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Pages 328-337
1. magnet – an object with magnetic force
2. poles – the part of a magnet where the magnetic force is strongest
3. magnetic force – the force that pushes magnets apart or pulls them together
4. magnetite – a natural permanent magnet that contains iron
5. magnetic field – the area of magnetic force around a magnet
6. compass – an instrument that uses Earth’s magnetic field to help find direction
7. permanent magnet – a magnet that always has magnetic force
Facts to Know:
 Magnets can attract or repel objects without touching them.
 Two magnets will either attract or repel each other.
 All magnets have two poles- a north pole and a south pole.
 Like poles (north-north or south-south) repel.
 Unlike poles (north-south) attract.
 There are permanent magnets and temporary magnets.
 Every magnet has a magnetic field around them.
 The magnetic field is strongest near the magnet’s poles.
 The magnetic field is weaker farther away from the poles.
 Most magnets are made of metal.
 Objects made of metal have tiny magnetic particles that push and pull in
different directions.
 Earth is a gigantic magnet.
 The compass needle is a thin magnet.
 Since the compass needle points north, it can be used to tell north, east,
south, and west.
Magnetic force:
Opposites attract
Magnetic field:
Likes repel