* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Attachment 8 RFA# 15-04100252 Capital Restructuring Financing Program Financial Proposal Requirements Select One: ☐ Process A (DSRIP participant) or ☐ Process B (not a DSRIP Participant) Applicant Name: Click here to enter text. Project Name: Click here to enter text. Applicant should respond to the content required in each section of the Financial Proposal Requirements. Letter/number the narrative to correspond to each element in the order presented. Table of Contents A. Project Funding and Match (15 Points) B. Project Budget (5 Points) Project Expenses and Justification Project Fund Sources C. Cost Effectiveness (5 Points) D. Project Financial Viability and Applicant Long-Term (10 Points) E. Demonstration of Significant Financial Need (10 Additional Points) Sustainability The forms must be completed to show all expenses and fund sources associated with the proposed project. For each expenditure in the Project Budget, the Applicant must identify whether the source of funding will be CRFP grant funding, in which case the expenditure must be an Eligible Expenditure as set forth in RFA Section III, or Matching Funds. Total fund sources should equal total expenses. Note: Failure to utilize and submit the budget forms included in this RFA may result in disqualification of your application.