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Maypole Health Centre
PPG Meeting
Drs Yap, Hughes and Michael, Maypole Health Centre
Minutes of Patient Participation Group Meeting at Maypole Health Centre Thursday 8th December
Attendees: Dr Yap, Dr Michael, Dr George (Registrar) Dr Monica (Trainee) Mr D Cook, Mr Scott, Mrs
Cole, Mike Pealing (Practice Manager) Kay Thomas (Secretary)
Apologies: Dr Hughes, Mrs Yates, Mr Martin, Mr Bishton, Mr & Mrs Webb
1.Welcome and Introductions
Mike welcomed the participation group members and thanked them for coming along.
Mike announced that sadly Mr Yates passed away who will be sadly missed by the patient group for
his support over the years. We wished Mrs Yates our condolences.
2.GP Trainees
Dr Yapp introduced Monica the new trainee who will be with us until April 2017. Dr Michael will be
shadowing Monica throughout her training at the practice.
3.Flu Campaign/Flu Charity – Childrens Hospital
The flu campaign is still ongoing until March 17. We have a target to reach for the over 65+ and
need 75% at present we are at 74.5% Supplies have run out quickly this year. Pharmacies and
supermarkets are promoting the flu injections this year which has made it difficult to order extra
Mike thanked the volunteers from the PPG for the support given during the flu clinic to raise funds
for the Childrens Hospital. We raised £129.23
Patient Access to Appointments
We are still continuing to have a number of DNA at the clinics this still remains a challenge. The
receptionist s calls the patient to confirm appointment, they have text message sent but this still
remains a problem.
Mr Cook suggested a letter to be sent to patient after 3rd DNA.
The main people that default are the pre-bookable appointments. Also the number of noticeable
patients who do not keep their appointment actually book on the same day. The nurse
appointments still remain high.
Mr Cook asked when there would be available appointments on line for the Practice Nurse and
Phlebotomist. Mike to look into this.
Receptions are asking patients when booking in if they have registered for the online services. The
partners are also asking the patients on consultation.
Bowel Screening Packs
Patients over 60 are sent bowel screening packs to check for bowel cancer.
A lot of patients do not send the packs back after a second letter. Ask group how we could promote
this. Posters in surgery etc.
Friends and Family Test
This is an on-going survey for patients who visit the practice for whatever reason. Patients have the
opportunity to voice their opinion of the service on the day. This is one of many initiatives which is
promoted by NHS England that includes online bookings, or repeat prescriptions and access to
medical records.
In House Patient Survey
The practice annual survey needs to be completed by 120-130 patients in the practice. Mike asked if
anything needed to be added to the survey the group were happy with everything.
At the next meeting the Patient survey responses and results will be discussed along with the FFT’s
One of the members asked how much it costs the practice when a patient DNA’s the appointment.
Mike handed the PPG Christmas cards from the practice and wished then a Happy Christmas and
Happy New Year.
The next meeting for the Patient Participation Group was arranged for Thursday 24th February 2017
between 13:00-13:15.