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9.2 Activities
Activity 1. Match the terms with their definitions
A- is an alteration of the composition or structure of a
rock by heat, pressure, or other natural agency
B- denoting or relating to rock that has undergone
transformation by heat, pressure, or other natural
agencies, e.g. in the folding of strata or the nearby
intrusion of igneous rocks
C-is the solid mineral material forming part of the surface
of the earth and other similar planets, exposed on the
surface or underlying the soil or oceans
D-is a coarse-grained metamorphic rock which consists
of layers of different minerals and can be split into thin
irregular plates
E- is a colourless, transparent, odourless, liquid which
forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of
the fluids of living organisms
Activity 2. Mark the sentences “True” or “False” ()
1. The role of water in metamorphism is not determined.
2. Slate, phyllite, schist and gneiss belong to the group of foliated
metamorphic rocks.
3. Marble and quartzite are foliated metamorphic rocks.
4. Metamorphic rocks represent the earliest portion of the Earth’s
5. Gneiss, mica, schists, phyllites, marbles, slate, quartz, etc.
belong to the same group of rocks.
Activity 3. Match the beginnings of sentences to their endings
1.Metamorphic rock shows that
A- by the action of heat and pressure.
2. Being subjected to pressure, heat and
chemically active fluids beneath the
Earth’s surface, various rocks in the
Earth’s crust
3. metamorphic rocks have been
developed from earlier igneous and
sedimentary rocks
4. The role of water in metamorphism
is determined by at least four variable
geologically related parameters:
5. During a
B- rock pressure, temperature, water
pressure and the amount of water.
C- the original rock has been changed
from its primary form to a new one
D- undergo changes in texture, in
mineral composition and structure and
are transformed into metamorphic
rocks. The process described is called
progressive E- rock pressure and temperature are
Activity 4. Answer the following questions
1. What does the word ‘metamorphic’ mean?
2. What does it show?
3. What is metamorphism?
4. What metamorphic rocks have been developed from?
5. Can you name the chief parts of gneisses?
6. Some minerals have a schistose structure. What does it mean?
7. How is the role of water in metamorphism determined?
8. How are the low-grade metamorphic rocks characterized?
9. How are the medium-grade rocks characterized?
10.What minerals cause the rock to split into thin sheets?
11.Can you name foliated and non-foliated metamorphic rocks?
12.Why is it important to know the structure of metamorphic rocks?
Activity 5. Describe the process of metamorphism:
a) What is metamorphism? Speak about metamorphic rocks
b) Describe the role of water in metamorphism