawhney is trying
to raise awareness in the Asian community.
 KP said how important image was at the Surgery. With limited funds,
SS suggested that maybe a charity event could be held – such as a
cake sale – with proceeds going towards any extras over and above
the essentials at the Surgery.
 MR suggested that maybe patients could be invited to set aside 10
minutes of their time to give “a patient’s experience”.
 AS pointed out that the only Training Practices are Riverside and
Tower House and there are stringent rules governing Training
 KP suggested that in future Practice Doctors and Staff could put on
the PPG Agenda any “hot topics” that they would like discussed.
Date and Chair for next PPG meeting
 Date: Wednesday 5th September 2012 at 7pm
 Chair: SS
 Agenda: To be confirmed by Chair
SS thanked everyone for their time.