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12 Ways to Boost Your Mood Naturally
12 Ways to Boost Your Mood Naturally
Life’s stressors can inhibit our ability to maintain optimal mental and physical health. We
experience “the blues” sometimes for prolonged periods of time. These feelings of
sadness, hopelessness, and disinterests may be accompanied by symptoms of
irritability, nervousness and difficulty sleeping.
Feelings of depression and anxiety are associated with low levels of key
neurotransmitters in the brain. Serotonin and dopamine in particular help regulate mood
and are also the same signaling pathways which antidepressant medications are
intended to stimulate (2). Numerous factors are important in regulating these chemicals
and can also reduce your risk of neurological illnesses such as Parkinson’s disease and
Alzheimer’s (3).
The Anxiety and Depression Association of America states that an individual suffering
from depression is more prone to anxiety and vice versa (1). Learn how to help boost
your mood naturally by increasing those feel good endorphins in your brain using 12
simple strategies.
1. Sunshine
Vitamin D deficiency is shown to affect those with neurodevelopmental disorders and
intellectual disabilities due to the the tendency to stay indoors. Receiving adequate
amounts of sunlight daily is a great way to increase natural Vitamin D production.
Sunlight exposure stimulates vitamin D which is critical to the function of the central
nervous system. Vitamin D acts in the body to maintain homeostasis, boost immunity
and scavenge free radicals. (4)
A more specific area of science called photobiology has researchers to believe that
sunlight generates electricity inside our bodies. Biophotons are light participles emitted
by the sun. Our skin is capable of absorbing these particles affecting reactions in our
cells such as promoting DNA repair and synthesis. (5)
2. Avocados
Avocados are a dense source of nutrients containing vitamins, minerals, phytosterols
and omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s alone have been shown to support heart and brain
health and slow the progression of neurological dysfunction. (6, 20)
Making avocados part of your daily diet regimen can help keep your blues at bay by
providing critical nutrients needed to stimulate serotonin and dopamine pathways,
decrease fatigue, increase cognitive function and improve mood. Specifically, avocados
contain magnesium, vitamins A, C, E, K and B-6, folate, niacin, choline, and riboflavin
3. Grass Fed Dairy Products
Grass fed dairy products including raw milk and fermented yogurts such as Kefir are
excellent ways to stabilize your mood. These dairy products contain beneficial bacteria
and other substances such as lactic acid which kills off bad bacteria. Supplementing
your diet with high quality sources of dairy can prevent harmful bacteria from secreting
toxins into tissue and the blood stream leaving you prone to sugar cravings and mood
Don’t be like the irritable individual in the famous Snickers commercials. Feed your gut
grass fed dairy products to reduce the toxic burden harmful bacteria can have.
Harvesting beneficial bacteria in your gut promotes increased nutrient absorption and a
less toxic, less stressed and less irritable you.
4. Green Smoothies
Smoothies are easy on the digestive system and packed with phytonutrients ready for
absorption. Phytonutrients in fruits and vegetables are powerful antioxidants and can be
utilized as nature’s best antidepressant medicine. Nutrients elevate your metabolism, lift
your energy and relieve anxiety.
Green, mood boosting foods include kale, spinach, cabbage, cruciferous vegetable
sprouts are all excellent ways to pack your smoothie with a powerful antioxidant punch.
Compounds in these foods protect brain activity, stimulate glutathione production, and
regulate neurological pathways in the brain. As a result green smoothies fight
inflammation, prevent your risk of developing neurological disorders, and preserve
memory function. (7)
5. Coconut Oil and Butter
Nutrition is perhaps one of the greatest influences on your mood and can be avoided
with healthy fats and antioxidants. Coconut and coconut butter can improve your mood
by stimulating synthesis of dopamine and serotonin. Coconut fats are high in omega-3s.
Studies show that fatty acids, specifically DHA and EPA stimulate dopamine and
serotonin synthesis which are required to suppress appetite, and relieve anxiety (19,
6. Nuts, Seeds and Chocolate
Nuts and seeds like almonds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, chia and flax seeds are loaded
with healthy omega-3 fatty acids, linoleic acid (LA) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which
support brain function (10). These nuts and seeds regulate blood sugar levels and are
rich in B vitamins and magnesium which reduce anxiety and your risk of depression.
Dark chocolate, 70% cacao or greater, is an excellent source of magnesium.
Magnesium relaxes the nerves, relieves muscle tension, and reduces excitability and
7. Stevia Based Desserts
Desserts sweetened with stevia are not only sugar free, but they taste great and are a
healthy alternative to conventional sweeteners. Unlike sugar, stevia does not create
inflammation but rather it fights it. Unlike sugar, stevia does not cause a spike in blood
sugar, it balances it. (12, 13)
Stevia contains polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, minerals and the popular mood
booster magnesium. Stevia increases endorphin productions relieving symptoms of
depression and anxiety by aiding the body in antioxidant protection. (13)
8. Good Hydration
Drinking purified water containing minerals can help boost your mood by removing the
heavy burden of toxins in your system. The blood can be used as a dumping ground for
toxins which circulate through organs including the brain. Lemon water helps to
neutralize the pH of the body and remove toxin waste. (14)
Lemon water oxygenates cells and flushes out harmful substances. Drink water with
lemon in the afternoon instead of coffee and enjoy both an energy and mood lift.
9. Spend Time in Nature
Spending time in nature is believed to lift your mood and rid you of the blues by allowing
the mind and body time to reconnect with the Earth’s natural energy. In a practice called
grounding, studies show that activities such as walking barefoot outside, sitting on the
roots of a tree or gardening relieves the human body of symptoms of anxiety and
depression. (17)
10. Laughter and Exercise
Harvard Medical School recommends exercising at least 3 times each week in order to
reduce your risk of dementia and other health conditions (8). Exercise improves
cholesterol levels, blood sugar regulation and blood pressure. Exercising also
stimulates the release of endorphins in the brain that give you that feel good work out
pleasure response.
Laughter truly is one of the best forms of exercise for the organs and muscle in your
body. Laughter stimulates organs such as the heart and lungs and as a result also
exercises the stress response pathways. Activating the stress response through
laughter promotes a calm and pleasurable feeling following along with soothed muscles
and a reduction in pain. (9)
11. Good Sleeping Habits
Lack of proper sleeping habits increases the duration of cortisol circulating through the
body causing a cyclic and downward health spiral. Sleeping, especially between the
hours of 10am and 2am reduces cortisol and encourages the production of feel good
hormones in the body.
12. Personal Care
Our lifestyle habits leave our bodies susceptible to toxins which disrupt neurological
processes. People with depression have been shown to have high levels of
inflammation in their bodies which essentially triggers mood swings (15). Dry brushing is
a technique that removes toxins by opening up pores and promoting lymphatic flow
beneath the skin’s surface (16).
Magnesium is an anti-stress mineral which stimulates serotonin production to improve
mood. Taking an Epsom salt bath daily removes toxins from your body and better and
absorbs magnesium through the skin.
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