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Metamorphic rocks - Rocks formed from existing rocks by the action of
heat, pressure, and chemicals.
Two types of metamorphism are:
1) dynamic (regional) metamorphism - intense heat and pressure cause large
areas of rock to change form. This happens during mountain building
movements of the crust.
2) thermal (contact) metamorphism - This occurs when hot magma forces its
way into overlying rock and the heat of the magma "bakes" the rocks that are
in contact with it, causing them to change form.
The original rock is often referred to as "parent rock"
The agents of metamorphism include heat, pressure, and chemically active
fluids. Heat is perhaps the most important because it provides the energy to drive
the reactions that result in the recrystallization of minerals. Metamorphic
processes cause many changes in rocks, including increased density, growth of
larger mineral crystals, reorientation of the mineral grains into a layered or
banded appearance known as foliation, and the formation of new minerals.
Some common metamorphic rocks with a foliated texture include slate, schist,
and gneiss. Metamorphic rocks with a nonfoliated texture include marble and
(Sedimentary rock) ----- I n c r e a s i n g m e t a m o r p h i s m ----------SHALE