Download norteas children`s theatre courses 2013-14

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Course description
Learning outcome
Open places for
incoming students &
Total amount of
course participants
Application deadline
Teacher(s) &
Presentation at
SUMIN 2014
Contact person
Listening to the Material / Object Theatre
August 19 - 30, 2013 (possibly cont. Jan 2014)
A two weeks research into the material. How can we listen to an object? How can
we retract its stories and bring it alive. The aim is to create performance material
where all the senses are in use, where each element; the object, the movement,
the sound can replace the role of the actor/the human.
On completing this course students will:
• have acquired the skills that form the basis of the course and have
demonstrated their ability to use them creatively
• have demonstrated the ability to work with objects as material for artistic
• have acquired an open-minded approach to work and collaboration
• have demonstrated an ability to utilise the mutual experience of individuals
within a group towards artistically creative ends
• be able to make practical use of guidance and criticism in the development of
their creative work
Iceland Academy of the Arts
4-7 students from the disciplines of acting, dance, choreography, directing,
14 students
The students will be hosted by local students in private homes free of charge
31st May 2013
Helga Arnalds, a Writer,Visual Artist, a Puppet Maker and a Performer.
The plan is to have a short performance or at least a video.
Alma Ragnarsdottir [email protected]
Course description
Learning outcome
Open places for
incoming students &
Total amount of
course participants
Application deadline
Teacher(s) &
Presentation at
SUMIN 2014
Contact person
Course description
Learning outcome
Open places for
incoming students &
Total amount of
course participants
Application deadline
Teacher(s) &
Presentation at
SUMIN 2014
Contact person
Rhythm and poetry
2nd-12th September 2013
Actors will explore rhythmical movements and text relations in the groups and
individually. A rhythmical game with the content and form of the text. It will be
connected to the composition of movement, which is going with the idea of the
text. The texts could be from well-known fairy tales, which can be transformed to
rhythmical circumstances. A workshop for voice and rhythm, work for vocal and
physical mechanisms, the composition of all these things.
Communication in multilingual team, developing of different approach to learning,
developing willingness to learn: being inquisitive, enthusiastic and open to new
In Palanga (320 km from Vilnius or Riga), a historical resort near the Baltic sea,
organized by Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre
Possible number invited students 10-12, actors, directors, dancers. Equal number
of men and women. Criteria for selection of participants: musicality, musical
hearing and the feeling for rhythm. Students should include a youtube-video with
a presentation of themselves in the application.
20 Actors, directors, dancers.
There will be accommodation for 10 nights x 30 Lt (in total 85 Eur for 10 nights)
30th April 2013
Director Agnius Jankevicius
Giedre Kabasinskiene [email protected]
Object theater
Telling a story through objects. Working with different materials in realising a
story. Using the skills of the technical students to make a creative result. Making a
15-20 min. piece to show at the end of the course and to take to Viljandi in 2014
Working with the technical skills to make an artistic result. Developing an
understanding of the creative process in making a play. Learn how things can tell
a story.
Danish National school of performing arts (Copenhagen)
in 2013 there will be room for 2-3 guest students on the course - light, sound and
set design.
max 7 students
With local students
1st June 2013
Rolf Hansen - puppeteer, set designer, director, Christian Q. Clausen – set
designer, director , special effects
a 15-20 min. piece to show at the end of the course and to take to Viljandi in 2014
Morten Sørensen [email protected]
Course description
Learning outcome
Open places for
incoming students &
Total amount of
course participants
Application deadline
Teacher(s) &
Presentation at
SUMIN 2014
Contact person
Course description
Course of devised theatre in the context of creating a children's performance
Oct 2013 (10 working days and 2 days off between TOTAL: 12 days)
The aims of the course are
-to give the basics of devised theatre in a context of creating a children's
-to give the basic method of physical action during the process of creating the
role (also for the “non-acting” specialties);
-to introduce the process of creating the performative environment (stage design,
costumes etc) by devised method (also for the specialties of Theatre and Dance);
-to give the creative example of directing process of the children performance,
what is based on devised and improvisational material framed by theme of
characters called pokus from Estonian children literature (look the website of
Course consists
-practical and physical group work during the short intense periods;
-lecture of theoretical knowledge of devised theatre;
-personally considered individual work;
-practical exercises, conversations and generating the ideas with partners;
-performances in Ugala Theatre in Viljandi (in II part of the course).
Upon successful completion of the course the student:
-is able to use basics of devised theatre in a context of creating the children's
-knows how to use the basic method of physical action during the process of
creating the role;
-is able to act and react within group improvisations and knows how to use basics
of group logics and dynamics in this situation;
-is able to create the performative environment (stage design, costumes etc.) by
devised method in basic level.
University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy
10 incoming students of Theatre Arts (Actor, Director), Dance Arts (Dancer,
Coregrapher, Dance Teacher) or Performing Arts Visual Technology
(Scenographer, Props and Stage Designer, Lightning Designer, Multimedia
Specialist, Stage Manager).
With our own students
15th June 2013
Mrs Jaanika Juhanson (Lecturer of Performing Arts, director)
Ms Liina Unt (PhD, Lecturer of Stage Design, scenographer)
Performance and video or exhibition about the process
Irene Hütsi [email protected]
Raising the Dead: Animating Objects, Puppets and Masks
4th - 8th of November 2013
A puppet-animation workshop, with Czech puppet-theatre expert Patrice
Homolová, and widely recognized mask, Commedia dell'Arte and drama teacher
at SMKS, Jonathan Paul Cook. The workshop will offer an introduction to the
Learning outcome
Open places for
incoming students &
Total amount of
course participants
Application deadline
Teacher(s) &
Presentation at
SUMIN 2014
Contact person
Course description
Learning outcome
Open places for
incoming students &
Total amount of
course participants
Application deadline
artistic means and universe of object manipulation, Puppet theatre and mask
work, in which the tools of storytelling are not limited to the performers own
Practice: The participant will have learned how to infuse an inanimate object,
including puppets and masks, with the musicality and spontaneity of a living
Theory: The participant will have been presented with several of the secrets of
illusion and animation, such as anthropomorphism, the synaesthetic response,
and the psychology of visual perception.
The Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Southern Denmark (Odense, Denmark)
Open to 8 students of acting, design and dance - an interdisciplinary workshop
They will be put up with our own students
1st June 2013
Jonathan Paul Cook, mask, Commedia dell'Arte and drama teacher and Patrice
Homolová, educated puppeteer and actor
75 min. lecture-demonstration based on the content of our workshop. JP assisted
by those students from SMKS that had been a part of that workshop will
demonstrate and explain various methods of animating objects, puppets and
masks in a lively and entertaining way. Although the techniques themselves are
directly applicable to children's theatre, the demonstration itself will be more
suitable for an adult audience.
Tine Damborg [email protected]
Music theatre for children
pre-production autumn 2013; rehearsals from December 2013 until February
Music theatre production for children
During the process the student learns to combine acting and singing, and to some
extent, choreographed material. The focus is on shifting from one mode to the
other. The character work is based on the Estill voice training method. They play
for children (8 years >) and experience what it is to communicate with that kind of
audience. The performance also takes them on the road.
For directing etc students the question to explore is: What, if any, special
considerations does the target group entail?
University of Tampere, school of communication, media and theatre, CMT (Näty)
Tampere provides 12 actors
Possibility for incoming students: 1 directing student (assists/co-works with
Eskola), 1 scenographer, 1 costume designer, 1 lighting designer, 1
The length of these students’ stay in Tampere can vary.
12 actors + 5 incoming as above
Tampere provides
15th September 2013
Teacher(s) &
Presentation at
SUMIN 2014
Contact person
Course description
Learning outcome
Open places for
incoming students &
Total amount of
course participants
Application deadline
Teacher(s) &
Presentation at
SUMIN 2014
Contact person
Course description
Learning outcome
Open places for
incoming students &
Arla Salo, lecturer in acting; composer
Hanno Eskola, lecturer in stage work
Ari Numminen, lecturer in dance
Hanno Eskola [email protected]
Modelling and creating/building theatre puppets for children's performance
January, 3 weeks
Case study: to create in devised method and build puppets for children's
performance “Ree, Raa and the Fairy Tale” (based on novel of Estonian writer Pilvi
Üllaste, about health and inner space of human´s body) in Puppet and Youth
Theatre in Tallinn.
Participants should have basic knowledge of props making.
Upon successful completion of the course student:
-is able to create and design puppets for children's performance in devised
method in basic level;
-is able to build puppets according to devised design;
-is able to participate in a visual team of performance.
University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy, but happens in Tallinn
This course is open for 10 incoming students of Performing Arts Visual Technology
(Scenographer, Props and Stage Designer, Stage Manager).
Participants have to pay for accommodation during the workshop.
15th September 2013
Mrs Rosita Raud, visiting lecturer of Puppetry (scenographer)
Performance and video or exhibition about the process
Irene Hütsi [email protected]
Videomapping in performance
January, 2 weeks
Case study: to create visual performing environment (videomapping) for
children's performance “Ree, Raa and the Fairy Tale” (based on novel of Estonian
writer Pilvi Üllaste, about health and inner space of human´s body) in Puppet and
Youth Theatre in Tallinn.
Basic knowledge of Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Ableton Live is needed
Upon successful completion of the course student:
-knows the basics of creating the visual performing environment for children's
-is able to create and design videomapping for children performance;
-is able to participate in a visual team of performance.
University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy
open for 10 incoming students of Performing Arts Visual Technology
(Scenographer, Props and Stage Designer, Lightning Designer, Multimedia
Total amount of
course participants
Application deadline
Teacher(s) &
Presentation at
SUMIN 2014
Contact person
Specialist, Stage Manager)
Course description
My story, your story, our story
January (10days)/ May (~5 days)
The youth and children's theatre workshop in Tallinn will be mainly held in the
VAT theatre January 2014, the oldest independent theatre in Estonia, which
started mainly as children and youth theatre. This theatre is a unique mixture of
artistic freedom and social sensitivity. Together with them will be engaged
Estonian Puppet Theatre, wich has been the main national children theater for
half a century and the only Estonian clown theatre „Piip ja Tuut“.
In January, VAT theatre will share their experience and knowledge, that they have
gathered over 25 years. The backbone of this ten days long workshop is practical
activity, which will end with a performance to a young audience, who will also
give feedback after the show. For VAT theatre the story and how the story reach
the audience, is most important for the young audience. Theatre has the
possibility to bring forth compassion and without a story we lose this possibility.
Learning outcome
Open places for
incoming students &
Total amount of
course participants
Application deadline
Teacher(s) &
Participants have to pay for accommodation during the workshop.
15th September 2013
Mr Taavi Varm, visiting lecturer of Visual Technology (interdisciplinary artist)
Performance and video or exhibition about the process.
Irene Hütsi [email protected]
During the workshop we will touch such issues:
What is story for the children and youth in theatre? Familiarization with the
minimalistic theatre aesthetics. Critics have called VAT theater epical-physical
theatre, which follows the simple principle – to do all the necessary and as little
as possible.
The second part of the workshop will take place at the end of May 2014, where
the performance will be developed till the end
The main task of the workshop is to find suitable story for the stage from the lives
of the participants. For this we use forum-theatre technique. This collective story
will be staged according to the minimalistic esthetics of VAT theatre.
During this week students will get lessons in clowning and puppetry, which will
take place in clown-theatre “Piip ja Tuut” and in Estonian Puppet Theatre, where
it is also possible to make puppets. It is also possible to see performances of VAT
theatre and meet the actors.
Tallinn, Estonia
We have 6 open places for incoming acting or directing students.
6-12 students
15th September 2013
Presentation at
SUMIN 2014
Contact person
Course description
Bubble Land - from materials to characters to stories
Bubble Land invites students of all branches of dance, theatre, circus and
performance to participate in a workshop with the aim of creating fantastic short
stories, demos and fairytales with a very specific approach: we begin our first
week (February 2014) with studying materials and techniques used for
lightweight inflatable sets, costumes and puppets. We also start sketching (on
paper, on 3D software and with actual materials) characters and objects that
emerge from the possibilities and restrictions of the materials. Simultaneously a
writing process is started.
Liina Jääts [email protected]
The follow up is an individually organised period of writing stories and of
designing and making the characters and objects - based on goals set on the first
week. Ideally the writing processes and the visualisation of Bubble Land feed each
other and thus make possible an inspiring staging that is complex but not
Learning outcome
Open places for
incoming students &
Total amount of
course participants
In May 2014 there will be a Kick Off week for the Jamboree in Viljandi. The earlier
creations are then tried and used for demos and short stories that are later
presented in Viljandi. It is possible to attend all periods or even just the beginning
week or the Kick Off alone.
The students will gain knowledge and practical experience on materials and
techniques suitable for making lightweight inflatable objects and/or costumes for
the stage. He/she will get insight on how such elements can be used in
performing arts, what limits, what advantages and what kind of stage presence
they have. The student will also gain more understanding on how an aesthetics
chosen before a manuscript or story exists, will affect the writing process and the
developing of dramaturgy. E.g in which ways an interesting design for a character
may feed the process of writing a short story/play.
Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Film,
Television and Scenography & TeaK (Helsinki)
2-12 ECTS depending on participation: for the first week in February 2 ECTS,
between 1-8 ECTS for the independent work period depending on the amount of
work agreed with the teachers and 2 ECTS for the Jamboree Kick Off week in May.
10 open places for incoming students in the first two parts of the course. The
number of participants on the week in May 2014 is still open, but may be more
than 15. The course is arranged together with Theatre Academy Helsinki.
We will arrange a shared apartment (one room for women and one for men) or
accommodation with our students for two weeks allowing participation for the
first week and the following week during which further working on the project is
possible. Longer stays are negotiable. An apartment or accommodation with our
students will be arranged also for the week in May 2014. We will cover the costs.
Bring your own sleeping bag.
There are also good quality hostels in Helsinki and Hoas (the student
Application deadline
Teacher(s) &
Presentation at
SUMIN 2014
Contact person
Course description
Learning outcome
Open places for
incoming students &
Total amount of
course participants
Application deadline
Teacher(s) &
Presentation at
SUMIN 2014
Contact person
Course description
Learning outcome
accommodation foundation of Helsinki - may have vacant
apartments for a reasonable price especially in May.
15th September 2013
Sampo Pyhälä (scenography/TaiK) and possibly teachers from other disciplines
Jonna Sundberg [email protected]
Characters built on Masks and Buffon’s based on traditional stories
10th-16th March 2014
This is a production related to the creation of characters and their surroundings
from fictive worlds. We will dive into diversities of fairytales and folk-stories, and
see how the development of making theatrical creations can find its own space.
With the limits the stage have, how can we make actors fly, swim or make magic.
How can you find liberty in an already made up world and create a theatre-event
that can associate with tradition and at the same time bring the imagination
To build characters from Masks and Buffon’s related to fictive and known stories.
It will be an introduction to a work that can be developed into a precise style, or
part of a creative production. During the process, the architectonic and physical
structure of the character will lead to a way of acting that have to be deal with
the balance between an inner image from the fantasy of the spectator and the
limits related to the actor’s ability.
Theatre & acting departement. University Collage of North-Trøndelag
6-8 acting students
18-20 students
They will be installed in either other student’s accommodation or, with a little
payment, sleeping in a hostel.
15th September 2013
Rodrigo Mabran Conte - Acting with masks, creating bouffons
Ørjan Hattrem - Consept development and preparing of spaces
Asgeir Skrove - Music related to these forms of acting
performance, demo and what we call a presentation unit.
Asgeir Skrove - [email protected]
Child and Dance. Creating dance performance for children
April 2014 (2 weeks)
Creating dance performance through discovering relations of oneself, child and
- Student is able to reckon with the age of target audience in creating dance
- Student can recognize and take children’s world as a source of creative process
- Student is able to give meaning and to find essential for her/him in creating
Open places for
incoming students &
Total amount of
course participants
Application deadline
Teacher(s) &
Presentation at
SUMIN 2014
Contact person
Course description
Learning outcome
Open places for
incoming students &
Total amount of
course participants
Application deadline
Teacher(s) &
Presentation at
SUMIN 2014
Contact person
dance performance for children
- Through creating dance performance Student has broaden creative potential of
her/himself as a future dance teacher/choreographer
University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy
5 places for dance students
With our own students or in student's hostel
15th September 2013
Ms. Tiina Mölder (free-lance dance artist/choreographer, United Dancers of
Irene Hütsi [email protected]
Internship at the "Festival - Theatre for Young Audiences"
1 week in April 2014 (exact dates and location yet to be confirmed)
The "Festival - Theatre for young audiences" (Børneteaterfestival) is the world's
biggest festival for children's theatre. For more than 40 years it has been held
each year in a new Danish province. The festival presents over 100 theatres, 200
different productions and 500-600 performances.
Every year, all first year students from SSKS, as well as acting students from
Odense and Århus participates in the festival as apprentices who follow specific
theatre groups during the full duration of the festival. SSKS therefore sees this as
a good opportunity to offer 10-12 internship places to Norteas guest students,
who can also benefit from experiencing the festival in close connection to a
theatre company. SSKS will organise and arrange all contacts between the
students and the companies. SSKS will also aim to organise a lecture about
children's theatre on the first day of the festival.
Danish National school of performing arts (Copenhagen)
10-12 internship places for Norteas students from all disciplines and from all
study years. Our own participating students are in their first year of studies
(sound design, light design, stage management/props, production management,
acting, scenography, directing)
46-48 (incl. 36 Danish first year students)
Maybe free?
1st December 2013
Each participating theatre group who has an apprentice with them, will act as
artistic teacher/mentor/guide during the festival. Morten Riis Sørensen, head of
production management education at SSKS, will act as coordinator and contact
person for the guest students during the festival.
Photo exhibition and presentation
Morten Sørensen [email protected]