Download (2009). Age determination and growth in the male South African fur

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แบบฟอร์ม 01
1. รหัสและชื่อรายวิชา 978-551 หัวข้อพิเศษสาหรับบัณฑิตศึกษา 1
978-551 Special Topics for Graduate Studies 1 (Membrane
Transport and Bioenergetics)
2. จานวนหน่วยกิต และจานวนชั่วโมง/สัปดาห์ของทฤษฎี ปฏิบัติ
และศึกษาด้วยตนเอง 3 (3-0-6) หน่วยกิต
3. เป็นรายวิชาในหลักสูตร วิทยาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต
สาขาวิชาเทคโนโลยีและการจัดการสิ่งแวดล้อม หลักสูตรปรับปรุง พ.ศ. 2555
[  ] มหาวิทยาลัยอนุมัติเมื่อวันที่ 4 กุมภาพันธ์ 2555
[  ] สานักงานคณะกรรมการการอุดมศึกษารับทราบการให้ความเห็นชอบ
เมื่อวันที่ 31 ตุลาคม 2555
] วิชาบังคับ
[ / ] วิชาเลือก [ระบุกลุ่มวิชา (ถ้ามี)]
] วิทยานิพนธ์
] อื่นๆ
] สารนิพนธ์
จัดสอนให้นักศึกษาในหลักสูตร วิทยาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต
4. ภาควิชาที่รับผิดชอบ วิทยาศาสตร์และสิ่งแวดล้อม คณะเทคโนโลยีและสิ่งแวดล้อม
5. เหตุผลในการขอเปิดรายวิชา
เพื่อให้นักศึกษามีความรู้ ความเข้าใจ เกี่ยวกับปัจจัย ทางกายภาพ-ชีวภาพต่าง
ๆ ข อ ง ก า ร เ ค ลื่ อ น ที่ ผ่ า น เ ซ ล ล์ เ ม ม เ บ ร น ข อ ง ทั้ ง พื ช แ ล ะ จุ ลิ น ท รี ย์
ก า ร ห า ย ใ จ แ ล ะ ก า ร สั ง เ ค ร า ะ ห์ แ ส ง
แ ร่ ธ า ตุ แ ล ะ ส า ร อ า ห า ร ข อ ง พื ช แ ล ะ ป ฏิ สั ม พั น ธ์ กั บ สิ่ ง แ ว ด ล้ อ ม
กระบวนการเคลื่อนที่ผ่ านเซลล์เมมเบรนลักษณะต่าง ๆ โดยการค้นคว้าข้อมูลเชิงลึก
การทากรณีศึกษา การแสดงผลในรูปแบบของรายงานอย่างละเอียดและการสัมมนา
6. วัตถุประสงค์รายวิชา
ั จัยทางกายภาพชีวภาพต่าง
ั พัน
ษณะต่าง ๆ
7. คาอธิบายรายวิชา (Course Description)
ก า ร วิ เ ค ร า ะ ห์ ปั จ จั ย ท า ง ก า ย ภ า พ -ชี ว ภ า พ ต่ า ง ๆ
ข อ ง ก า ร เ ค ลื่ อ น ที่ ผ่ า น เ ซ ล ล์ เ ม ม เ บ ร น ข อ ง ทั้ ง พื ช แ ล ะ จุ ลิ น ท รี ย์
า ร ต่
า ง
ง ก
า ร
เ ค ลื่ อ น ที่ ผ่ า น เ ซ ล ล์ เ ม ม เ บ ร น
แร่ ธ าตุ แ ละสารอาหารของพื ช และปฏิ สั ม พั น ธ์ กั บ สิ่ ง แวดล้ อ ม ลั ก ษณ ะต่ า ง ๆ
ข อ ง ก ร ะ บ ว น ก า ร เค ลื่ อ น ที่ ผ่ า น เซ ล ล์ เม ม เบ ร น ใ น พื ช สั ต ว์ ร า
แ ล ะ โ ค ร ง ส ร้ า ง เ ฉ พ า ะ ภ า ย ใ น ข อ ง พื ช สั ต ว์ แ ล ะ ใ น
(ภาษาอังกฤษ) The elements of biophysical analysis of membrane
transport in plants and microbes; the
respiration and photosynthesis as sources of energy for
memebrane transport processes;
mineral nutrition of plants and their interaction with environment;
membrane transport process in
plants, animals, fungi; plant and animal organelles and bacteria
8. รายวิชาบังคับก่อน (Prerequisite) …ไม่มี…… รายวิชาบังคับเรียนร่วม (Corequisite) ……ไม่มี……..…..,
รายวิชาบังคับเรียนควบกัน (Concurrent)
9. เค้าโครงรายวิชา (Course Outline) ประกอบด้วย
9.1 หัวข้อเนื้อหา จานวนชั่วโมงที่สอนแต่ละหัวข้อ (ชั่วโมงทฤษฎี
ั ิและชั่วโมงศึกษาด้วยตนเอง) รวมทั้งวิชา
ปฏิบัติ ศึกษาด้วยตนเอง
Introduction to the Course
- Objectives
- Course outline
- References
Principle of membrane
transport and bioenergetics
Physical equations
- to describe membrane
transport and diffusion
phenomena in plants and
microbes, Fick’s law, Simple
diffusion, facilitated diffusion
and the role of aquaporins
Gated channels
- to determine the rates and
direction of osmotic water flow
in problems involving both
living and artificial systems.
Diffusion of water and the role
of aquaporins
Nernst Equation to describe the
movement of charge species
such as Na+, H+, and amino
Searching the journal related to 3
the subject
The chemiosmotic theory of
oxidative phosphorylation and
photosynthetic phosphorylation
Searching the journal related to 3
Ion selective electrode to
measure Nernst potentials and
determine selectivity (slope) of
the electrode
Use of microelectrode to
measure the membrane
potential difference and
membrane resistance
the subject
Biophysical processes, proteins
and membranes in the red
blood cell
Light reactions of
Oxygenic and anoxygenic
forms of photosynthesis
Searching the journal related to 3
the subject
C3 and C4 photosynthesis in
higher plants, carbon
concentrating mechanisms in
Searching the journal related to 3
Photosynthesis in symbiotic
organisms. Dinoflagellates,
corals, molluses and sponges
and in lichens
Electron transport in bacterial,
mitochondrial and chloroplast
system. How cells make ATP.
Bioenergetics approaches to
some biological problems
the subject
Student Presentation
9.2 วิธีการวัดและประเมินผล :
 การมีส่วนร่วมในชั้นเรียน/การเข้าชั้นเรียน
 วัดและประเมินผลโดยวิธีการสอบ จากการสอนแบบบรรยาย
 วัดและประเมินผลจากกิจกรรมการเรียนรู้แบบอื่น ๆ
 วัดและประเมินผลจากพัฒนาการของนักศึกษา
 อื่นๆ (ระบุ).....................................................
9.3 อาจารย์ผู้สอน Dr. Raymond Jame Ritchie
9.4 เครื่องมือและอุปกรณ์ที่ใช้ประกอบการเรียนการสอน
1. เครื่องคอมพิวเตอร์ส่วนบุคคล
2. เครื่องฉาย LCD
9.5 หนังสือ ตารา วารสาร และฐานข้อมูลที่ใช้ประกอบการเรียนการสอน
1. Atwell BJ, Kreidemann PE & Turnbull CGN (1999). Plants in Action:
adaptation in nature, performance in cultivation. MacMillan education,
South Yarra, Melbourne.
2. Buchanan BB, Gruissem W & Jones RL (2000). Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology of Plants. American of Plant Physiologists,
Rockville, Maryland.
3. Neame KD & Richards TG (1972) Elementary kinetics of membrane
carrier transport. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
4. Nobel PS (1983) Biophysical Plant Physiology. Freeman & Co, San
5. Ritchie RJ (1998). Bioenergetics of membrane transport in
Synechococcus R-2 (Anacystis nidulans, S. leopoliensis) PCC 7942.
Canadian Journal of Botany 76: 1127-1145.
6. Schultz SG (1980). Basic principle of membrane transport. IUPAB
Biophysics Series, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
7. Stearns SC & Hoekstra RF (2005). Evolution: an introduction. Oxford
University Press, Oxford.
10. กาหนดการเปิดสอน ปีการศึกษา 2557 ภาคการศึกษาที่ [
]1 [ / ]2 [
] ภาคฤดูร้อน
11. ได้ผ่านความเห็นชอบของ
[ / ] คณะกรรมการประจาคณะเทคโนโลยีและสิ่งแวดล้อม เมื่อวันที่ 27 เดือน
มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558
(ลงชื่อ) .................พันธ์
(รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.พันธ์ ทองชุมนุม)
วันที.่ ..….....เดือน...…................. พ.ศ.
Curriculum Vitae: Raymond James RITCHIE (02 January 2014)
30 June 1954 (2497 B.E.)
Current Address:
Faculty of Technology & Environment,
Phuket Campus, Kathu, Phuket,
Thailand 83120
Telephone: +66 8 3596 4001 (mob)
+66 7627 6130 (office)
Facsimile: +66 7627 6102
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +66 8 3596 4001
Citizenship: Australian, Passport: M6984456
Current Appointment: Assoc Prof, Faculty of Technology & Environment,
Phuket Campus, Kathu, Phuket, Thailand 83120
Availability: Immediate
1977 Graduated B Sc. Honours (Class IIA), The University of Sydney, 1977.
1984 PhD conferred. Thesis title: “Ion Transport in Enteromorphaintestinalis."
The University of Sydney, supervised by Prof. AWD Larkum.
1977 to 1982. Part-time teaching, including some lectures, during my PhD
candidature at the University of Sydney.
1982 to 1983. Leverhulme fellowship (The University of Stirling, Scotland)
collaborating with Dr
Colin Willmer. I gave lectures on ion transport in
plants to 2nd year students.
1984 (1) Scientific Officer at the N.S.W. State Pollution Control Commission
(SPCC) from April to July. (2) Part-time lecturer at the Tasmanian
College of Advanced Education, teaching a course on growing marine
microalgae, which was part of an Associate Diploma in Applied Science
(September through November). Responsible for the course content,
practicals and examination of the students.
1985 to 1987. Post-Doctoral Associate collaborating with Prof Jane Gibson
(Cornell University, NY, USA). Investigated the biophysics of the bluegreen alga SynechococcusR-2. Gave a Cornell Plant Sciences Seminar
on my PhD work. Published six papers based on my work.
1988 to 1989. Research Associate in the Botany Department of the
University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, B.C., Canada. I
have published a paper based upon some of my joint work while at
UBC (Kafkafi et al., 1992). Recently I published a single authored
paper on 13N tracer work done at UBC (Ritchie 2006) using more
modern statistical fitting methods than were available when the
experimental work was done.
1989 to 1991. Post-doctoral research associate collaborating with Dr E.G.
Uribe (Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, USA, ) on a
study of ion transport and bioenergetics of vacuoles of
Kalanchoedaigremontiana. Gave a series of lectures to post-graduate
students on ion transport in 1989 and 1990.
1991 to 1992. Research Associate for Dr Rosalind Hinde (The University of
Sydney, NSW) working on glycerol transport by the symbiotic
dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) of corals. Published papers in Proceedings
of the Royal Society Series B and Australian Journal of Plant Physiology
and a reviewed proceedings conference paper.
1993 to 1998. Held an Australian Research Fellow (ARF) working on the
mineral nutrition of blue-green algae. During 1994 I taught a 3rd year
course on Marine Botany. I was responsible for lectures on blue-green
algae, green algae, brown algae and some physiology lectures. I was
responsible for about one half of the practical classes. All of the work done
during this ARF fellowship has now been published (10 papers).
1999 Jan – June 2002. Lecturer in Plant Biology, University of Western
Sydney. I taught First Year Biology, Second Year Biology, Economic
Botany (Botany & Taxonomy) , 2nd year Biochemistry and 3rd year Plant
Physiology, 3rd year Environmental Biology and parts of 3rd year
Environmental Microbiology.
2004 July – December. Casual lecturer for 2nd year plant physiology course at
the University of Sydney (BIOL2003). Responsible for about one half of
all the lectures and all the practical classes.
2007 March – May. Casual lecturer for 1st year plant course at the University
of Western Sydney. Responsible for about one half of all the lectures.
2009 February to present. Serving on a jury at the Supreme Court of NSW.
2009 7 April. Won an Endeavour Executive Award to visit Thailand for four
months to teach techniques in measuring photosynthetic stress in plants.
Will take up post in October 2009.
2009 February to June. Jury duty at NSW Supreme Court: R vsFadi El
2009 November to February 2010. Endeavour Executive Fellow, Prince of
Songkla University – Phuket.
2011 May 2011 Appointed as Assoc Prof at Prince of Songkla University Phuket
Recent Conferences
Wood CC, Ritchie RJ, Kennedy IR (1998). Very low permeability of
ammonia gas in a nitrogen-fixing bacterium, Azospirillum. Australian
Society of Plant Physiologists, Adelaide, 28 September - 1 October
Ritchie RJ, Wood CC (1999). Simulation testing of "Pump/leak" models
of accumulation of ammonia by blue-green algal cells.Australian
Society for Biophysics 1999, Hotel Grand Mercure, Broadbeach,
Gold Coast, Queensland. 30 September to 3 October 1999.
Raghupathi SS, Ritchie RJ(2000). Using Gallium as a Tracer for
Aluminium Toxicity in Plants. Australian Society of Plant
Physiologists – COMBIO, Wellington, New Zealand. 11 to 14
December 2000.
Ritchie RJ, Islam N (2001).Permeability of Methylamine across the
Membrane of a Cyanobacterial Cell. Australian Society for
Biophysics 2001, Carrington Hotel, Katoomba, NSW. 5 to 7
September 2001.
Runcie JW, Ritchie RJ&Larkum AWD (2003). Uptake kinetics,
assimilation and compartmentation of phosphorus by
CatenellanipaeandUlvalactuca. Proceedings of Regional
Symposium on Membrane Science and Technology, 16 – 17 January
2003, Prince Songhkla University, Hat Yai at Simla Beach Hotel,
Songkhla, Thailand.
Freitas, RPS, Kennedy IR & Ritchie RJ (2004). Development of a
bioassay for the herbicide glyphosate in aquatic systems.
Environmental Edge: 8th Annual Environmental Research
Conference, Environmental Engineering Research Event 2004 .
(Eds. L Ngheim, L Scott, M Davis & K Murphy). Wollongong
University Press, Wollongong, NSW. Pp 89 – 97.
Freitas, RPS, Ritchie RJ & Kennedy IR (2005).Assessing the potential
environmental impacts of increased glyphosate use.Pacifichem 2005,
Symposium 225: Rational methods for the selection and use of
agrochemicals. Paper 415. Waikiki Hawaii, December 15-20 2005.
Ritchie, RJ (2006). Estimation of Cytoplasmic Nitrate and its Electrochemical
Potential in Barley Roots using 13NO3- and Compartmental Analysis.
SUNFix Symposium 12, The SUNFIX 2005 – 2006 Report, pp 12, Faculty
of Agriculture, University of Sydney, NSW, 23 June 2006.
Ritchie, RJ (2006). Consistent Sets of Spectrophotometric Equations for
Acetone, Methanol and Ethanol Solvents. Australian Society for
Biophysics, 30th Scientific Meeting, School of Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering, University of Sydney, NSW, 11th – 13th December, 2006.
Ritchie, RJ (2007). Fitting Light Saturation Curves Measured Using PAM
Fluorometry. Australian Society for Biophysics, 31st Scientific Meeting,
City Hall, Newcastle, NSW, 2nd to 5th December 2007.
Ritchie, RJ, Wanichapichart P (2008). Biological Effects of Fullerenes,
Nanotubes and Nanoparticles. 2nd Thailand Nanotechnology
Conference, Graceland Hotel, Patong Beach, Phuket, Thailand, 13 to 15
August 2008.
Ritchie, RJ (2008). Comprehensive Sets of Spectrophotometric Chlorophyll
Equations for Acetone, Methanol and Ethanol Solvents. Vth Asian
Pacific Phycological Forum, Victoria University, Wellington, NZ, 10 to 14
November 2008.
Ritchie RJ (2009). Using PAM machines to measure photosynthesis and
photosynthetic stress in plants and algae. The 14th Biological Sciences
Graduate Congress, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand,
December 10-12, 2009.
Ritchie RJ and Bunthawin S (2010). Photosynthesis in pineapple and an
orchid using PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation) Fluorometry. Faculty of
Agriculture Centenary – SUNFIX Symposium 16, University of Sydney,
Sydney, NSW, Australia, 25 June 2010, pp 15-16.
Torres M, Ritchie RJ, Lilley M, Chen M, Larkum AWD (2010).Light-harvesting
and photosynthetic efficiency in the diatoms Phaeodactylumtricornutum
and Amphoracoffeaeformis. Light harvesting Satellite meeting of the 15th
International Photosynthesis Congress, Beijing, held in Tianjin, 18-20th
Aug, 2010.
Ritchie RJ, Torres MA, Larkum AWD (2010). Analysing Data on
Photosynthesis Measured using Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)
Fluorometers. World Seagrass Conference 2010, Phuket Thailand 2125th November 2010, pp 53
Bunthawin S and Ritchie RJ (2011a). Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)
fluorometry for measurement of Photosynthesis in a CAM orchid,
Dendrobiumspp. (D. cv. Viravuth Pink). Siam Physics Congress 2011,
March 23-26 March 2011, Ambassador City Jomtein Hotel, Pattaya,
Thailand, P20, pp 252.
Bunthawin S and Ritchie RJ (2011b). Electron Transport Rate of
Photosynthesis in Pineapple (Ananascomosuscomosus [L.] Merr)
measured using PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation) Fluorometry. Siam
Physics Congress 2011, March 23-26 March 2011, Ambassador City
Jomtein Hotel, Pattaya, Thailand, P21, pp 253.
Ritchie RJ and Runcie JW (2012). Photosynthetic electron transport in an
anoxygenic photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas marina
measured using PAM fluorometry. International Conference on
Membrane Science and Technology MST2012: Sustainable Energy and
Environment, 22-23 August 2012, Amari Atrium Hotel Bangkok,
Ritchie RJ (2013a). The Use of Solar Radiation by a Photosynthetic
Bacterium Living as a Mat or in a Shallow Pond or Flatbed Reactor.8th
Annual Conference of the Thai Physics Society 2013, 21-23 March 2013.
Chiangmai Grandview Hotel, Chiangmai, Thailand.
Mekjinda N and Ritchie RJ (2013a). Breakdown of biomolecules of food
waste using anaerobic fermentation using a versatile photosynthetic
bacterium. 5th International Conference on Fermentation Technology for
Value Added Agricultural Products FerVAAP 2013, 21-23 August 2013,
Centara Hotel & Convention Centre, KhonKaen, Thailand, Abstract Fer
1-02-p 7, paper p 1- 3.
Suwannarat J and Ritchie RJ (2013a). Anaerobic fermentation of restaurant
and street food using yeast. 5th International Conference on
Fermentation Technology for Value Added Agricultural Products
FerVAAP 2013, 21-23 August 2013, Centara Hotel & Convention Centre,
KhonKaen, Thailand, Abstract Fer 1-02-p 8, paper 4-8.
Mekjinda N and Ritchie R J (2013b). Breakdown of Food Waste of NonOxygen Producing Photosynthesis Using a Photosynthetic Bacterium.
The International Conference on Waste Management and Environment
(ICWME) 2013, Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science,
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 26 – 27th August
2013, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, p 43.
Ritchie RJ (2013b) Fluorometric Measurement of Photosynthesis in
Photosynthetic Bacteria in Pondages. The International Conference on
Waste Management and Environment (ICWME) 2013, Institute of
Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, 50603
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 26 – 27th August 2013, University of Malaya,
Kuala Lumpur, p 85.
Suwannarat J and Ritchie RJ (2013b). Anaerobic Fermentation of Food
Waste using Yeast. The International Conference on Waste
Management and Environment (ICWME) 2013, Institute of Biological
Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. 26 – 27th August 2013, University of Malaya, Kuala
Lumpur, p 55.
Thongpinyochai S and Ritchie RJ (2013). Bioremediation of Landfill and
Incinerator Leachates using Growth of the Green Alga Chlorella
vulgaris.The International Conference on Waste Management and
Environment (ICWME) 2013, Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of
Science, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 26 – 27th
August 2013, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, p 41.
Dr Mary J. BEILBY, Biophysics, School of Physics, The University of NSW,
Sydney NSW 2052, Australia. Phone +61-2-9385 5463, FAX +61-29663-3420, e-mail: [email protected]
Prof Rosalind HINDE, School of Biological Sciences, The University of
Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. Phone +61-2-9351-2277, FAX +61-2-93512558, e-mail [email protected]
Prof. Ivan R. KENNEDY, Agricultural Chemistry & Soil Science, Agriculture,
The University of Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. Phone +61-2-9351-3546, FAX
+61-2-9351-5108, e-mail [email protected]
Dr Pauline ROSS, School of Natural Sciences, University of Western Sydney,
Building H-4. Hawkesbury Campus Locked Bag 1797, PENRITH SOUTH
DC NSW 1797, Australia. Phone +61 2 4570 1306, FAX +61 2 4570 1621,
e-mail [email protected]
Assoc Prof. Robert Spooner-Hart, Centre for Plant and Food Science, School of
Natural Sciences, University of Western Sydney. Hawkesbury Campus
Locked Bag 1797, PENRITH SOUTH DC NSW 1797, Australia. Phone +61
2 4570 1429, FAX +61 2 4570 1103, e-mail [email protected]
Ritchie RJ &Larkum AWD (1982a). Cation exchange
properties of the cell walls of Enteromorphaintestinalis (L.) Link (Ulvales,
Chlorophyta). Journal of Experimental Botany 33: 125 - 139.
Ritchie RJ &Larkum AWD (1982b). Ion exchange
fluxes of the cell walls of Enteromorphaintestinalis (L.) Link (Ulvales,
Chlorophyta). Journal of Experimental Botany 33: 140 - 153.
Ritchie RJ (1982). Comparison of a lipophilic cation
and microelectrodes to measure membrane potentials of the giant-celled
algae, Charaaustralis (Charophyta) and Griffithsiamonilis (Rhodophyta).
Journal of Membrane Biology 69: 57 - 63.
Ritchie RJ (1984a). A critical assessment of the use of
lipophilic cations as membrane potential probes. Progress in Biophysics
and Molecular Biology 43: 1 - 32.
Ritchie RJ (1984b). Permeability of lipophilic cations.
Journal of Experimental Botany 35: 699 - 706.
Ritchie RJ &Larkum AWD (1984a). Chloride transport
in Enteromorphaintestinalis (L.) Link. The New Phytologist 97: 319 345.
Ritchie RJ &Larkum AWD (1984b). Sodium transport
in Enteromorphaintestinalis (L.) Link. The New Phytologist 97: 347 362.
Ritchie RJ (1985). Energetic considerations of ion
transport in Enteromorphaintestinalis (L.) Link. The New Phytologist100:
5 - 24.
Ritchie RJ &Larkum AWD (1985a). Potassium
transport in Enteromorphaintestinalis (L.) Link. I. Measurement of
intracellular K+, exchange fluxes and thermodynamic analysis. Journal
of Experimental Botany 36: 63 - 78.
Ritchie RJ &Larkum AWD (1985b). Potassium
transport in Enteromorphaintestinalis (L.) Link. II. Effects of medium
composition and metabolic inhibitors. Journal of Experimental Botany
36: 394 - 412.
Ritchie RJ (1987). The permeabilities of amines in
Characorallina(australis), (Charophyta). Journal of Experimental Botany
38: 67 - 76.
Ritchie RJ & Gibson J (1987a). The permeabilities of
ammonia, methylamine and ethylamine in the cyanobacterium,
SynechococcusR-2 (Anacystisnidulans). Journal of Membrane Biology
95: 131 - 142.
Ritchie RJ & Gibson J (1987b). Permeability of
ammonia and amines in Rhodobactersphaeroides and Bacillusfirmus.
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 258: 332 - 341.
14). Ritchie RJ &Larkum AWD (1987). The ionic relations of small-celled
marine algae. Progress in Phycological Research 5: 179 - 222.
15). Ritchie RJ (1988). The ionic relations of Ulvalactuca. Journal of Plant
Physiology 133: 183 - 192.
16). Ritchie RJ (1990). The permeability of amines in the charophyte,
Characorallina. In, "Plant Membrane Transport", 7th International
Workshop on Plant Membrane Transport, Sydney, Australia, 1986, pp
383 - 384. University of Sydney Publ., Sydney.
17). Ritchie RJ (1991). Membrane potential and pH control of the
cyanobacteriumSynechococcusR-2 (Anacystisnidulans) PCC 7942.
Journal of Plant Physiology 137: 409 - 418.
Kafkafi U, Siddiqi MY, Ritchie RJ, Glass ADM & Ruth
TJ (1992). Reduction of nitrate (13NO3-) translocation by tomato and
melon varieties after short exposure to calcium and potassium chloride
salts. Journal of Plant Nutrition 15: 959 - 975.
19). Ritchie R J (1992a). Sodium transport and the Origin of the membrane
potential in the cyanobacteriumSynechococcusR-2 (Anacystisnidulans)
PCC 7942. Journal of Plant Physiology 139: 320 - 330.
Ritchie R J (1992b). The
cyanobacteriumSynechococcusR-2 (Anacystisnidulans, S. leopoliensis)
PCC 7942 has a sodium stimulated chloride transporter. Plant Cell and
Environment 15: 163 - 177.
Ritchie RJ (1992c). Kinetics of chloride transport in the
cyanobacteriumSynechococcusR-2 (Anacystisnidulans) PCC 7942.
Plant Cell and Environment 15: 179 - 184.
22). Ritchie RJ, Eltringham K &Hinde R (1993). Glycerol uptake by
zooxanthellae of the temperate hard coral, Plesiastreaversipora
(Lamarck). Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences:
Series B 253: 189 - 195.
23). Ritchie RJ (1996) Sulphate Transport in the
cyanobacteriumSynechococcusR-2 (Anacystisnidulans, S. leopoliensis)
PCC 7942. Plant Cell & Environment 19: 1307 - 1316.
Ritchie RJ &Prvan T (1996a). A simulation study on
designing experiments to measure the Km and Vmax of Michaelis-Menten
Kinetics curves. Journal of Theoretical Biology 178: 239 - 254.
Ritchie RJ &Prvan T (1996b). Current Statistical
Methods for Estimating the Km and Vmax of Michaelis-Menten Kinetics.
Biochemical Education 24: 196 - 206.
Ritchie RJ, Nadolny C &Larkum AWD (1996). Driving
forces for bicarbonate transport in the cyanobacteriumSynechococcusR-2
(Anacystisnidulans, S. leopoliensis) PCC 7942. Plant Physiology 112:
1573 - 1584.
27). Ritchie RJ, Eltringham K, Salih A, Grant AJ, Withers KJT &Hinde R
(1997) Plesiastreaversipora (Lamarck, 1816) - the white rat for coral
research? Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on
Coelenterate Biology (ed J.C. den Hartog), NationaalNatuurhistorisch
Museum, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 403 - 408.
Ritchie RJ (1997). Rubidium nutrition and transport in
the CyanobacteriumSynechococcusR-2 PCC 7942. Plant Cell &
Environment 20: 907 - 918.
Ritchie RJ, Grant AJ, Eltringham K &Hinde R (1997).
Clotrimazole, A model compound for the host release factor of the coral,
Plesiastreaversipora (Lamarck). Australian Journal of Plant Physiology
24: 283 - 290.
30). Ritchie RJ, Trautman DA &Larkum AWD (1997). Phosphate Uptake in
the CyanobacteriumSynechococcusR-2 PCC 7942. Plant & Cell
Physiology 38: 1232 - 1241.
31). Ritchie RJ (1998). Bioenergetics of membrane transport in
SynechococcusR-2 (Anacystisnidulans, S. leopoliensis) PCC 7942.
Canadian Journal of Botany 76: 1127-1145.
32). Wood C, Ritchie RJ & Kennedy IR (1998). Membrane potential and
proton motive force in Azospirillumbrazilense Sp7-S. FEMS Microbiology
Letters 164: 295 - 301.
33). Ritchie RJ &Larkum AWD (1998). Uptake of Thallium, a toxic heavymetal, in the CyanobacteriumSynechococcusR-2 (Anacystisnidulans, S.
leopoliensis) PCC 7942. Plant & Cell Physiology 39: 1156 – 1168
34). Ritchie RJ (1999). Tetraphenylphosphoniumcation (TPP+) is not a
reliable membrane potential probe in the cyanobacteriumSynechococcus
R‐2 PCC 7942. New Phytologist141: 387 - 400.
35). Wood CC, Islam N, Ritchie RJ & Kennedy IR (2001). A simplified model
for assessing critical parameters during associative
fixation between
Azospirillum and wheat. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 28: 969 –
36). Ritchie RJ, Trautman DA &Larkum AWD (2001). Phosphate-limited
cultures of the cyanobacteriumSynechococcusR-2 (PCC 7942) are
capable of very rapid, opportunistic uptake of phosphate. New
Phytologist152: 189 - 202.
Ritchie RJ & Islam N (2001). Permeability of
Methylamine across the Cell Membrane of a Cyanobacterial Cell. New
Phytologist152: 203 - 212.
38). Ritchie RJ, Fieuw-Makaroff S & Patrick JW (2003). Sugar retrieval by
coats of developing seeds of PhaseolusvulgarisL. andViciafabaL. Plant
and Cell Physiology 44: 163 – 172.
39). Runcie JW, Ritchie RJ &Larkum AWD (2003). Uptake kinetics and
assimilation of inorganic nitrogen by Catenellanipae
(Rhodophyta)andUlvalactuca (Chlorophyta). Aquatic Botany 76: 155 174.
40). Runcie JW, Ritchie RJ &Larkum AWD (2004). Uptake kinetics,
assimilation and compartmentation of phosphorus by Catenellanipae
(Rhodophyta)andUlvalactuca (Chlorophyta). Journal of Applied
Phycology 16: 181 – 194.
41). Freitas, RPS, Kennedy IR & Ritchie RJ (2004). Development of a
bioassay for the herbicide glyphosate in aquatic systems. Environmental
Edge: 8th Annual Environmental Research Conference, Environmental
Engineering Research Event 2004. (Eds. L Ngheim, L Scott, M Davis & K
Murphy). Wollongong University Press, Wollongong, NSW. Pp 89 – 97.
42). Harrington GN, Dibley KE, Ritchie RJ, Offler CE and Patrick JW (2005).
Hexose uptake by developing cotyledons ofViciafaba: physiological
evidence for transporters of differing affinities and specificities. Functional
Plant Biology 32: 987 – 995.
43). Ross PM, Tronson DA & Ritchie RJ (2005) Modelling Photosynthesis to
Increase Conceptual Understanding. Journal of Biological Education 40:
84 – 88.
44). Ritchie (2006a). Estimation of Cytoplasmic Nitrate and its
Electrochemical Potential in Barley Roots using 13NO3- and
Compartmental Analysis. New Phytologist171: 643-655.
45). Ritchie RJ (2006b). Consistent Sets of Spectrophotometric Equations for
Acetone, Methanol and Ethanol Solvents. Photosynthesis Research 89:
27 - 41.
46). Gloag RS, Ritchie RJ, Chen M, Larkum AWD and Quinnell RG (2007).
Chromatic photoacclimation, photosynthetic electron transport and
oxygen evolution in the Chlorophyll d-containing
oxyphotobacteriumAcaryochloris marina Miyashita.
BiochimicaetBiophysicaActa-Bioenergetics 1767: 127 - 135.
47). Stewardson CL, Prvan T, Meÿer MA and Ritchie RJ (2008). Age
determination and growth in the male South African Fur Seal
Arctocephaluspusilluspusillus(Pinnipedia: Otariidae) based upon skull
material. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW 129: 207-252.
48). Ritchie RJ (2008a). Universal Chlorophyll Equations for Estimating
Chlorophylls a, b, c&d and Total Chlorophylls in Natural Assemblages of
Photosynthetic Organisms using Acetone, Methanol or Ethanol Solvents.
Photosynthetica46: 115-126.
49). Ross PM, Tronson DA, Ritchie RJ (2008). Increasing Conceptual
Understanding of Glycolysis and the Krebs Cycle using Role Play. The
American Biology Teacher 70: 164-169.
50). Ritchie RJ (2008b) Fitting light saturation curves measured using PAM
fluorometry. Photosynthesis Research 96: 201-215.
*51). Buapet P, Hiranpan R, Ritchie RJ and Prathep A (2008) Effect of
nutrient inputs on growth, chlorophyll and tissue nutrient concentration
of UlvareticulataForsskal from a tropical habitat. ScienceAsia34: 245252.
52). Ritchie RJ, Raghupathi SS (2008). Al-toxicity studies in yeast using
gallium -as an aluminum analogue. Biometals21: 379-393.
53). StewardsonCL, PrvanT, Meÿer MA and Ritchie RJ (2009). Age
determination and growth in the male South African fur seal
Arctocephaluspusilluspusillus(Pinnipedia: Otariidae) using external body
measurements. Linnean Society of NSW 130: 219-244.
54). Duxbury Z, Schliep M, Ritchie RJ, Larkum AWD, Min Chen M (2009).
Chromatic photoacclimation extends utilisablephotosynthetically active
radiation in the chlorophyll d-containing cyanobacterium, Acaryochloris
marina. Photosynthesis Research 101: 69 – 75.
55). Stewardson CL, Prvan T, Meÿer MA, Ritchie RJ (2010a). Sexual
dimorphism in the adult South African (Cape) fur seal
Arctocephaluspusilluspusillus(Pinnipedia: Otariidae): standard body
length and skull morphology. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of
NSW 131: 119-140.
56). Stewardson CL, Prvan T, Meÿer MA and Ritchie RJ (2010b). Bacular
measurements for age determination and growth in the male South
African fur seal Arctocephaluspusilluspusillus(Pinnipedia: Otariidae).
Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW 131: 141-157.
*57). Ritchie RJ and Bunthawin S (2010a). The Use of PAM (Pulse Amplitude
Modulation) Fluorometry to Measure Photosynthesis in a CAM Orchid,
Dendrobium spp. (D. cv. ViravuthPink). International Journal of Plant
Sciences 171: 575-585.
*58). Ritchie RJ and Bunthawin S (2010b). The Use of PAM (Pulse Amplitude
Modulation) Fluorometry to Measure Photosynthesis in Pineapple
(Ananas comosus [L.] Merr). Tropical Plant Biology 3: 193-203.
*59). Ritchie RJ (2010). Modelling Photosynthetically Active Radiation and
Maximum Potential Gross Photosynthesis. Photosynthetica48: 596-609.
60). Stewardson CL, Prvan T, Meÿer MA, Swanson S and Ritchie RJ (2011a).
Suture Index as an Indicator of Chronological age in the male South
African fur seal, Arctocephaluspusillus(Pinnipedia: Otariidae).
Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW 132, 145-156.
61). Stewardson CL, Prvan T, Meÿer MA, Swanson S and Ritchie RJ (2011b).
Suture index and growth in the male South African fur seal,
Arctocephaluspusillus(Pinnipedia: Otariidae). Proceedings of the Linnean
Society of NSW 132, 157-168.
Bunthawin S, Ritchie RJ and Wanichapichart P (2011).
Dielectrophoresis of Tetraselmis sp., a unicellular green alga, in travelling
electric fields analysed using the RC model for a spheroid.
Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 33, 585 – 597.
*63). Ritchie RJ (2012). Photosynthesis in the Blue Water Lily
(NymphaeacaeruleaSaligny) using PAM Fluorometry. International
Journal of Plant Sciences 173, 124-136.
64). Stewardson CL, Prvan T and Ritchie RJ (2012). Climate of a Cape Fur
Seal (Arctocephaluspusilluspusillus) Breeding Island off the Coast of
South Africa South African Geographical Journal. 94, 22-45.
*65). Hsu S-H, Paoletti C, Torres M., Ritchie RJ, Larkum AWD, Grillet C
(2012). Light transmission of the marine diatom Coscinodiscuswailesii.
Proceedings of SPIE 8339, Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and
Bioreplication 2012, AkhleshLakhtakia, Editor, 83390F, DOI:
Ritchie RJ, Larkum AWD (2013). Modelling Photosynthesis in
Shallow Algal Production Ponds. Photosynthetica 50:481-500.
Ritchie RJ (2013a). The Ammonia Transport, Retention and Futile
Cycling Problem in Cyanobacteria. Microbial Ecology 65: 180-196, DOI
*68). Ritchie RJ and Runcie JW (2013). Measurement of the Photosynthetic
Electron Transport Rate in an Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacterium
Afifella (Rhodopseudomonas)salinausing PAM Fluorometry.
Photochemistry and Photobiology 89: 370-383.
*69). Bunthawin S and Ritchie RJ (2013)Simulation of translational
dielectrophoretic velocity spectra of erythrocytes in travelling electric field
using various volume models. Journal of Applied Physics, Materials 113:
014701 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4773326. View online:
*70). Seatae P, Bunthawin S and Ritchie RJ (2013) Environmental
persistence of chlorine from prawn farm discharge monitored by
measuring the light reactions of photosynthesis of phytoplankton.
Aquaculture International, DOI: 10.1007/s10499-013-9642-9. View
71). Ritchie RJ (2013b) The Use of Solar Radiation by a Photosynthetic
Bacterium Living as a Mat or in a Shallow Pond or Flatbed Reactor.
Photochemistry and Photobiology 89: 1143-1162 (DOI:
72). Torres MA, Ritchie RJ, Lilley R McC, Larkum AWD (2013). Efficiency of
photosynthesis in diatoms under different/contrasting light conditions.
New Zealand Journal of Botany, DOI: 10.1080/0028825X.2013.831917
73). Nunkaew, T., Kantachote, D., Kanzaki, H., Nitoda, T., Ritchie, R.J.
(2013). Effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)-containing supernatants
from selected Rhodopseudomonaspalustris strains on rice growth under
NaCl stress, with mediating effects on chlorophyll, photosynthetic electron
transport and antioxidative enzymes. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology,
Accepted for Publication EJBBiotech/OJS/RES/1623
Submitted for Publication:
74). Ritchie RJ and Runcie (2013). Photosynthesis in an Encrusting Lichen
(Dirinariapicta (Sw.) Schaer.ex Clem., Physiaceae) and Its Symbiont,
Trebouxiasp, using PAM Fluorometry. Submitted to International Journal
of Plant Sciences (revised version submitted).
75). Ritchie RJ and Runcie RW (2014) A portable Reflectance-AbsorptanceTransmittance (RAT) meter for photosynthetic work. I. Vascular Plant
leaves. Submitted to Photosynthetica (being revised).
76).Ritchie RJ and Runcie RW (2014) A portable ReflectanceAbsorptance-Transmittance (RAT) meter for photosynthetic work. II.
Measurement of Absorptance of Algal and Photobacterial Films. Submitted to
Photosynthetica (being revised).
77).Ritchie RJ. Oxygenic Photosynthesis on Planets of Extrasolar G, K &
M-type Stars. Submitted Astrobiology 01 January 2014.
78). Ritchie RJ. Anoxygenic Photosynthesis on Planets of Extrasolar G, K
& M-type Stars. Submitted Astrobiology 01 January 2014.
In Preparation for Publication:
79).Stewardson CL, Prvan T, Ritchie RJ (2014) Diet of the South African
Fur Seal Arctocephaluspusilluspusillus(Pinnipedia: Otariidae) from the
Eastern Cape Coast of South Africa.
(1) Ritchie RJ (2003). Measuring primary production and light responses in
algae and phytoplankton from two Sydney drinking water reservoirs,
Lake Burragorang and Prospect Reservoir, using 14C techniques. Total
allocation $7,000: Source of Funds Sydney Catchment Authority
"Limnological Study of Two Drinking Water Reservoirs", total value
$2,000,000. My final report has been submitted to Jose Romero (Centre
for Water Research, University of Western Australia). The results of the
consultancy will be included scientific papers and in the final report to the
Sydney Catchment Authority.
(2) Ross PM, Ritchie RJ (2004). Preliminary Findings of the Impact of
Shading by Road bridges upon Mangrove, Saltmarsh and Foreshore
Vegetation. Submitted to Roads & Traffic Authority (RTA) of NSW 26
March 2004.
Textbook Contributions:
(1) Ross PM, Ritchie RJ, Tronson DA (2007). Chapter 13 Biochemistry. In,
NSW Biology, Jeffery C and Ross PM (Eds). MacMillan-Australia Publ.,
South Yarra, Melbourne.
Twelve Career-Best Publications:
Ritchie RJ (1982). Comparison of a lipophilic cation and
microelectrodes to measure membrane potentials of the giant-celled
algae, Charaaustralis (Charophyta) and Griffithsiamonilis
(Rhodophyta). Journal of Membrane Biology 69: 57 - 63.
Ritchie RJ (1984a). A critical assessment of the use of lipophilic
cations as membrane potential probes. Progress in Biophysics and
Molecular Biology 43: 1 - 32.
Ritchie RJ & Gibson J (1987a). The permeabilities of ammonia,
methylamine and ethylamine in the cyanobacterium,
SynechococcusR-2 (Anacystisnidulans). Journal of Membrane
Biology 95: 131 - 142.
Ritchie RJ (1991). Membrane potential and pH control of the
cyanobacteriumSynechococcusR-2 (Anacystisnidulans) PCC 7942.
Journal of Plant Physiology 137: 409 - 418.
Ritchie RJ (1992a). Sodium transport and the Origin of the
membrane potential in the cyanobacteriumSynechococcusR-2
(Anacystisnidulans) PCC 7942. Journal of Plant Physiology 139: 320
- 330.
Ritchie RJ, Eltringham K &Hinde R (1993). Glycerol uptake by
zooxanthellae of the temperate hard coral, Plesiastreaversipora
(Lamarck). Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences:
Series B 253: 189 - 195.
Ritchie RJ &Prvan T (1996a). A simulation study on designing
experiments to measure the Km and Vmax of Michaelis-Menten
Kinetics curves. Journal of Theoretical Biology 178: 239 - 254.
Ritchie RJ, Nadolny C &Larkum AWD (1996). Driving forces for
bicarbonate transport in the cyanobacteriumSynechococcusR-2
(Anacystisnidulans, S. leopoliensis) PCC 7942. Plant Physiology 112:
1573 - 1584.
Ritchie RJ (1998). Bioenergetics of membrane transport in
SynechococcusR-2 (Anacystisnidulans, S. leopoliensis) PCC 7942.
Canadian Journal of Botany 76: 1127-1145.
10) Ritchie RJ, Fieuw-Makaroff S & Patrick JW (2003). Sugar retrieval by
coats of developing seeds of PhaseolusvulgarisL. andViciafabaL.
Plant and Cell Physiology 44: 163 – 172.
11) Ritchie (2006). Estimation of Cytoplasmic Nitrate and its
Electrochemical Potential in Barley Roots using 13NO3- and
Compartmental Analysis. New Phytologist171: 643-655.
12) Gloag RS, Ritchie RJ, Chen M, Larkum AWD & and Quinnell RG
(2007). Chromatic photoacclimation, photosynthetic electron
transport and oxygen evolution in the Chlorophyll d-containing
oxyphotobacteriumAcaryochloris marina Miyashita.
BiochimicaetBiophysicaActa-Bioenergetics 1767: 127 - 135.
1) The use of radioisotope tracers in plant physiology; 42K+, 86Rb+, 22Na+, 36Cl-,
67Ga, 13NO3-, 32P, 35SO42-, 3H
and 14C. Radiation safety certificates from
Cornell University (NY, USA), University of British Columbia and
Washington State University (Pullman, Washington State, USA).
2) Ionic relations physiology of aquatic plants, both eukaryotic and
prokaryotic, particularly the role of the cell wall as a cation exchanger.
3) The use of O2 electrodes in photosynthetic studies and the approaches
used in the investigation of CO2 and HCO3- use by aquatic plants
4) The use of PAM (Pulse Amplitude Fluorometer) machines for
investigating light saturation curves and the light reactions of
5) Density gradient centrifugation to prepare isolated plant vacuoles,
chloroplasts and guard cell protoplasts and for measuring intracellular
volumes of bacteria, photosynthetic bacteria and blue-green algae
(Synechococcus) and yeast (Saccharomycescerevisiae).
6) The use of higher plant protoplasts in photosynthetic and ion relations
7) Ion transport and bioenergetics of isolated higher plant vacuoles.
8) The physiology and culture of single celled blue-green algae and yeast
9) Use of chemostats for culturing algae.
10) Silicone oil gradient techniques for following uptake of tracers by algal and
yeast cells and isolated vacuoles and determination of intracellular
11) Experience in the nitrogen metabolism of photosynthetic bacteria
(Rhodobactersphaeroides), bacteria (Bacillusfirmus), blue-green algae
(Synechococcus) and giant celled green algae (Chara).
12) Acidity-induced metal toxicity in plants using a yeast
(Saccharomycescerevisiae) model.
13) Biophysical analysis of ion transport in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
14) The use of lipophilic cations as membrane potential probes in both
eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
15) 86Rb+/valinomycin technique for measuring membrane potentials of
prokaryotes (Synechococcus, Azospirillum).
16) Microelectrode methods for measuring membrane potentials of
17) Use of the short half-life isotope 13N as a nitrate tracer in higher plants and
18) Competence in statistics.
19) Monte-Carlo Modelling Methods.
20) Experience in writing EXCEL statistics packages for personal & student
use. For example, development of a non-linear least squares routine for
fitting Michaelis-Menten kinetics.
21) Published experience with Pulse-Amplitude Modulation fluorometry.
22) Experience in the application of ion exchange expertise gained in
biological contexts to problems in ion exchange in synthetic ion exchange
23) International published scientific working experience in Europe, North
America and SE Asia.