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AP WORLD HISTORY Chapter 16: The World Economy, (Early Modern Period, 1450-1750)
DoDEA World History Standards:
1. Trace the great voyages of discovery, the locations of the routes, and the influence of cartography in the
development of a new European worldview. (10SS3.a)
2. Examine the origins of modern capitalism; the influence of mercantilism and cottage industry; the elements &
importance of a market economy in Europe; the changing international trading and marketing patterns,
including their locations on a world map; and the influence of explorers and map-makers. (10SS3.c)
Major topics for brief, Cornell Note-focused lectures:
1. The West’s First Outreach: Maritime Power
*European merchant fleets seized control of key international trading routes
*Spain & Portugal first began, followed by growing efforts from Britain, France, and Holland
2. Toward a World Economy
*Europe’s maritime dominance generated 3 wider changes from the 1490s onward: (1) Columbian Exchange of
foods, diseases, & people; (2) new export-import patterns that created long-lasting economic imbalances
between dominant nations & those made dependent to the dominant nations; (3) emergence of new overseas
3. Colonial Expansion
*Europe developed a network of overseas colonies, particularly in the Americas
*at this early stage, there were only a few colonies (compared with the Americas) in Asia & Africa
*by the 18th century, growing Europeans inroads in India marked a decisive change in south Asia
Key terms:
Seven Years War/French & Indian War
East India Companies
Cape of Good Hope & Cape Colony
John Locke
Bantu farmers
Goa & Macao
Class Discussion Questions:
1. Describe the technological innovations that made the global domination of the West possible.
2. Trace the early exploration of the world by the West.
3. Define the Columbian Exchange.
4. Compare the terms “core area” and “dependent zone”.
5. List the areas that remained outside the new global economy prior to 1600. List the areas that were added in
the 17th century.
6. Compare British and French North America with other European colonies.
7. Evaluate the results of the creation of a world economy.
8. Describe the ways that the creation of a world economy in the 16 th & 17th centuries differed from the previous
trade networks that had existed between civilizations.
9. Evaluate the reasons allowing the west to establish its dominance in the global trade network of the 17 th