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7:00 P.M.
PRESENT: Sonnentag, Hungness, Hubbard, Barmore, Elskamp
ABSENT: Zellers, Hilbert
ALSO PRESENT: Kelley, Opitz, Attoun-Tucker
Minutes of 11-8-11 and 1-10-12
Moved by Hubbard, seconded by Elskamp, to approve the minutes of 11-8-11 and 1-10-12.
Motion carried 5-0.
Specific Implementation Plan (SIP) Modification for Temporary Signage – Heritage
Middleton, 6206 Maywood Ave. (PC #2227)
Moved by Barmore, seconded by Elskamp, to approve the temporary sign as a minor SIP
modification, with the sign to be removed at the same time the other signs are, at the time of
occupancy of the building. Motion carried 5-0.
Concept Review – Greenway Station, 8455 Market St. (PC #2309)
Plan Commission members discussed this project with the applicant. This is a proposed
30,000 sq. ft. building on a parcel that was previously approved for a 50,000 sq. ft. building,
and the remainder of the building will be built at some point in the future. The overall
parking spaces for the Greenway Station project support this building, as there are
approximately 250 “extra” spaces for the Center. Barmore asked that a direct walkway from
the parking area to the front door be provided, and that documentation be submitted that
reconfirms the cross access and parking easements that are in place for Greenway Station.
Moved by Hungness, seconded by Barmore, to conceptually approve the project, with the
understanding all required information will be submitted for final approval and all staff and
Plan Commission comments will be addressed. Motion carried 5-0.
Concept Review - Proposed Livesey Building, Spectrum Brands, 2923 – 3027 Deming
Way (PC #2312)
The applicant and his architect presented the site plan and elevations for the proposed
building. Plan Commission members discussed the project with the applicant, including the
building elevations, the stormwater management issues with the site, and the applicant’s
desire to obtain LEED certification for the building. Moved by Elskamp, seconded by
Hungness, to grant concept approval to the project subject to: final plans being submitted by
the applicant; review and approval of the plans by staff and Plan Commission; resolution of
all staff and Plan Commission comments; and referral to and approval by the Water
Resources Management Commission and Public Works. Motion carried 5-0. The Plan
Commission also directed staff to set an appropriate public hearing for a revision to the
Zoning Ordinance, clarifying that offices are a permitted use in the Industrial Zoning
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JANUARY 24, 2012
Proposed Developer-Financed TIF Loan, Livesey Company, Spectrum Brands, 29233027 Deming Way (PC #2312)
Staff presented rationale for support of developer financed TIF for the project: It is
developer-financed, so the City will not be borrowing for the project; “but for” the TIF the
project would not occur; approximately 500 jobs will be retained and/or created for the area;
the tax base from the building will benefit the City well after the TIF is retired; there are
poor soils in the area which need substantial extra work to support the proposed building;
and the applicant is seeking LEED certification for the building, which is important per City
Following discussion, moved by Barmore, seconded by Elskamp, to recommend to the
Common Council that the City pursue a developer financed TIF project, subject to the
appropriate financial review and City/Developer Agreement, for the reasons outlined by
staff. Motion carried 5-0.
Set a Public Hearing – Request for Rezoning, Sumner Properties, LLC, Signature Dr.
(PC #2311)
Moved by Hubbard, seconded by Elskamp, to set Tuesday, February 28, 2012, at 7:15 pm,
as a public hearing to consider this request for rezoning. Motion carried 5-0.
Recommendation on Request for Proposals (RFP) – Downtown Parking Ramp Space
Needs Study (PC#2290)
Plan Commission members reviewed comments from three individuals on the draft RFP,
from Marilyn Burke, Alder Paul Kinne, and Wayne Pferdehirt.
Hungness requested that the draft be revised to create a phase 1 with tasks 1 through 4 and
phase 2 with tasks 5 through 7. Barmore suggested that additional potential development in
the downtown, including potential parking lots, be mentioned. Following discussion, moved
by Hungness, seconded by Barmore, to recommend approval of the RFP to the Common
Council. Motion carried 5-0.
Moved by Hubbard, seconded by Elskamp, to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
Note: These minutes were prepared by Eileen Kelley, Planning Director & Zoning Administrator. These minutes are based on the notes of the
recorder and are subject to change at a subsequent meeting.
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