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Download Metamorphic Rocks - Classroom Unsquared
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CLASSROOM UNSQUARED EARTH MATERIALS EQ:What are metamorphic rocks? A rock that has changed its mineral assemblage and texture from a preexiting one due to increases in temperature and pressure . Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic Rocks A. Temperature Old bedding planes Depth of burial (Avg. geothermal gradient = 20-300C / km) Proximity to magma B. Pressure (Stress) A. Overburden Foliation Metamorphism causes Recrystallization Foliation (mineral bands) Chemical change Metamorphic grade (Avg. geopressure gradient = 33 MPa / km) B. Lateral Compression Metamorphic Rocks and Parent Rocks Parent Rock Metamorphic Rock Sandstone Quartzite Shale Slate Limestone Marble Granite Gneiss Diorite Gneiss Slate Phyllite Phyllite Schist Schist Gneiss (Identification Key) Two Kinds of Metamorphism Regional metamorphism Compression in convergent plate boundary Covers large area in a region along a plate boundary Contact metamorphism Local effect along the margin of a magma intrusion Location of valuable mineral ores