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Name__________________________________ Date____________________ Period______________ Wk#_____
Ms. Van Voorhis
Life Science
Chapter 9 PLANTS
Plant Characteristics
Page 243
Have cell _______________ (made of cellulose) for structure
Most contain _______________
Live on land or in water
_______________: water-resistant
fertilization and dispersal methods not requiring water (water-resistant)
Classification of Plants
Plants are classified into divisions (not phyla)
_______________ plants: few cells thick, no vessels to transport water and nutrients
_______________ plants: more than a few cells thick with vessel transport system
Seedless Plants
sec 2
page 248
Seedless Nonvascular Plants
_______________ and
root-like fibers (rhizoids), stalks & leaf-like growths
Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts
Simple ________________ plant with leaf-like growths around a stalk
Held in place by root-like threads (just a few cells long) called ________________
Absorb ________________ directly from their environment
Do not grow very big
PIONEER SPECIES - among the first plants to grow in a new environment
After a volcano or fire rhizoids can penetrate rock
Change conditions and create _______________ so that other plants can grow
Seedless Vascular Plants
page 250
Vascular tissue made up of long _______________ cells
Grow larger as a result of cells being able to carry _______________ , minerals and food to cells throughout
the plant
examples: ground pines, spike mosses, horsetails and _______________ (most abundant)
Have stems, leaves and roots
Largest group of vascular plants
Leaves called _______________
_______________ are found on the underside of the fronds
During Carboniferous period ferns grew much larger
When they died, they became submerged in mud and over time formed coal
Club and Spike Mosses
Club Mosses- produce spores at ends of stems, needle-like leaves
Lycopodium – ground pine, protected
Spike Mosses– similar to club
Resurrection plant – can survive desert conditions
Jointed stems and hollow center surrounded by a ring of vascular tissue
Spores grow on tip of stem
Equisetum – “scouring rush” contain _______________ , used for polishing objects, sharpening tools and
scouring cooking utensils
Formation of Fuel
Over time, compacted plant material became coal
Bogs ( poorly drained area with spongy ground) are also composed mostly of ferns and mosses
Their decay produces PEAT, a low cost fuel, which would eventually turn into coal or petroleum
Uses of Seedless Vascular Plants
for houseplants
sold for landscape plants
weaving material and basketry
some edible
treat bee stings, burns, fevers and dandruff
Peat and sphagnum
gardening- conditioner for soil
hanging basket liner
Some Products of Seed Plants
From Gymnosperms
o lumber, paper, soap, varnish, paints, waxes, perfumes, edible pine nuts, medicines
From Angiosperm
o foods, sugar, chocolate, cotton cloth, linen, rubber, vegetable oils, perfumes, medicines, cinnamon,
flavorings (toothpaste, chewing
gum, candy, etc.) dyes, lumber
What is a Seed Plant?
235,000 known species
have _______________ ,
_______________ ,
_______________ and vascular
produce _______________
The reproductive part of a plant that contains a plant _______________ and stored _______________ .
The stored food is the source of energy for the embryo’s early growth as it develops into a plant
A Seed
Two Major Groups of Seed Plants
_______________ (JIHM nuh spurmz)
_______________ (AN jee uh spurmz)
do not need water for reproduction (simple plants do)
live away from bodies of water (simple plants can’t)
plants organs that usually trap light and make food for the plant through the process of _______________
many shapes, sizes and colors
some store _______________ - onion, lettuce, cabbage
_______________ the branches, leaves, and flowers
allow movement of _______________ between leaves and roots
specialized function
o some store _______________ example: potatoes and onions, sugarcane
o store water and carry on _______________ -ex. cactus
o help to climb on other plants (tendrils) ex. Grape vines
Types of Stems
_______________ stems (hur BAY shus)-soft green, usually live for a short period
Examples: peppers, corn and tulips
_______________ stems- are hard fibrous rigid stems
Examples: oaks, birches and other trees and shrubs (lumber)
have vascular tissue to move _______________ and minerals from the ground up through
the stems to the leaves
all the water and minerals used by a plant enter by way of its roots
_______________ plants in soil
o to prevent plant from being blown away by wind or washed away by moving water
_______________ all of the plant parts that are above the ground- stem, branches and
food _______________ ex. Beets and carrots
some absorb oxygen and carry out photosynthesis
types: _______________ and _______________
Vascular Tissue
_______________ tissue-made up of hollow, tubular vessels that transport water and minerals up from the roots
throughout the plant and support the plant
_______________ tissue- made up of tubular cells that move food from leaves and stems, where it is made, to
other parts of the plant for direct use or storage
_______________ - produces new xylem and phloem cells, found between xylem and phloem also increases the
thickness of stems and roots
Oldest tree alive are gymnosperms, _______________ pine tree in the White Mountains of eastern
California- 4,900 years old
Vascular plants that produce seeds on the scales of _______________
“_______________ seed”
seed not protected by a _______________ and do not produce flowers
most leaves are needlelike or scale-like and most keep their leaves for several years- called ______________
Divisions of Gymnosperms
_______________ -(Coniferophyta) most common and numerous
 examples: pines, firs, spruces, cedars, and junipers
 produce two types of cones for reproduction - male (no seeds) and female (contain seeds)
2. _______________
3. _______________
4. _______________
vascular plants in which the seed is enclosed inside a _______________
fruit- a ripened _______________ , the part of the plant where seeds are formed, develops from a flower.
Flowers, Vary in size, shape, and color
o develop into fruit
o most contain seeds
o not all fruits are sweet and juicy
Two divisions based on seed produced
o _______________
o _______________
Life Cycles of Angiosperms
_______________ - life cycle completed in one year, seeds have to be planted each year
_______________ - complete life cycle within two years
_______________- take more than two years to grow to maturity (woody and herbaceous)
o grow back year after year
Importance of Seed Plants
Most of the items that we use comes from seed plants, Diets of most animals (you! Bread, fruit, chips)
grains such as barley, wheat and legumes such as peas and beans, Paper and Wood
Resin, a waxy substance secreted by conifers, is used to make chemicals found in soap, paint, varnish, and
some medicines
take huge amounts of _______________ _______________ for photosynthesis and release
fibers for clothing such as flax and cotton
productions of medicines, rubber, oils, perfumes, pesticides, and industrial chemicals