Download PPG Committee Meeting 25.2.16

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PPG Committee Meeting
Thursday 25th February 2016
Attendees : Eric Beckley (Chair), Wendy Ledingham, Colin Rowland, Judy Holman,
Rose Kneil, Sue Pargeter, Julee Moon and Chloe Chubb (minutes)
Welcome and Apologies
Apologies received from April and Kate.
Mr and Mrs Callow have regretfully had to resign from the PPG group. Thank you for
your contributions to the group.
Minutes from Last Meeting
The comment function when booking appointments on patient online access has
now been disabled as these comments cannot be seen by the GP.
Linda, practice secretary, has contacted the referral management centre to find out
more about GPs being able to book appointments for patients. GPs can only book in
clinics that have appointments available at that time, not clinics that have a waiting
list. The referral management centre advice that it is best for the patient to book their
own appointments as the referral management centre are able to give more advice
on the booking process than GPs and it also prevents the GPs from running over on
the consultation.
Outcome based commissioning is on hold at the moment. No members of the PPG
were able to attend the workshops.
The flu given figures did not make it in to the local newspaper. The surgery did very
well with flu this year, having only about 130 injections left from the original 2600
ordered. There were a lot of nasal flu administered to children as well.
Matters arising
Eric reported that South West Ambulance Service and Yeovil District Hospital have
their CQC inspection coming up. Patients are encouraged to give their feedback on
the services either through the CQC website or by phone on 03000 61 61 61.
Alternatively, the inspectors will be in Yeovil Library on 4th March between 11am and
1pm to gather face to face feedback on Yeovil District Hospital.
Waiting Times
Eric recently attended the surgery and came across a problem with the call system
reporting the GP was running on time however on the ticket it said there were 3
patients in front. We believe this problem has now been resolved and should show
the amount of patients waiting on screen as well as on the ticket.
Prescription Ordering Time Restrictions
Sue reported a problem she had had with one of her repeat items being rejected for
being ordered too early. The surgery are currently looking in to this problem as the
surgery do allow leeway for prescriptions to be ordered early in order to allow time
for it to go to the chemist.
It was also raised about only being able to order a month supply of certain
medications whereas others can be ordered as a 2 month supply or more.
Unfortunately, some medications are restricted to a monthly supply for safety
reasons and sometimes they are restricted to prevent wastage. It was advised that
each individual case is different and should be discussed with the GP to see whether
issue amounts can be altered.
Spring Newsletter
It was suggested that the Friends of Essex House be mentioned in the next
newsletter to show what they have brought for the surgery and encourage more
patients to join.
Louisa Frayne
Louisa Frayne is our new nurse practitioner who started on Monday. She will be
working Mondays until May and then Mondays and Tuesdays from then on. She will
be seeing patients with acute illness who wish to see a clinician on the day. This
should hopefully help meet the demand for appointments and leave more
appointments available for people who need to be seen by a GP.
Dr Denner’s retirement in June
Dr Denner will be retiring at the end of June. Dr Wilcox will take over as senior
partner. Advertisements have been placed in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) and
through the Somerset LMC (Local Medical Committee) but there have not yet been
any applicants for the role.
It was raised whether the surgery would be able to ‘close their books’ and not take
on any more patients if his position was not filled. Other local surgeries are facing the
same problem and so the surgery would try to manage with Locums and would
possibly look at recruiting more nurse practitioners if it works out well with Louisa.
Julie Sanders, one of our practice nurses, will be soon by retiring and there is
currently an advert in the newspaper for a replacement.
Ideas were put forward for how the PPG could get involved in the next PPG survey.
It was suggested whether members of the committee could interview certain patients
to get detailed feedback and then pick out important points.
It was also raised how the PPG can get involved in the surgery as a whole. It was
suggested that members of the committee could volunteer half a day to help with
anything the surgery needed doing. Confidentially would need to be considered.
It was queried whether a member of Holyrood could attend the meetings to represent
the younger generation. It was agreed that Lucy Everitt could be asked to attend as
the surgery’s young person’s champion.
Next Meeting Thursday 12th May 2016